Marvel Database
Marvel Database

I must stock up with provisions. I haven't had a thing to eat since I took off from Zaggar-Six!

The Doctor

Appearing in "Doctor Who and the Iron Legion (part 1)"

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Synopsis for "Doctor Who and the Iron Legion (part 1)"

The Doctor's TARDIS lands in a small English town, and the Doctor steps out and goes into J. Grubb General Store. He greets the shopkeeper and buys some jelly babies, but finds that he doesn't have any Earth money on hand. The shopkeeper ignores him, and declares that they are coming. The man explains that they surrounded the area, so he came back to the store, as he didn't know what else to do. The Doctor asks whom he's afraid of, but the question is answered when they see a robot in Roman armor outside through the shop window. The robot crashes through the window, and shoots the shopkeeper dead. He scans the Doctor but is disoriented when he only senses one figure in the room, but his scanners pick up the Doctor's two hearts. The robot is confused to the point that it malfunctions, and the Doctor disassembles the robot, finding that it is a member of the First Cohort of the Ninth Legion. Outside, the commander of the robot troops, General Ironicus, arrives in his ballista. He prays to his gods, and they communicate with him via a screen inside the ballista. One of the robots reports that another soldier has had a brain seizure, and the Doctor steps out of the store and announces that he caused it. One of the soldiers trains a gun on the Doctor, who sprints towards the TARDIS. Ironicus' ballista opens fire on the Doctor.

Appearing in "Tales from the TARDIS featuring War of the Worlds (part 1)"

Reprint of the 2nd story from
Marvel Classics Comics Series Featuring War of the Worlds #1
(originally printed without story title)
  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "Tales from the TARDIS featuring War of the Worlds (part 1)"

Reprint of the 2nd story from
Marvel Classics Comics Series Featuring War of the Worlds #1
(originally printed without story title)
  • Synopsis not yet written

Appearing in "The Return of the Daleks (part 1)"


Races and Species:


Synopsis for "The Return of the Daleks (part 1)"

  • Synopsis not yet written


See Also

Links and References

