—Shakespeare, Henry VO! For a Muse of fire, that would ascend. The brightest heaven of invention; A kingdom for a stage, princes to act. And monarchs to behold the swelling scene.
Appearing in "Muses of Fire"
Featured Characters:
- Doom (Victor von Doom) (First appearance)
Supporting Characters:
- Wire (Wyatt) (First appearance)
- Xandra (First appearance)
- Zefiro Clan (First appearance)
- Tiger Wylde (First appearance)
- Zone (First appearance)
- Guardsmen (First appearance)
- Alchemax (Mentioned)
- ⏴ Tyler Stone ⏵ (Appears on screen)
Other Characters:
- Sergei Gaskaro (First appearance; dies)
- Novograd (Mentioned)
- Stark/Fujikawa (Mentioned)
- Paloma Information Exchange Limited (Pixel) (First appearance)
- Dr. Celia Quinones (First appearance)
- Gordo (First appearance)
- Fantastic Four (Original) (First appearance) (Only in flashback)
- Mister Fantastic (Reed Richards) (First appearance) (Only in flashback)
- Human Torch (Johnny Storm) (First appearance) (Only in flashback)
- Invisible Woman (Susan Richards) (First appearance) (Only in flashback)
- Thing (Ben Grimm) (First appearance) (Only in flashback)
- Doombots (Mentioned)
- Poet (First appearance) (Unnamed and disguised)
Races and Species:
- 2099 A.D.
- Earth
- Latveria (First appearance)
- Antikva Vilago (First appearance)
- Gojradia (First appearance)
- Malhela Mountains (First appearance)
- Doom's Castle, Doomstadt (Mentioned)
- Peru (First appearance)
- Isla Lobos de Afuera (First appearance)
- Latveria (First appearance)
- Earth
- Doctor Doom's Armor (First appearance)
- Diamondhawk (First appearance)
Synopsis for "Muses of Fire"
- Synopsis not yet written