Marvel Database

Character Index - D[]


Dagoo (Earth-616) from Wolverine Vol 2 84 001 Appearances: Wolverine (Vol. 2) #84

Dagoo was a pagan necromancer who cursed Bloodscream.[1]


Dahl (Secretary) (Earth-616) from Captain America Vol 4 4 001 Appearances: Captain America (Vol. 4) #4

Secretary Dahl was meeting with Nick Fury to discuss his concern when Captain America revealed his true identity to the public. During the conversation, Captain America arrived at the meeting, with Dahl trying to get him kicked out. Fury was more accepting and gave him the information he wanted. Secretary Dahl told Fury he was going to make his life hell for doing so.[2]


Daisy (Earth-616) from Elektra Vol 1 2 001 Appearances: Elektra #2

Daisy was Max's mother.[3]

Daisy (Earth-616) from Fear Itself The Home Front Vol 1 7 001 Appearances: Fear Itself: The Home Front #7

While trying to meet her family to save them from the Thule Society assault in Broxton, Rick picked up Daisy, her neighbor's dog who abandoned her for safety.[4]


Dakota (Earth-616) from Two-Gun Kid Vol 1 22 001 Appearances: Two-Gun Kid #22

Dakota assisted Two-Gun Kid in the killing of a ruthless boss of the town Jericho.[5]


Dalca (Earth-616) from Black Panther The Man Without Fear Vol 1 516 0001 Appearances: Black Panther: The Man Without Fear #516

Dalca was a henchman in the Vlad Dinu crime family. Vlad ordered Dalca to create chaos in Hell's Kitchen but Black Panther learned about it and forced Lupei to leave the city.[6]


Dale (Earth-616) from Mockingbird Vol 1 6 001 Appearances: Mockingbird #6, Mockingbird #7

Dale was a Hawkeye cosplayer who met Lance Hunter aboard the Diamond Porpoise cruise ship.[7]
He was called as a witness in the Garfield Edsal murder case.[8]


Dallas (Earth-616) from Venom Lethal Protector Vol 2 2 001 Appearances: Venom: Lethal Protector (Vol. 2) #2

Mentions: Venom: Lethal Protector (Vol. 2) #5

After sneaking into the Daily Globe offices to get information on Humbug, Eddie Brock was surprised by Dallas and pleased to see him Eddie starts talking about their old collaborations at the newspaper but Dallas recognizing him as Venom was scared by telling him not to kill him and to leave him alone. Transforming into Venom, Eddie left indignantly calling Dallas a traitor.[9]


Dalton (Earth-616) from Elektra Vol 3 14 001 Appearances: Elektra (Vol. 3) #14

Dalton was a member of the second team that Colonel Fischer had sent into the Mojave Desert to save them from Elektra's fire against him and the other members of the Coalition, but like the members of the first team, Fischer's men were mowed down by fire from Elektra, including Dalton.[10]


Dan (Radar Technician) (Earth-616) from Tales to Astonish Vol 1 84 001 Appearances: Tales to Astonish #84

Dan was a non-commissioned officer who ordered to switch on red alert as soon as an unidentified blip was plunging toward Midtown, approaching from inland.[11]

Dan (Earth-616) from Captain America Vol 1 388 0001 Appearances: Captain America #388

Dan was one of the best Taskmaster students and was hired with others for a sparring partner session dressed as Captain America. The opponent turned out to be the Red Skull who killed Lenny and the other sparring partners in an extremely simple way.[12]

Dan (Earth-616) from Venom Vol 2 27.1 001 Appearances: Venom (Vol. 2) #27.1

Dan was A.J. Patton's husband. Dan questioned his husband's decision of inviting Flash Thompson, his high school bully, to their house for closure, but A.J. said that looking at Thompson only made him feel pity now.[13]

Dan (Annapolis) (Earth-616) from Red She-Hulk Vol 1 62 001 Appearances: Red She-Hulk #62

Dan was a policeman in Annapolis who spotted Elizabeth Ross.[14]

Dan (Earth-616) from Carnage Black, White & Blood Vol 1 2 0001 Appearances: Carnage: Black, White & Blood #2

Dan was Brandon's stepfather who worked as a janitor at the Ravencroft Institute. He subconsciously transported Carnage Symbiote to his home and bonded with Brandon. Due to the verbal abuse that Brandon had suffered from Dan, the symbiote was able to control the boy who took revenge on Dan by killing him.[15]


Dana (Earth-616) from Rogue Vol 3 1 001 Appearances: Rogue (Vol. 3) #1

Dana was touched by Rogue in downtown Salem Center.[16]

Dana (Earth-616) from Secret Avengers Vol 1 15 0001 Appearances: Secret Avengers #15

Dana was a reporter for the online tabloid newspaper Unexpected Truth who posted a post fanning the idea that Captain America / Barnes's death was a hoax and this infuriated Black Widow who went to the newsroom and quarreled with the various members.[17]


Dani (Earth-616) from Edge of Spider-Verse Vol 2 1 001 Appearances: Edge of Spider-Verse (Vol. 2) #1

Dani was Anya dorm roommate at Empire State University and he was unaware that she was Spider-Girl and as such he thought she always stayed up late just to have fun not imagining that she patrolled the city instead in her secret superhero guise.[18]


Daniel (Earth-616) from Astonishing Tales Vol 1 21 001 Appearances: Astonishing Tales #21

Daniel and his family were guests at a resort that was hit by a getaway car and caught fire. Daniel's children were trapped in the flames inside the resort, but the providential intervention of the Colossus saved the children.[19]

Daniel (Colonial) (Earth-616) from Doctor Strange Vol 2 19 001 Appearances: Doctor Strange (Vol. 2) #19

Daniel was one of the colonials who spotted a flying man above Philadelphia in 1775.[20]

Daniel (Earth-616) from Marvel Team-Up Vol 1 61 001 Appearances: Marvel Team-Up #61, Marvel Team-Up #62

Daniel was the wing commander of the ocean liner upon which Carol Danvers noticed the battle between Spider-Man, the Human Torch and the Super Skrull.[21]
He then witnessed the Super Skrull attacking the cruise ship.[22]

Daniel (Hell's Kitchen) (Earth-616) from Daredevil Vol 1 238 001 Appearances: Daredevil #238

Daniel was an old man who was accidentally hurt by Daredevil while he was fighting against Sabretooth.[23]

Daniel (SoHo) (Earth-616) from Spider-Man Vol 1 29 001 Appearances: Spider-Man #29, Spider-Man #30, Spider-Man #31

Daniel was a homeless kid met by Mary Jane Watson-Parker on her roof.[24]
Mary Jane then visited Daniel in his home and found he was tended by an old hermit.[25]
Daniel was eventually adopted by Mr. Hernandez.[26]

Daniel (Earth-616) from X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic Vol 1 39 001 Appearances: X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic #39

David was Japheth's brother. When Japheth decided to flee so as not to be a burden to his family, David secretly followed him hiding in the jeep in which Japheth was fleeing. Left stranded in the desert, Japhet and Daniel nearly died but were saved by Magneto.[27]


Daniela (Earth-616) from A.X.E. Judgment Day Vol 1 2 001 Appearances: A.X.E.: Judgment Day #2, A.X.E.: Judgment Day #3, A.X.E.: Judgment Day #4, A.X.E.: Judgment Day #5

Daniela was a girl from São Paulo. At the announcement that the mutants had gained immortality, she thought it would be nice to be a mutant but she had to change her mind when Druig announced that the Eternals would eliminate all the mutants.[28]
Daniela learns of the struggle between the Avengers and the Celestial and she thinks that the job of a superhero must be similar to having to do a dozen jobs at the same time.[29]
Daniela is judged worthy by the Progenitor after thinking that they would survive anyway and texting her mother that she would return home.[30]
In the moment of judgment by the Progenitor, Daniela's mother asks why people are on the street in revolt instead of being with their family, and Daniela in response kissed and hugged her, not wanting to leave her for the little time she had left.[31]
Daniela decides to go through the portal of the Eternals, taking her mother with her on the day of judgment. At the end of the day of judgment, Daniela returned to her usual routine.[32]

Daniela (Earth-616) from Captain America Sentinel of Liberty Vol 2 4 001 Appearances: Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty (Vol. 2) #4

Daniela was Steve Rogers' neighbor and mother of Amari, a young boy Steve befriended and taught how to defend against bullies, and she was glad that Steve offered to take Amari to school even though she told him he preferred Sam Wilson as Captain America.[33]


Danielle (Earth-616) from Fear Itself The Home Front Vol 1 7 001 Appearances: Fear Itself: The Home Front #7, Fear Itself #7

Danielle and her son James took refuge in the school during the assault of the Thule Society on Broxton. Her husband Rick joined them, but quickly told Danielle that he was going to help Captain America.[4] When the crisis was over, Rick returned to Danielle and James and they resumed their quiet lives in Broxton.[34]


Daniels (Earth-616) from Thor Lightning and Lament Vol 1 1 001 Appearances: Thor: Lightning and Lament #1

Mr. Daniels was the father of Willie, a boy on whom Dr. Donald Blake operated and who successfully removed a tumor and then assured his parents that Willie would be completely cured and would return to playing basketball with his friends in a few months.[35]

Daniels (Earth-616) from Thor Lightning and Lament Vol 1 1 002 Appearances: Thor: Lightning and Lament #1

Mr. Daniels was the mother of Willie, a boy on whom Dr. Donald Blake operated and who successfully removed a tumor and then assured his parents that Willie would be completely cured and would return to playing basketball with his friends in a few months.[35]


Dann (Earth-616) from 15-Love Vol 1 1 0001 Appearances: 15-Love #1

A. Dann was the vice president of the Wayde tennis academy who together with the principal and the student development officer summoned Mill Collins about her with the intention of expelling her from the academy due to her poor ability in tennis.[36]


Dannon (Earth-616) from Giant-Size Man-Thing Vol 1 4 001 Appearances: Giant-Size Man-Thing #4

Mr. Dannon was the custodian of Citrusville High School. He was shocked and scared at the Man-Thing's arrival as he walked towards the school gym. He threw an electric floor-polisher at the Man-Thing who caught it and threw it back at Dannon, hitting him and knocking him out.[37]


Danny (Earth-616) from Marvel Mystery Comics Vol 1 13 0001 Appearances: Marvel Mystery Comics #13

Danny the Dud had just been arrested, however after stashing away six-hundred thousand dollars and double crossing Sam the Barber, his critically ill accomplice, he was happy to be locked up for the next five years as he stood to be filthy rich upon release and would be safe from Sam while in jail. However, Danny the Dud was delivered some poetic justice when his prison barber turned out to be Sam, who, no longer caring about the money, slit Danny's throat with a straight razor.[38]

Danny (Earth-616) from Human Torch Vol 1 19 0001 Appearances: Human Torch #19

Danny was the boyfriend of the famous actress Rita Worth. After Rita was murdered, Danny revealed to the Human Torch that she was being blackmailed because someone had discovered that she had legally changed her name to hide that she was the daughter of a murderer.[39]

Danny (Earth-616) from Blonde Phantom Comics Vol 1 20 0001 Appearances: Blonde Phantom Comics #20

Danny was kidnapped by Morton Marion Maximillian Muse and hypnotized so that he would have abstract visions that he would then paint on canvas. Then Muse would have pass the paintings off as his works and sell them to rich people.[40]

Danny (Earth-616) from Joker Comics Vol 1 42 0001 Appearances: Joker Comics #42

Danny was Patty Pin-Up's boyfriend and photographer of the modeling agency she worked for.[41]

Danny (Earth-616) from Marvel Tales Vol 1 110 001 Appearances: Marvel Tales #110

Danny was a henchman of the gangster Big Nick who, having fallen in love with a girl, decided that he wanted to go straight and therefore turn himself in. For fear that Danny would reveal everything about his dealings, Big Nick caught up with the fleeing loving couple and when he threatened them with a gun Danny pounced on him and then fired a shot from the gun that killed Big Nick.[42]

Danny (Earth-616) from Spellbound Vol 1 12 0001 Appearances: Spellbound #12

Danny operated the spotlight in a theater. An actor killed Danny when he found out his girlfriend was seeing Danny. The actor was condemned to the chair and escapeed, but the spotlight pinned him to the wall and the cops open fire. Only after his lifeless body slumps to the ground do the cops realize that there was no one at the spotlight.[43]

Danny (Earth-616) from Journey Into Mystery Vol 1 15 0001 Appearances: Journey Into Mystery #15

When a man entered a bar and, as a gag, offered to Danny a contract for his soul for one million dollars. Being a skeptic Danny signed it. No one saw the stranger leave, but a coincidence left Danny a one million dollar inheritance. As time went by, the contract worried away at Danny, distorting his personality from likable to hostile. His employees hated him and his family left him. One day he received a visitor and it turned out to be the man with the contract looking for work. Danny was so angered that his life had been changed so dramatically by a practical joke that he seizes a heavy candlestick and killed the stranger. Now he felt that he had sold his soul to the Devil in actuality and walks out into the dark for Satan to claim him.[44]

Danny (Earth-616) from Strange Tales Vol 1 63 0001 Appearances: Strange Tales #63

Danny was a young boy who imagined that he had a rich uncle who suddenly appeared, but when he began to doubt, the uncle faded away.[45]

Danny (Earth-616) from Captain Marvel Vol 1 8 0001 Appearances: Captain Marvel #8

Together with another agent of the Organization, Danny was instructed by Number One to go to Lawson (secretly Mar-Vell) to threaten him and take possession of the Cyberex.[46]

Danny (Washington) (Earth-616) from Iron Man Vol 1 41 001 Appearances: Iron Man #41

Danny couldn't let Christine fall from a collapsing terminal building.[47]

Danny (Earth-616) from Hero for Hire Vol 1 11 0001 Appearances: Hero for Hire #11

Danny was a henchman of Señor Suerte who warned his boss that Rocco the Gimp had just called saying that a guy from Los Angeles had opened a casino in the area he controlled.[48]

Danny (Earth-616) from Spider-Man, Storm and Power Man Vol 1 1 001 Appearances: Spider-Man, Storm and Power Man #1

Danny was a schoolmate of Bret Jackson and his girlfriend Carol who, seeing them going to a seedy club, asked them if he could go with them, which the two gladly accepted.[49]

Daniel (Salem Center) (Earth-616) from Marvel Graphic Novel Vol 1 5 001 Appearances: Marvel Graphic Novel #5

Danny was one of Stevie Hunter's students. He and his family were followers of Reverend Stryker, and thought little of sharing his anti-mutant sentiment in class, unaware two of his classmates -- Kitty and Illyana -- were mutants and associated with the X-Men. This eventually led to a fight between him and Kitty, which was broken up by Illyana's brother, whose presence intimidated Danny enough not to continue the fight.[50]

Danny (Earth-616) from US 1 Vol 1 6 0001 Appearances: US 1 #6

Danny was a client of Wide-Load Annie and Poppa Wheelie's Short Stop Diner and was among those who participated in the brawl against police officers who wanted to arrest Annie but in the frantic phases of the fight Danny wrongly struck U.S. Archer with a chair without causing too much damage.[51]

Danny (Earth-616) from Fantastic Four Vol 1 289 0001 Appearances: Fantastic Four #289

Danny was the foreman of the construction site of the Four Freedoms Plaza. Immediately after showing the progress of the works to the Fantastic Four, he was attacked by Basilisk and frozen with his optical beam.[52]

Danny (Earth-616) from Web of Spider-Man Vol 1 45 0001 Appearances: Web of Spider-Man #45

Danny was an henchman of Morris "The Snake" Diamond.[53]

Danny (Earth-616) from Mighty Thor Vol 1 447 0001 Appearances: Mighty Thor #447, Mighty Thor #448

Danny was a security guard at the Guggenheim Museum and was there on duty during an attempted theft by Absorbing Man and Titania.[54]

Danny (Earth-616) from Fantastic Force Vol 1 10 0001 Appearances: Fantastic Force #10

Danny and his colleague Jim were on guard at the Alaskan pipeline when they were attacked and killed by the omnivirus released by Zarathustra upon his arrival.[55]

Danny (Earth-616) from Spider-Man The Lost Years Vol 1 2 0001 Appearances: Spider-Man: The Lost Years #2

Danny was a henchman of Vincent Tannen and participated in the kidnapping of Detective Jacob Raven, but along with all the kidnappers he was stopped and beaten by Ben Reilly.[56]

Danny (Earth-616) from Captain America Vol 3 13 0001 Appearances: Captain America (Vol. 3) #13

Danny is one of three children of a single Brooklyn mother who Steve asked to vote for Andrew Bolt.[57]

No Image Male Appearances: Wolverine/Punisher Revelation #4

Danny was a radio DJ discussing a plague that hit New York City. He talked to a listener of the program who was very radical in wanting to deal with the problem and then Danny tried to dampen the discussion by saying that competent people were already at work to address it.[58]

Danny (Earth-616) from Elektra Vol 3 10 0001 Appearances: Elektra (Vol. 3) #10

An acquaintance of Elektra who stored her belongings in secret places.[59]

Danny (NYC) (Earth-616) from Avengers Vol 3 76 001 Appearances: Avengers (Vol. 3) #76

Danny was one of Cassie Lang's schoolmates.[60]

No Image Male Mentioned: 4 #1

Danny was a construction worker who was buried in a collapse on a building site while Ben Grimm was visiting there in search of work.[61]

Danny (Earth-616) from Warlock Vol 6 4 0001 Appearances: Warlock (Vol. 6) #1, Warlock (Vol. 6) #3, Warlock (Vol. 6) #4

Danny was a design student and he was Janie Chin's boyfriend.[62]

Danny (Earth-616) from Captain America Vol 1 600 0001 Appearances: Captain America #600

Danny was a prison guard at H.A.M.M.E.R. Federal Holding Facility in Colorado that got angry because of Brock Rumlow's ironic comments on the news about Captain America's death and for that it hit him with the taser but Rumlow reacted by killing Danny and starting his attempt to free Sin.[63]

Danny (Earth-616) from Dark Reign The Hood Vol 1 5 0001 Appearances: Dark Reign: The Hood #5

Big Danny was a man who had moved to Key Largo in Florida following the mob relocation program and there he met John King who had just moved there.[64]

Danny (Earth-616) from Secret Avengers Vol 1 1 0001 Appearances: Secret Avengers #1

Danny was a Roxxon security guard who was stunned by Moon Knight secretly infiltrating the Roxxon building in Wilmington (Delaware).[65]

Danny (Earth-616) from X-Factor Vol 1 225 001 Appearances: X-Factor #225

Danny worked at the morgue in Lawrenceville, Kansas. When Madrox was summoned to Lawrenceville by local police regarding the murder of a woman who lived in his old house, the police took him to the morgue and asked Danny to show them the body, which Danny promptly did. During the inspection of the corpse the name of the son of the corpse came up and she woke up screaming his name. At the sight of the awakened corpse Danny fainted.[66]

Danny (Earth-616) from Ghost Rider X-Mas Special Infinite Comic Vol 1 1 Appearances: Ghost Rider X-Mas Special Infinite Comic #1

Danny was a student at the Patrick Wellman Development Center and a classmate of Gabriel Reyes.[67]

Danny (Earth-616) from Symbiote Spider-Man Vol 1 3 0001 Appearances: Symbiote Spider-Man #3

A theater employee, he smoked a cigarette during a Cats performance and was rebuked for this by a colleague of his, and also by Spider-Man who was chasing Electro into the theater. After Electro was captured by Spider-Man he boasted to the actresses of the show that he had taken care of the capture.[68]

Danny (Earth-616) from Doctor Strange Vol 5 19 0001 Appearances: Doctor Strange (Vol. 5) #19

Danny suffered a head injury in a car accident where his mother was driving the car and was frightened by the sudden appearance of an evil spirit seeking revenge. Dr. Strange intervened first by chasing away the spirit and then he was forced to use a forbidden spell to regain his neurosurgeon skills and thus succeeding in saving Danny's life.[69]

Danny (Earth-616) from King in Black Planet of the Symbiotes Vol 1 1 0001 Appearances: King in Black: Planet of the Symbiotes #1

Orphaned by the onslaught of the Knull-controlled Symbiotes, Danny was about to be devoured by the symbiotes but was saved by Scream.[70]

Danny (Earth-616) from Daredevil Vol 6 28 0001 Appearances: Daredevil (Vol. 6) #28

Danny was an inmate who along with two other inmates attacked Neil Rivait in the prison showers because he tried to make friends with Daredevil.[71]

Danny (Earth-616) from Amazing Spider-Man Vol 5 62 0001 Appearances: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 5) #62

Danny was a mercenary in the service of Wilson Fisk who attempted to arrest Boomerang, while it was in effect a way to distract him and get Bullseye's task done.[72]

Danny (Earth-616) from Deathlok Annual Vol 1 2 001 Appearances: Deathlok Annual #2

Danny was an American military officer in the USAF[73] who also served in the Marines. He performed bombing runs in a conflict during which he also befriended Colonel John Kelly; Danny nicknamed Kelly "Siege",[74] an alias Kelly kept during the conflict and afterward.[75] The United States failed to win that war, in Kelly's opinion deu to the higher command not supporting the sacrifices made by the soldiers.[76][77]

Later, the United States was involved in another war in the Middle East. The losing country was mandated to accept periodic security sweeps of American fighter planes on their territory, with Danny, by then a Lieutenant, piloting in these. The locals however staged attacks against the American fighters. At that point, Kelly had become a superhuman cyborg, adopting the alias Siege, and had travelled to the Middle East to visit Danny, and he witnessed the attack on a squadron of American planes.[74] Kelly flew to help them and shot down several enemy planes,[74][78] but not before one of the American fighters had been felled. The other American pilots were ordered to return to the base, abandoning their comrade. Kelly tried to save the pilot, whom he recognized as Danny, from being captured by the enemy's ground forces; thou Kelly kept the soldiers at bay and destroyed their armoured vehicles, he was unable to keep Danny alive - but, with his dying breath, Danny recognized Kelly.[74]

Danny (Kentucky) (Earth-616) from Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 437 Appearances: Uncanny X-Men #437

Danny was one of two boys with Abe Cabot when Jebediah Guthrie and Ray Holder Jr went past teasing the Cabots. The three boys attacked them and Jeb used his mutant powers on Abe. [79]


Dante (Shadow Consortium) (Earth-616) from Nova Vol 2 11 001 Appearances: Nova (Vol. 2) #11

Dante was a technician of the Shadow Consortium and was in charge of the construction of the robotic tactical unit called Armada.[80]


Danu (Earth-616) from Doctor Strange Vol 2 66 001 Appearances: Doctor Strange (Vol. 2) #66

Danu was one of three priests from Kamar-Taj who came to visit Doctor Strange to beseech him to help find the High Lama of their order, who they had not yet been able to identify. After Strange identified him to likely be a young American named Arnie Green, Danu felt it was a mistake of reincarnation and that Arnie would corrupt the reputation of their order by bringing about material decadence and western ideals. Danu sought to kill Arnie hoping to have him quickly reincarnated in a more appropriate vessel, but he was stopped and eventually convinced of the error of his ways by Arnie.[81]


Danzen (Earth-616) Doom 2099 Vol 1 40 Appearances: Doom 2099 #40

A Latverian scientist who assisted Dr. Doom during his imminent discovery.[82]


Daphne (Centerville) (Earth-616) from Meet Miss Bliss Vol 1 1 Appearances: Meet Miss Bliss #1

Daphne was a student in Miss Bliss's class at Centerville Junior High in Centerville, California.[83]

Daphne (Earth-616) from Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man Vol 1 106 0001 Appearances: Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man #106

Daphne was a young woman who was hanging out with her boyfriend next to the docks when Spider-Man showed up to bust a drug smuggling operation. Despite Spider-Man telling them to leave, Daphne's boyfriend wanted to stay to see the action and was inadvertently shot. Paladin carried Daphne to the hospital while Spider-Man swung her boyfriend there to receive treatment.[84]

Daphne (Scotland) (Earth-616) from Wolverine Vol 2 81 001 Appearances: Wolverine (Vol. 2) #81

Daphne and Reg were attacked on their speedboat by Cyber.[85]


Mr. Darby (Earth-616) from Venom The Madness Vol 1 1 001 Appearances: Venom: The Madness #1, Venom: The Madness #2, Venom: The Madness #3

Vice president of Scarmore Inc. and right hand man of Charles Evans. On his boss's orders, he hired Black Tom and Juggernaut to deal with the people involved in the lawsuits against Scarmore.[86]
He still hired the two super-villains to deal with the Beck Underwood issue, even though he avoided her being eliminated.[87]
Eventually Darby delivered the evidence involving Evans and Scarmore regarding the Mercurial Virus and Underwood's kidnapping to both the law and the newspapers.[88]


Darcia from Thor Vol 1 497 001 Appearances: Thor #497

Darcia was a child who had been caught in the crossfire between the Hawks and the Aryan Dreams street gangs and was rescued thanks to Thor's intervention.[89]


Daria (Earth-616) from Amazing Fantasy Vol 3 1 0001 Appearances: Amazing Fantasy (Vol. 3) #1

Daria was one of the older girls in the Black Widow Ops Program. During a training session she was easily defeated by Natasha, and for this she tried to take revenge on Natasha.[90]


Darice (Earth-616) from X-Men Vol 1 121 001 Appearances: X-Men #121

Darice was a restaurant patron who was injured by an unnatural cyclonic blizzard in Calgary.[91]


Darla (Earth-616) Captain America Vol 1 616 Appearances: Captain America #616

Darla was one of the friends of Nate who, following the passage of a destructive tornado in Redfield, asked to Captain America if he wanted to go with them to see if there was still someone to help.[92]


Darlene (Earth-616) from Tomb of Dracula Vol 1 67 0001 Appearances: Tomb of Dracula #67

Darlene was a starlet invited by Harold H. Harold to a theatrical performance focused on Dracula in the same theater where the real Dracula and his daughter Lilith clashed.[93]

Darlene (Model) (Earth-616) from Marvel Team-Up Vol 1 105 0001 Appearances: Marvel Team-Up #105

Darlene was a model who was accompanied on the platform during a fashion show in Manhattan by Iron Fist.[94]

Darlene (Earth-616) from Iron Man Vol 1 223 0001 Appearances: Iron Man #223, Iron Man #244, Iron Man #254

Darlene was a manicurist who worked in the beauty salon of Rae LaCoste.[95][96][97]

Darlene (Earth-616) from Marvel Comics Presents Vol 1 123 0001 Appearances: Marvel Comics Presents #123

While Darlene was in a mall with her husband Frank, she approached a Woman's Action Movement feminist stand to read one of their pamphlets. That made her husband so angry that he started shouting at people on the stand, including Mary Walker.[98]

Darlene (Nurse) (Earth-616) from Civil War Vol 1 3 001 Appearances: Civil War #3

Darlene was a nurse at the New York Hospital who disliked Captain America's decision to oppose the Superhuman Registration Act.[99]

Darlene (Host) (Earth-616) from Ghost Rider Vol 6 15 001 Appearances: Ghost Rider (Vol. 6) #14, Ghost Rider (Vol. 6) #15, Ghost Rider (Vol. 6) #16

Darlene never had a boyfriend.[100]
After being secretly visited by Emmael and Vraniel, she became pregnant overnight.[101]
She then gave birth to both angels and took them close to Ghost Rider.[102]

Darlene Appearances: Deadpool (Vol. 4) #22

Darlene was the mastermind behind a county-wide gas station and tour bus robbing circle across Mason County. The criminals had the misfortune of robbing a bus that Deadpool happened to be on. When Deadpool tracked the other criminals back the the Mason County Sheriff's Department, Darlene tried to convince him that she had been trying to stop the other corrupt police, and asked Deadpool to kill them. However, Deadpool saw through her trick and locked her up, while he went to look for the others.[103]

Darlene (Earth-616) from Fear Itself Vol 1 1 0001 Appearances: Fear Itself #1

Darlene and her family were inhabitants of Broxton, when her husband Bill lost his job they lost their home to the banks and were forced to move to Wichita, to his sister's house who would host them for a while.[103]

Darlene (Earth-616) from Deadpool Vol 5 45 0001 Appearances: Deadpool (Vol. 5) #45

The declaration of marriage that her boyfriend Brad was doing to her was interrupted by the violent release of Shiklah from a local who demolished a wall causing it to collapse on Brad, taking Darlene from an embarrassing situation for her.[104]


Dario (Earth-616) from ClanDestine Vol 1 5 001 Appearances: ClanDestine #5

Dario was the Cap'n Oz movie special effects wizard.[105]


Carl Striklan (Earth-616), Darius (Earth-616), Matthew Murdock (Earth-616) from Silver Sable and the Wild Pack Vol 1 24 001 Appearances: Daredevil Annual #7

Darius was an arsonist hired by developer Richard Furman to burn out Furman's own building so that Furman would get rid of his tenants and could rebuild it in a more profitable way without the historical society complaining. Hydra-aligned bounty hunter Crippler discovered about Darius, found him and tortured him to find out about one of Furman's former tenants, Sathan. The Crippler, wanting to cut his links with Hydra, literally roasted Darius in a rooftop to attract the attention of superhero Daredevil. Daredevil rescued Darius, who insisted in confessing and incriminating Furman in exchange for jail time, where he'd be protected from the Crippler. Furman did go to jail due to Darius' confession.[106]

The Crippler nicknamed Darius "Mucusface" and "Match-striker".[106]


Darren (Writer) (Earth-616) from Sensational She-Hulk Vol 1 52 001 Appearances: Sensational She-Hulk #52, Sensational She-Hulk #54

Head writer on the soap opera Heartbreak Hospital, he came up with the idea of making it live.[107]
When She-Hulk was killed in action, he suggested P. Isadora, from the Sensational She-Hulk movie be used instead, but Greg Hallerhand told him that wouldn't work.[108]


Darryl (Earth-616) from Punisher Summer Special Vol 1 3 001 Appearances: Punisher Summer Special #3

Darryl was a member of the Bodybaggers, a paintball team made of the best bouncers and doormen in New York City; he was killed by the Psycho-Cops.[109]


Daryls (Earth-616) from Wolverine Vol 2 10 001 Appearances: Wolverine (Vol. 2) #10

The Daryls attacked Patch and Jessica Drew, but they were eventually killed by Sabretooth.[110]


Dave (Guard) (Earth-616) from Daredevil Vol 1 17 001 Appearances: Daredevil #17, Web of Spider-Man (Vol. 2) #10

Dave was a security guard who mistook the Masked Marauder's approaching aircraft for one of the company's advertising blimps.[111]
Many years later, Dave witnessed Spider-Man breaking into Mayor Jameson's office.[112]

Dave (California) (Earth-616) from Amazing Adventures Vol 2 7 001 Appearances: Amazing Adventures (Vol. 2) #7

Dave was a bodybuilder who witnessed the Inhumans landing on a private beach.[113]

Dave (Manhattan) (Earth-616) from Avengers Vol 1 165 001 Appearances: Avengers #165

Dave was Barb's boyfriend at the time she was kidnapped by Count Nefaria, whom he tried to stop him, but he was easily knocked off by the villain.[114]

Dave (Rachel) (Earth-616) from Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 405 001 Appearances: Amazing Spider-Man #405

Dave was a customer at the motel where Ben Reilly was staying in Rachel, Vermont, and an acquaintance of Seward Trainer.[115]

Dave (Scientist) (Earth-616) from Sensational Spider-Man Vol 1 9 001 Appearances: Sensational Spider-Man #9, Sensational Spider-Man #10

Dave was a scientist at the Institute of Seismoharmonic Research who witnessed the Swarm attack the research facility.[116]
Dave was taken hostage by Swarm until he was defeated by Spider-Man (Ben Reilly).[117]

Dave (Penn State) (Earth-616) from Avengers Icons The Vision Vol 1 3 001 Appearances: Avengers Icons: The Vision #3

Dave was a college student at Penn State.[118]

Dave (Anchor) (Earth-616) from Amazing Spider-Man Vol 2 48 001 Appearances: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 2) #48

Fox News anchor Dave exposed Sharon Keller's hoax against Spider-Man.[119]

Dave (Earth-616) from Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 602 001 Appearances: Amazing Spider-Man #602

Dave was a security officer who monitored the streets of Manhattan. When a colleague of his pointed out to Dave that there was a man who had fallen ill, Dave, viewing the video, said that Walter, a street actor, was already taking care of it, not realizing that Walter had been replaced by the Chameleon and that he was him to have drugged the man, who was actually Peter Parker.[120]

Dave (Earth-616) from Power Man and Iron Fist Vol 2 5 0001 Appearances: Power Man and Iron Fist (Vol. 2) #5

Dave was a fellow scientist of Sa'ida Zebari on the Darkforce Project who gave her the powers of Noir.[121]

Dave (Earth-616) from Alpha Flight Vol 4 1 0001 Appearances: Alpha Flight (Vol. 4) #1

Dave was Alice Hu's cameraman. When the helicopter of the television station where he and Alice were to report live on Attuma's attack on Vancouver was shot down by Nerkkod's hammer thrown by Attuma, the two reporters plus the pilot were saved from crashing by Guardian and Vindicator and while the two heroes carried them to the ground, Alice yelled at Dave to keep filming.[122]

No Image Male Mentions: Avengers: Solo #4

While talking to Clint Barton, Emi Ishida revealed that the last time she spoke to her husband Dave before he died was to argue.[123]

Dave (O.N.E) (Earth-616) from Astonishing X-Men Vol 4 16 0001 Appearances: Astonishing X-Men (Vol. 4) #16

Dave was a O*N*E technician who fell for the pretense of Alison Blaire suffocating in her containment cell and freed her despite the warnings of his colleagues.[124]

Dave (Earth-616) from Avengers Marvels Snapshots Vol 1 1 0001 Appearances: Avengers: Marvels Snapshots #1

Dave was a paramedic who helped the wounded inside a shelter during the battle between the Avengers and a giant robot.[125]

Dave (Earth-616) from Union Vol 1 5 0001 Appearances: Union #5

Dave was Connie's cameraman and recorded the massive explosion at the Tower of London caused by Steve Darwin.[126]

Dave (Earth-616) from Damage Control Vol 4 1 001 Appearances: Damage Control (Vol. 4) #1

Accompanying Gus to his new job in the Damage Control postal department, Bart Rozum made Gus believe that the people who worked there were all happy as if they were family and tried to involve Dave who already worked there, even though he called him Chuck, but Dave replies sharply, not being happy at all.[127]


Davenport (Earth-616) from Emma Frost Vol 1 1 0001 Appearances: Emma Frost #1, Emma Frost #2

Dr. Davenport was the Snow Valley School for Girls physician who treated Emma Frost after she passed out during a fencing class and to whom Emma revealed she had severe headaches for which Dr. Davenport prescribed pain relievers thinking they were due. to a stressful situation, not imagining that instead they were due to the emergence of Emma's mutant powers.[128]
Dr. Davenport revealed Emma about her from the sickness he received using her salts and after waking up he asked her if she still had severe migraines.[129]


Davey (Earth-616) from Amazing Adult Fantasy Vol 1 9 0001 Appearances: Amazing Adult Fantasy #9

Davey found a book with a spell for summoning up a genie. He read the words aloud and was astonished when a Genie actually appeared. The Genie could grant any wish the boy thought of. He wished himself to be a giant and that everything other than Earth disappear so he would be the greatest of all. When the Earth began to careen he realizes that without everything else, Earth no longer has its place in gravitational attraction and would be destroyed. He panicked, and wished that "everything was back the way it was right before I found you." The genie obliged.[130]

Davey (Criminal) (Earth-616) from West Coast Avengers Vol 2 46 001 Appearances: West Coast Avengers (Vol. 2) #46

Davey was one of the bank robbers who were confronted and defeated by the Great Lakes Avengers.[131]

Davey (Earth-616) from Daredevil Redemption Vol 1 1 001 Appearances: Daredevil: Redemption #1

Davey was rescued by Daredevil when he was hit by his father.[132]


David (Reno) (Earth-616) from Warlock and the Infinity Watch Vol 1 12 001 Appearances: Warlock and the Infinity Watch #12

David and his girlfriend mistook Drax the Destroyer for the Hulk.[133]

David (Earth-616) from Spider-Man Unlimited Vol 1 8 0001 Appearances: Spider-Man Unlimited #8

With Don devised and led the terrorist attack of Terror Unlimited on the World Trade Center.[134]

David (Tourist) (Earth-616) from Punisher Vol 6 6 0001 Appearances: Punisher (Vol. 6) #6

While visiting the Statue of Liberty under a heavy rain, David and his family were approached by a crazed Joseph Perrett, who after having massacred his family and a waitress in a diner, wandered around the city. Perrett released David and his family after David's wife sobered him a little 'making him look carefully at her children and the father of her children.[135]

David (Reporter) (Earth-616) from New X-Men Vol 1 123 001 Appearances: New X-Men #123

David was one of the journalists who attended the press conference at the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning.[136]

David (Keystone) (Earth-616) from Avengers Vol 3 65 001 Appearances: Avengers (Vol. 3) #65

Exposed to the red cloud from Mount Rushmore, David warned his wife Gail and his son Paul to run away.[137]

David (Earth-616) from Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 535 001 Appearances: Amazing Spider-Man #535

David was a TV anchor who reported the massive no-bid contracts awarded to companies dealing with the Superhuman Registration Act.[138]


Davida (Earth-616) from Supernatural Thrillers Vol 1 5 001 Appearances: Supernatural Thrillers #5

Davida and her lover Avram, two Israeli soldiers, were talking about their possible future when a living mummy appeared before them. Avram attempted to shoot him but achieved nothing, so the mummy disposed of him easily. The Living Mummy then turned against Davida, but after observing her carefully he gave up on hitting her and walked away silently.[139]


Davidkov (Earth-616) from X-Men Vol 3 20 001 Appearances: X-Men (Vol. 3) #20

Davidkov was a Puternicstan military guard on the roof of the building where the Sentinels were sheltered. Fleeing from the Sentinel who had spotted her, Domino stole his weapon and knocked out Davidkov.[140]


Davidson (Earth-616) from Carnage Vol 1 2 0001 Appearances: Carnage #2

In a space center he points out the wrong trajectory of a Hall Industries satellite and can not correct it without the right authorization that was promptly given by Michael Hall in person.[141]

Davidson (Earth-616) from Captain America Vol 6 12 0001 Appearances: Captain America (Vol. 6) #12

Davidson was an investigative reporter to whom Gyrich revealed and handed evidence of government involvement regarding agreements with known super-villains.[142]

Davidson (Earth-616) from Punisher Vol 9 13 001 Appearances: Punisher (Vol. 9) #13

Davidson welcomed Curtiss Jackson aboard the Leader of Pack auction yacht.[143]


Davies (Earth-616) from Fear Itself The Home Front Vol 1 3 0001 Appearances: Fear Itself: The Home Front #3

The son of Charles Davies, the CEO of a pharmaceutical company implicated in various cases of malpractice. The child was struck by meningitis but the car where he was about to be transported to the hospital was attacked by rioters. Cardiac intervened, but wasted time taking revenge on his father and by the time he took him to the hospital it was too late.[144]


Dr. Davis (Earth-616) from Scarlet Spider Vol 1 1 001 Appearances: Scarlet Spider #1, Spectacular Scarlet Spider #1, Spectacular Spider-Man #232

Dr. Davis assisted Seward Trainer after his mind was lost into the cyberspace.[145]
She told Ben Reilly that all Trainer's life signs were strong, but there was absolutely no brain activity.[146]
Dr. Davis attempted to stop Dr. Octopus from stealing Trainer's body.[147]

Davis (Rye) (Earth-616) from Spectacular Spider-Man Vol 1 235 001 Appearances: Spectacular Spider-Man #235, Spectacular Spider-Man #236

Davis was an assistant of Jonas Harrow.[148]
He was ordered to control Dragon Man, but Spider-Man and Will O' the Wisp removed its chip.[149]


Davy (Earth-616) from Marvel Feature Vol 1 3 001 Appearances: Marvel Feature #3

Davy was one of the millions of kids attracted by Xemnu to come to him in Cape Canaveral.[150]


Dawn (Earth-616) from Young Allies Vol 1 5 001 Appearances: Young Allies #5

Miss Dawn was the lead actress in the Young Allies movie with the young heroes playing themselves. Due to a series of incidents during the filming of the movie involving the Nazi saboteur the Owl attempting to eliminate the Young Allies, Miss Dawn was placed among a small group of suspects who thought she was the Owl in disguise, of which she was innocent.[151]


Dawson (Earth-616) from Punisher Vol 9 6 001 Appearances: Punisher (Vol. 9) #6

A member of Exchange, Dawson was found and knocked out by Rachel Alves in North Creek.[152]


Deakins (Earth-616) from Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 388 001 Appearances: Amazing Spider-Man #388

Officer Deakins of the Atlantic City Police and his partner received an alert of the presence of a prowler in a building which turned out to be Venom. Upon their sudden arrival, Venom reacted by throwing them against the wall, stunning them and then fleeing the place.[153]


Dean (Earth-616) from 15-Love Vol 1 1 0001 Appearances: 15-Love #1

Dean was Mill Collins' tennis instructor, but he was completely uninterested in her and tried to trick Maya Benjamin's mother into coaching her daughter.[36]


DeAngelo (Earth-616) from Damage Control Vol 4 2 001 Appearances: Damage Control (Vol. 4) #2

D'Andre DeAngelo's wife was hit with her children by a beam of Pym Particles addressed to Scarlet Beetle by Ant-Man. The beam reduced them to microscopic levels by transferring them to the Microverse where they were saved by Kljt-Man. They were later brought back to normal thanks to Ant-Man and Nadia Van Dyne.[154]

DeAngelo (Earth-616) from Damage Control Vol 4 2 002 Appearances: Damage Control (Vol. 4) #2

D'Andre DeAngelo's son was hit along with his mother and sister by a beam of Pym Particles addressed to Scarlet Beetle by Ant-Man while on a trip to Lido Beach. The beam reduced them to microscopic levels by transferring them to the Microverse where they were saved by Kljt-Man. They were later brought back to normal thanks to Ant-Man and Nadia Van Dyne.[154]

DeAngelo (Earth-616) from Damage Control Vol 4 2 003 Appearances: Damage Control (Vol. 4) #2

D'Andre DeAngelo's daughter was shot along with her mother and brother by a beam of Pym Particles addressed to Scarlet Beetle by Ant-Man while they were on a trip to Lido Beach that D'Andre granted to his family for not attending his dance recital. The beam reduced them to microscopic levels by transferring them to the Microverse where they were saved by Kljt-Man. They were later brought back to normal thanks to Ant-Man and Nadia Van Dyne.[154]


Debbie (Earth-616) from Avengers Vol 1 161 001 Appearances: Avengers #161

Debbie was a ranch girl at Cheery-O's Dude Ranch who met Clinton Barton and Two-Gun Kid.[155]


Deborah (Earth-616) from Journey Into Mystery Vol 1 635 001 Appearances: Journey Into Mystery #635

Deborah was among the people, who following the War of the Serpent, fell into a comatose sleep full of nightmares playing Nightmare's game but was exorcised and awakened by Loki in collaboration with Leah and the Son of Satan[156]


Debra (Earth-616) from Captain America 1999 Vol 1 1 001 Appearances: Captain America 1999 #1

Debra was a TV reporter at WNBC who publicly announced the major libel suit brought by Roxxon Oil against the Daily Bugle.[157]


Debrow (Earth-616) from Breaking into Comics the Marvel Way! Vol 1 1 001 Appearances: Breaking Into Comics the Marvel Way! #1

Doctor Debrow was killed by Bullseye at a maximum security prison for criminally insane.[158]


Dec (Earth-616) from King in Black Captain America Vol 1 1 0001 Appearances: King in Black: Captain America #1

Dec was saved from the onslaught of the Symbiote Dragons by the intervention of Captain America, Falcon and Winter Soldier and eventually Cap congratulated her on being alert and protecting her cousin Adrienne.[159]


Decker (Earth-616) from Daredevil Vol 1 160 001 Appearances: Daredevil #160

Decker fought Daredevil alongside his partner Turk.[160]


Dee (Earth-616) from Elektra Vol 3 10 001 Appearances: Elektra (Vol. 3)

Dee was a contact of Elektra's to whom she provided jobs. He contacted Elektra about her saying that she was attracting attention and that no one wanted to offer her jobs, and while she was having a conversation with Elektra, Dee was shot in the throat by a sniper killing her.[161]

Dee (Earth-616) from Carnage Forever Vol 1 1 001 Appearances: Carnage Forever #1

Dee was Elsie's mother and Frank's wife, a homeless family. The pair of parents mistreated the child, until Elsie was possessed by the Symbiote Carnage, who cured the child of the burns caused by the abuse suffered by her parents, after which she killed first Frank and then Dee.[162]


Deke (Earth-616) from Spider-Woman Vol 1 42 001 Appearances: Spider-Woman #42, Spider-Woman #43 ( (Mentioned))

Deke, Freddie and Gino were all minions of Viper during her operation in San Francisco[163] to get the Judas Man. Viper had introduced her into a secret lair[164] and had provided them with advanced technology and weaponry, but she had also warned them that, should they fail in an operation, she'd execute them using her technology (possibly a lethal device implanted in the minion, that could be activated via a short-range mechanism). Viper sent them in an aircar to capture the Judas Man's daughter Pamela Kramer, who was at the Hunter-Dulin Building in San Francisco attempting to hire P.I. Jessica Drew to find her father. Pamela resisted, and the superheroine Spider-Woman (secretly Drew) helped her, first knocking down Gino into her office. Deke and Freddie left him behind, trying to escape with their victim in the aircar, but Kramer, uncooperative, damaged the car's mechanisms, causing it to crash into a truck. SFPD Lieutenant Sabrina Morell arrived to arrest the perpetrators, but Viper flew close to them in an aircar to activate the death mechanism, killing them in the middle of the street.[163] Gino, who had been knocked down at the Hunter-Dulin Building, was not killed, and instead was sent to San Francisco County Jail.[164]

Deke (Earth-616) from Marvel Team-Up Vol 1 146 001 Appearances: Marvel Team-Up #146

Deke was the leader of a street gang called the Butcher Dogs. He refused to allowed a young boy to join the gang despite his pleas before him and his gang ran into Peter Parker in plain clothes walking and attempted to attack him. Jack Monroe was walking by and intervened and the two scared off the gang. Later, Deke and his gang were part of a group of gang members that were being recruited by Taskmaster and Black Abbott. The boy who had wanted to join his gang become trapped in a burning building and he refused to help.[165]


Del (Earth-616) from Punisher War Zone Vol 1 13 0001 Appearances: Punisher: War Zone #13

Del served as Chicane County police officer. It was not revealed whether he also was a psychopath who had been brainwashed or if he was a caretaker of Psychoville project.[166]


DeLeon (Earth-616) from Marvel's Voices Indigenous Voices Vol 1 1 0001 Appearances: Marvel's Voices: Indigenous Voices #1

Miss DeLeon was an elderly native who won the biggest pumpkin contest at a county fair. The county sheriff's son attempted to rob her of the $500 she had won by having her nephews, one of whom was a mutant, come to her defense.[167]


Delfina (Earth-616) from Blade Vampire Nation Vol 1 1 001 Appearances: Blade: Vampire Nation #1

Delfina belonged to a family of mercenaries and participated firsthand in the apparent assassination attempt on Dracula hired by the Contessa and other accomplices, but instead of killing Dracula, a member of the Vampire Council, Corvis, was killed, therefore given the failure of the attempt fled and asked Blade for help getting out of Vampyrsk.[168]

Del Fuego[]

Del Fuego (Earth-616) from Six Guns Vol 1 2 001 Appearances: Six Guns #2

Del Fuego was an explosives expert, and it was he, hired by Vance, who prepared the explosive case that killed the Black Riders. When Black Rider found him, he confronted him wanting to know who he worked for but the young Two-Gun Kid also sought revenge for his brother's death and killed Del Fuego.[169]


Delilah (Earth-616) from Six Guns Vol 1 1 001 Appearances: Six Guns #1

Mentions: Six Guns #2, Six Guns #5

Delilah was the girlfriend and right-hand man of Jefferson Cole, the Black Rider. After the Black Riders delivered Tarantula to the Blackguard, she was killed in the explosion of the briefcase containing the money for the agreed reward.[170]


DeLong (Earth-616) from Wolverine Vol 2 83 001 Appearances: Wolverine (Vol. 2) #83, Wolverine (Vol. 2) #84

DeLong was Heather Hudson's research team's biologist.[171]
DeLong eventually managed to survive the Hunter in Darkness' assault.[1]


Delores (Waterboys) (Earth-616) from Punisher Vol 2 41 0001 Appearances: Punisher (Vol. 2) #41

Delores decided to attack New York City's water supply out of revenge, as she was raped in the city, and the rapist was put on probation due to belonging to an ethnical minority.[172]

Delores (Earth-616) from Ghost Rider Kushala Infinity Comic Vol 1 4 001 Appearances: Ghost Rider: Kushala Infinity Comic #4, Ghost Rider: Kushala Infinity Comic #5, Ghost Rider: Kushala Infinity Comic #8

When Olivia Obtera traveling to 1946 Los Angeles, she screamed in the rain at Delores who was crossing the street and was about to be hit by a car saving her life, so she drove her to her home where Delores warned her that her husband Kenneth was asleep and could be a little jumpy.[173]
Delores was discovered to be an aunt of Olivia and witnessed the revelation that the holder of a lamp in her house was the horn of the Leviathan which, during a mission of her husband Kenneth along with Captain America, she had severed from the sea monster and which turned out to be actually one half of the sixth Wand of Watoomb.[174]
Delores's spirit came to Kushala's aid to fight Doctor Doom.[175]


Delphino (Earth-616) from Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 546 001 Appearances: Amazing Spider-Man #546

Mr. Delphino was a local newsagent.[176]


Dennis (Earth-616) from Spectacular Spider-Man Annual Vol 1 12 001 Appearances: Spectacular Spider-Man Annual #12

Dennis was a member of the Flying Tigers hired by the owner of an alley buildings to go on a rampage against the homeless who lived there. Along with another gang member he forcibly took a small dog off a homeless man but they were intercepted by Prowler who knocked out Dennis and the other Flying Tiger freeing the small dog.[177]

Dennis (Earth-616) from Thunderbolts Vol 1 154 0001 Appearances: Thunderbolts #154, Thunderbolts #160

Dennis was a botanist / zoologist who worked on the Raft as an ecosystem overseer where Man-Thing lived.[178]
During the Fear Itself crisis, Dennis reported that there was something wrong with the Man-Thing.[179]

Dennis (Earth-616) from X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic Vol 1 28 001 Appearances: X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic #28

Dennis was a member of the anti-mutant group, the Friends of Humanity, who participated in a reality show where Lila Cheney pretended to be an ordinary person and went on a blind date with him. During the date Dennis showed all his contempt towards mutants, and together with other members of the Friends of Humanity, he stormed the meeting room until Lila transported them to an alien planet light years away from Earth.[180]


Dennison (Owl) (Earth-616) from Daredevil Vol 1 502 001 Appearances: Daredevil #502

Dennison was one of the Owl's lieutenants until he was crippled by Daredevil. Together with Todd and Mosley, they ended up working for Wilson Fisk, who ordered them to inform the Owl that they were going to take over his territory, to keep Fisk in the shadows. When the three of them briefed Fisk about the outcome of the situation, Dennison revealed his intentions to work for himself, believing Fisk to be powerless, but Fisk gave a simple order to Lady Bullseye, who quickly killed Dennison.[181]


Denny (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Annual Vol 1 18 001 Appearances: Incredible Hulk Annual #18

Denny was saved by the Defenders when his car was pushed off a ledge.[182]

Denny (Penn State) (Earth-616) from Avengers Icons The Vision Vol 1 2 001 Appearances: Avengers Icons: The Vision #2

Denny was a college student at Penn State.[183]


Denton (Earth-616) from Iron Man Vol 3 1 001 Appearances: Iron Man (Vol. 3) #1

Ms. Denton thanked Iron Man for his assistance at the Avalon Trading Company.[184]

Denton (Earth-616) from Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 634 001 Appearances: Amazing Spider-Man #634

Mr. Denton was Chicago crimelord who hired Kraven to hunt down and eliminate a petty criminal named Paulie Rizzo. After capturing Rizzo, Kraven did not kill him as he did not deem him worthy of his attentions and returned the advance money to Denton. Enraged that he hadn't eliminated Rizzo as agreed, Denton unleashed his men against Kraven, but Kraven disposed of them easily, then confronted Denton but did not kill him. Denton later hired Kaine to kill Kraven.[185]


Derek (Earth-616) from New Mutants Vol 2 1 001 Appearances: New Mutants (Vol. 2) #1, New Mutants (Vol. 2) #5, New Mutants (Vol. 2) #6, New Mutants (Vol. 2) #8

Derek was Walter Barrett's personal assistant and took Sophia, Barrett's mutant daughter, to heart when she came to the United States from Venezuela after the death of her mother.[186]
During a business trip to New York, Walter forbade Derek from meeting Sophia, but both were taken hostage by the Reavers.[187]
After being released by the Reavers because they were not mutants, Walter ordered Derek not to go to Sophia's aid but Derek refused to obey him by sending him to Hell.[188]
Some time later Derek went to visit Sophia at the Xavier Institute and she got furious after realizing that he was there to meet Walter and get his old job.[189]

Derek (Earth-616) from Captain Marvel Vol 10 27 0001 Appearances: Captain Marvel (Vol. 10) #27

Derek was a guy Carol Danvers met at the speed-date arranged by her friends. He told her that she looked like a superhero because she was incognito, and when she replied that some people confused her with Captain Marvel, he replied that he didn't think about her and by the way he didn't like her short hair making Carol angry.[190]


Derrick (Earth-616) from Non-Stop Spider-Man Vol 1 1 0001 Appearances: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 5) #32, Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 5) #33, Non-Stop Spider-Man #1, Non-Stop Spider-Man #2, Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 5) #75

A college classmate of Peter Parker's, during the funeral of a mutual acquaintance of theirs, Derrick kept making sarcastic comments.[191]
After Kelly's overdose and her amnesia, Derrick went to visit her at the hospital.[192]


Deruge (Earth-616) from Marvel Team-Up Vol 1 100 001 Appearances: Marvel Team-Up #100

Deruge and Lawson were two subordinates of Nguyen Ngoc Coy, who were ordered to watch over Leong and Nga Cao Mạnh, but they were easily defeated by Spider-Man.[193]


Jenkins & DeSalle from Darkhold Pages from the Book of Sins Vol 1 2 0001 Appearances: Darkhold: Pages from the Book of Sins #2

DeSalle was one of the hitmen sent by the Darkholders to kill the Darkhold Redeemers Agent Sam Buchanan and Dr. Louise Hastings at Washington. He was killed in the fire caused by the battle, possibly made to burn himself by Modred.[194]


Deseronto (Earth-616) from Marvel Holiday Special Vol 1 2011 001 Appearances: Marvel Holiday Special #2011

Mr. Deseronto was Coldheart's deceased husband. During the Christmas holidays, she built two mannequins representing her husband and son Joey, pretending they were alive and bringing them gifts. After she was arrested and taken to prison, Spider-Man, understanding her pain, brought a photo of her husband and her son to her cell.[195]


Destiny (Earth-616) from Moon Knight Vol 6 7 001 Appearances: Moon Knight (Vol. 6) #7

Destiny was one of Snapdragon's strippers.[196]


Devel (Earth-616) from U.S.Agent Vol 2 1 0001 Appearances: U.S.Agent (Vol. 2) #1

Devel was one of the former workers at Brombline Cross Mining who was interviewed after the mine closed and the Virago arrived.[197]


Devereaux (Earth-616) from Red She-Hulk Vol 1 62 001 Appearances: Red She-Hulk #62

Devereaux was a Project Echelon superhuman with E.M.P. ability living in Annapolis.[14]


Dewey (Earth-616) from Iron Man Vol 1 230 001 Appearances: Iron Man #230

When one of the entries in the confidential access file just disappeared, Dewey couldn't check back-ups, because they were all blanks.[198]


Dex (Earth-616) from Amazing Spider-Man Vol 2 30 0001 Appearances: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 2) #30, Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 2) #31, Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 2) #32, Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 2) #33, Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 2) #35

Mentioned: Spider-Man: The Darkest Hours

Dex was Morlun's assistant. He bribed an employee of the port to have a boat where Morlun and his victim docked without being checked.[199]
He accompanied Morlun to a New York City pub where he had breakfast.[200]
He accompanied Morlun to a fashion atelier where he purchased a tailored suit.[201]
He was ordered by Morlun to get him new clothes after they were destroyed due to his battle against Spider-Man.[202]
During the final confrontation between Morlun and Spider-Man, Dex shot Morlun apparently killing him when Morlun had already been defeated by Spider-Man and revealed to Spider-Man that he had served Morlun because he would have done him much harm.[203]

Dex (Earth-616) from Jubilee Vol 1 4 001 Appearances: Jubilee #4

Dex dealt in stolen cars in Los Angeles. When Shane Shooter came to him looking for Jubilee's teacher's stolen car, Dex initially appeared unsympathetic but as soon as Shooter pointed his fingers in his face, a frightened Dex immediately changed his behavior and told him it wasn't among his cars but to check at Pike's.[204]

Dex (Earth-616) from Drax the Destroyer Vol 1 1 001 Appearances: Drax the Destroyer #1, Drax the Destroyer #2, Drax the Destroyer #3, Drax the Destroyer #4

Dex was the best friend of Camille Benally at her hometown of Coot's Bluff, Alaska.[205]

Dex (Nebraska) (Earth-616) from Invincible Iron Man Vol 1 21 001 Appearances: Invincible Iron Man #21

Dex was a security guard at Millard Wellfield. He was killed in the same incident where Lucy Cervantes died.[206]

Dex (Earth-616) from U.S.Agent Vol 2 1 0001 Appearances: U.S.Agent (Vol. 2) #1

Dex was an agent of the O.N.E. who was assigned to the Omaha, Nebraska office.[197]


Di (Earth-616) from 15-Love Vol 1 2 0001 Appearances: 15-Love #2

Di was the assistant in the photo studio of fashion photographer Darcy Cortini.[207]


Diane (Earth-616) from New Mutants Vol 1 2 0001 Appearances: New Mutants #2

Diana was a resident of Salem Center. She met members of the New Mutants at the Salem Center Mall.[208] Diana invited the group to attend a dance at Salem Center High School.


Diane (Earth-616) from Peter Parker, Spider-Man 2000 Vol 1 1 0001 Appearances: Peter Parker, Spider-Man 2000 #1

Diane was once a member of the Bacchae. When she met and fell in love with Jack, a member of rival gang Golden Horde, they left their life of crime behind. Diane and Jack got regular jobs, working at the Coffee Shop. The Bacchae caught up to her and took her away. But both Spider-Man and Bounty, who helped fake Diane's death, helped Diane and Jack to start their new life together. They eventually had a child.[209]


Diaz (Earth-616) from Monsters Unleashed Vol 1 10 001 Appearances: Monsters Unleashed #10

The son of Richard Diaz, who together with his wife Consuelo and his daughter he would have done anything for their good. However, Richard was killed by Aesklos using the illusion that his son with her wife and his daughter were killing him.[210]

Diaz (Earth-616) from Monsters Unleashed Vol 1 10 002 Appearances: Monsters Unleashed #10

The daughter of Richard Diaz, who together with his wife Consuelo and his son he would have done anything for their good. However, Richard was killed by Aesklos using the illusion that her daughter with her wife and his son were killing him.[210]


Dibbs (Earth-616) from Avengers Origins Luke Cage Vol 1 1 001 Appearances: Avengers Origins: Luke Cage #1

Mr. Dibbs was Luke Cage's cellmate when he was incarcerated at Seagate Prison.[211]


Dick (Earth-616) from Spectacular Spider-Man Vol 1 211 001 Appearances: Spectacular Spider-Man #211

Dick was a light-sleeping neighbor who complained with Terry Martin for the noise coming out his apartment.[212]


Dickens (Earth-616) from Cage Vol 2 1 001 Appearances: Cage (Vol. 2) #1

Mrs. Dickens asked Cage to find her daughter's killer.[213]


Dickerson from Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 410 0001 Appearances: Amazing Spider-Man #410

Dickerson was one of the security guards at the Ravencroft Institute who was responsible for the surveillance of Cletus Kasady.[214]


Dickie (Earth-616) from Captain America Vol 1 128 001 Appearances: Captain America #128

Dickie was Whitey's kid brother, living in Coits Neck, New Jersey.[215]


Dietrich (Earth-616) from Thor Vol 2 37 0001 Appearances: Thor (Vol. 2) #37

Dietrich and Elsa returned to the Norwegian fishing village to meet the parents of Elsa who they hadn't seen since their wedding day, but once they arrived at the village they found it completely destroyed and abandoned.[216]


Dillon from X-Force Vol 1 66 0001 Appearances: X-Force #66

Dillon was a security guard at the Wackyworld theme park.[216]


It has been suggested that this section be split out into new page:
Dimitri (Hyboria) (Earth-616)
Reason: unknown
Initiator: Anonymous_668c2d1bdfa019.27212429; Date: March 30, 2024 17:50:45
Dimitri (Hyboria) (Earth-616) from Conan the Barbarian Vol 1 195 001

Appearances: Conan the Barbarian #195

While looting the wrecked temple of Mitra, Dimitri saw the Devourer's sword and against his friend’s warnings seized it, thinking only that such an ornate, well crafted weapon would bring a good price. Lightning suddenly crashed down from the heavens, and the villages fled as a terrible transformation begins. Dimitri was struck dead instantly, but in his place, the Devourer lived again.[217]
Dimitri (Chernobyl) (Earth-616) from Havok and Wolverine Meltdown Vol 1 1 001 Appearances: Havok and Wolverine Meltdown #1

Dimitri was one of the operators who died during the Chernobyl Disaster.[218]

Dimitri (Province 13) (Earth-616) from X-Men Liberators Vol 1 1 001 Appearances: X-Men: Liberators #1

Dimitri was a soldier assigned to feed Nikolas in Province 13.[219]

Dimitri (Earth-616) from Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 665 0001 Appearances: Amazing Spider-Man #665

Dimitri was a fence on which Spider-Man unleashed all his anger after Betty Brant was injured in a robbery whose proceeds were sold to him.[220]

Dimitri (Earth-616) from X-Men Vol 3 20 001 Appearances: X-Men (Vol. 3) #20

Dimitri was an arms dealer who sold a Sentinel to the Puternicstan Army. At the end of the transaction, Dimitri was killed by the intervention of special forces.[140]


Dina (Manhattan) (Earth-616) from Daredevil Vol 3 5 001 Appearances: Daredevil (Vol. 3) #5

Dina was Kirsten McDuffie's roommate.[221]


Dinah (Earth-616) from Web of Spider-Man Vol 1 44 001 Appearances: Web of Spider-Man #44

Dinah was a talk show host who interviewed Peter Parker while he was in Las Vegas promoting his book Webs.[222]

NOTE: This character resembles real-life talk show host Dinah Shore. She is probably not intended to actually be Shore, because when Web of Spider-Man #44 was published Shore had been off television for eight years.


Dingbat (Earth-616) from Marvel Spotlight Vol 1 5 001 Appearances: Marvel Spotlight #5

After killing a man for his money, Dingbat and Clyde chased Ghost Rider, but, after trapping him in an alley, they were shocked by his flaming skull and ran away.[223]


Dio (Earth-616) from Amazing Spider-Man Vol 6 11 001 Appearances: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 6) #11

Dio was a henchman of Roderick Kingsley and accompanied him to the meeting his boss held with Norman Osborn to get all his financial assets back, but during the meeting a mysterious Hobgoblin intervened and slaughtered Dio and Kingsley's other henchmen.[224]


Dion (Earth-616) from Iron Man Vol 1 52 001 Appearances: Iron Man #52

Dion was a student of Raga who was confronted and defeated by Iron Man.[225]


Dirk (Earth-616) from Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man Vol 1 106 0001 Appearances: Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man #106

Dirk was a young man who was hanging out with his girlfriend by the docks when Spider-Man showed up to bust a drug smuggling operation. Spider-Man told them to leave to avoid being in danger but Dirk stayed behind to watch the action and was inadvertently shot. Spider-Man had to swing him to the hospital to get treatment where he was reported to be OK.[84]

Dirk (Black Cullens) (Earth-616) from Punisher Vol 2 86 001 Appearances: Punisher (Vol. 2) #86

Dirk and Louis were ordered by Tommy "Peach" Cullen to dispatch Jimmy Pierce.[226]

Dirk (Earth-616) from Spectacular Spider-Man Vol 1 209 001 Appearances: Spectacular Spider-Man #209

Dirk was a divorce lawyer who was introduced to J. Jonah Jameson by his wife.[227]

Dirk (Earth-616) from X-Men Vol 3 9 0001 Appearances: X-Men (Vol. 3) #9

Dirk was one of the boys deceived and imprisoned by Dark Beast to experiment with Connors' serum.[228]


Dis (Earth-616) from Ghost Rider Annual Vol 1 1 001 Appearances: Ghost Rider Annual #1

Dis was a gang member who was attacked by the Night Terror.[229]


DiStefano (Earth-616) from Cable Vol 4 2 0001 Appearances: Cable (Vol. 4) #2

DiStefano was a detective from the Philadelphia Police and together with her partner Molina investigated the disappearance of the newborn son of Stinger and Paulie Provenzano, and did not want Cable to meddle in the investigation.[230]


Dixie from Deathlok Vol 1 2 001 Appearances: Deathlok #2

Dixie reported an attempt to capture Deathlok in Coney Island, being saved when Harlan Ryker ordered Ian Wajler to destroy the news helicopter.[231]


Djo (Earth-616) from Darkhawk Heart of the Hawk Vol 1 1 0001 Appearances: Darkhawk: Heart of the Hawk #1

Djo was an alien living on the Kortaki Colony which was invaded by the Brood until the Colony was freed by Darkhawk. At the end of the fight with the Brood, Djo asked Darkhawk if he had now destroyed them too and after he told her that they were now free from the threat of the Brood, she without a minimum of gratitude accused him that she had demolished their premises.[232]


Dmitri (Starcore) (Earth-616) from X-Men Vol 1 99 001 Appearances: Avengers #102, X-Men #99

Dmitri detected very bad solar forecasts after observing a solar flare with a direct course for Earth.[233]

Dmitri (Earth-616) from X-Men Vol 2 2 001 Appearances: X-Men (Vol. 2) #2

Dmitri was a Soviet scientist stationed at the Baikonur Cosmodrome and commented with the Director-General of the base, at the launch of the Plasma Cannon towards Asteroid M, which was a magnificent sight. [234]

Dmitri (Earth-616) from Iron Man Vol 3 10 001 Appearances: Iron Man (Vol. 3) #10

Dmitri and Gennady were two soldiers who were tasked to located the Mandarin's body amid the wreckage of his sky dragon aircraft, with Dmitri handling a corpse-locating dog. Instead they found a badly beaten Iron Man, who tried to explain what had happened inside the aircraft but then collapsed.[235]

Dmitri (Earth-616) from Black Panther The Man Without Fear Vol 1 516 0001 Appearances: Black Panther: The Man Without Fear #516

Dmitri was present at the underworld bosses' meeting in SoHo called to question Vlad Dinu's conduct.[6]


Doc (Earth-616) from Marvel Zombies Supreme Vol 1 1 0001 Appearances: Marvel Zombies Supreme #1

Doc was the Guardsman Alpha Squad's medical specialist and was the first to succumb to the Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S. rescue operation when he was killed by the zombified Hyperion clone.[236]


Dolph (Earth-616) from X-Men Children of the Atom Vol 1 2 001 Appearances: X-Men: Children of the Atom #2

Dolph was a member of Jack Winters' gang.[237]


Dom (Earth-616) from Captain America Vol 4 7 001 Appearances: Captain America (Vol. 4) #7

Dom was one of Captain America's neighbors in Red Hook.[238]


Dominic (Earth-616) from Sensational Spider-Man Vol 1 12 001 Appearances: Sensational Spider-Man #12

On Fifth Avenue, Dominic was rescued from Trapster by Spider-Man.[239]

Dominic (Teacher) (Earth-616) from Amazing Spider-Man Vol 2 37 001 Appearances: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 2) #37, Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 2) #43

Dominic was one of the teachers at Midtown High School.[240]
He used to spend the holiday break trying to find something to earn some money.[241]


Don (Scuba) (Earth-616) from Fantastic Four Vol 1 232 001 Appearances: Fantastic Four #232

Don was working in his sporting goods shop when the Thing, trapped by a water elemental sent by Diablo, thrashed about the store, asking for a scuba tank.[242]

Doctor Don (Earth-616) from Fantastic Four Vol 1 285 002 Appearances: Fantastic Four #285

Doctor Don worked at the burn ward in the South Queens Hospital for Sick Children: he solicited Janet Darling the Thomas H. Hanson's case report and, when the Human Torch came to visit the kid, he told him the he was very near the end.[243]

Don (Earth-616) from Wolverine Vol 2 7 001 Appearances: Wolverine (Vol. 2) #7 (Unnamed), Wolverine (Vol. 2) #8 (Mentioned)

The crimelord known simply as The Don[244] had business deals with Michael Berengetti years ago; the Don did an unspecified favor for Berengetti, after which they maintained a cordial professional and personal relationship. Later, the Don became a very rich man, by some accounts more powerful that the President of the United States, and with more guards in his Lake Tahoe villa than there were in the White House. The Don had business deals with Nguyen Ngoc Coy, would-be crimelord of Madripoor, but Coy's troubles with rival crimelord Tyger Tiger led to his drug crop destroyed, meaning Coy could not pay the Don in time. The Don decided to send an "enforcer" to Madripoor,[245] purportedly to help Coy get rid of the Tiger.[244] Berengetti, discovering the Don's plight, suggested to send his own superhuman enforcer Mr. Fixit; the Don claimed he wouldn't be asking a friend for a favor debt, but met with Fixit and was impressed at him. So as to not offend Berengetti's famous honesty, the Don claimed he wanted to confirm whether Coy's business were what the Don was told.[245] Once Fixit reached Madripoor, however, the Tiger's ally Patch manipulated him to destroy several of Coy's illegal operations, then was told that Coy and the Don had been lying to Fixit and Berengetti. Enraged, Fixit left Madripoor, with the idea of "talking" to the Don about his scam (possibly also wrecking the crimelord's assets) before returning to Las Vegas.[244]

Don (Earth-616) from Spider-Man Unlimited Vol 1 8 0001 Appearances: Spider-Man Unlimited #8

With David, Don devised the terrorist attack of Terror Unlimited on the World Trade Center.[134]

Don (ACDCR) (Earth-616) from Spider-Man Maximum Clonage Vol 1 Alpha 001 Appearances: Spider-Man: Maximum Clonage Alpha #1

Don was among the scientists sent by the Atlanta Control Center for Disease Control and Research to evaluate the nanocontagion epidemic in Springville.[246]

Don from Daredevil Black & White Vol 1 1 001 Appearances: Daredevil Black & White #1

Don was a regular of Fogwell's Gym who told Bullseye where to find Tyrone.[247]

Don (Earth-616) from Fear Itself The Home Front Vol 1 5 001 Appearances: Fear Itself: The Home Front #5

Don was the sheriff of Bleachville who met the leaders of the Navajo reservation and told them that the mayor intended to have a meeting with them. He was later killed by removing his scalp with the intention of blaming the Indians of the reservation.[248]


Donald (Revenge Inc) (Earth-616) from Dazzler Vol 1 37 0001 Appearances: Dazzler #37

Donald was one of the managers of Revenge Inc. who offered Diana Simon money in exchange for experimenting with her psychic powers. Donald killed Simon's father after he killed the Revenge general manager but he himself was killed by a holographic representation developed by Diana's powers.[249]

Donald (Earth-616) from Venom Dark Origin Vol 1 2 001 Appearances: Venom: Dark Origin #2

Donald was Eddie Brock's lawyer.[250]

Donald (Earth-616) from Amazing Spider-Man Vol 3 19.1 0001 Appearances: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 3) #19.1

Mister Negative had Donald watch over the Wraith. During a robbery committed by the Circus of Crime, Donald stole what they were attempting to steal, a ten million dollar watch, but was captured and killed by Wraith.[251]


Donato (earth-61) from Hellstorm Prince of Lies Vol 1 2 0001 Appearances: Hellstorm: Prince of Lies #1

Mr. Donato replaced the plaque on Daimon Hellstrom's door from the previous one that indicated "Daimon Hellstorm" and while he was mimicking Hellstrom when he asked him to replace it, not realizing that Hellstrom was watching him, he was frightened when Daimon suddenly appeared behind him.[252]


Donda (Earth-616) from Ka-Zar Lord of the Savage Land Vol 1 2 001 Appearances: Ka-Zar: Lord of the Savage Land #2

Donda, a member of the Savagelander race of the Botor, welcomed Ka-Zar and his family into his forest abruptly threatening them with a bow until another member of his race told him that they were friends with the Botors.[253]


Donna (Earth-616) from Web of Spider-Man Vol 1 110 001 Appearances: Web of Spider-Man #110

Donna and Cass were rescued by Lizard from the Pipers. They then died on their way back to Lubbock.[254]

Donna (Liberty Island) (Earth-616) from Thunderbolts Vol 1 1 001 Appearances: Thunderbolts #1

Donna reported the battle between the Thunderbolts and the Wrecking Crew on Liberty Island.[255]

Donna (Earth-616) from Captain America and Bucky Vol 1 621 001 Appearances: Captain America and Bucky #621

While Steve Rogers and Bucky were investigating saboteurs at a Carnival, they met two girls, Donna and her friend Rachel, whom they fraternized with and used as a cover for their investigation.[256]


It has been suggested that this section be split out into new page:
Donnar (Earth-616)
Reason: unknown
Initiator: Anonymous_668c2d1bdfa019.27212429; Date: March 30, 2024 17:50:45
Donnar (Earth-616) from Savage Sword of Conan Vol 1 226 001

Appearances: Savage Sword of Conan #226

Donnar was a scavenger during the Great Cataclysm, who was killed by Red Sonja when he and his band of raiders attempted to harass her.[257]


Donnie (Earth-616) from Fear Itself Vol 1 6 001 Appearances: Fear Itself #6, Fear Itself: The Home Front #7

Donnie saw Fortress Null approaching Broxton.[258] During the final showdown in Broxton between Captain America and the Thule Society, Donnie convinces Rick to take care of his family and not go and help the hero.[4]

Donnie (Earth-616) from Amazing Spider-Man Vol 6 3 001 Appearances: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 6) #3, Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 6) #4

Donnie was a member of the Tombstone gang. He was present as Tombstone beat up Spider-Man in an abandoned subway tunnel. When Donnie asked tombstone where he was to put the box full of roses he was carrying, he told him to take them upstairs to the gang.[259]
Donnie was stopped by Kareem moments before he shot Spider-Man in the head, in gratitude for saving his life earlier.[260]


Miss Donohue (Earth-616) from Captain America Vol 1 309 0001 Appearances: Captain America #309

Miss Donohue was the secretary for Arthur Bennett when Steve Rogers had arrived and quit the job due to his obligations as Captain America.[261]


Blind Spot from Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 547 001 Appearances: Amazing Spider-Man #547, Amazing Spider-Man #548

Dooley bought Peter Parker's stolen credit cards from Sean Boyle at the Blind Spot.[262]
He killed him when he later tried to retrieve them.[263]


Dora (Earth-616) from Captain Britain Vol 1 3 001 Appearances: Captain Britain #3

Dora was the waitress and owner of the Flying Finish in London.[264] Dora also liked to play matchmaker, pointedly suggesting to Brian Braddock that he should ask Courtney Ross out on a date.[264]

Dora (Maid) (Earth-616) from Deadpool Vol 6 13 001 Appearances: Deadpool (Vol. 6) #13

Dora worked as a maid at the Schaefer Theater.[265]


Doran (Earth-616) from Iron Man 2.0 Vol 1 3 0002 Appearances: Iron Man 2.0 #3

During a dinner at her parents' house, after Kaylie Doran's father complained that her daughter came to visit them no more than once every six months telling her they didn't even know what job she did and whether it was a job involving the military or if he worked for the President.[266]

Doran (Earth-616) from Iron Man 2.0 Vol 1 3 0001 Appearances: Iron Man 2.0 #3

During a dinner at her parents' house, Kaylie Doran's father complained that her daughter came to visit them no more than once every six months telling her they didn't even know what job she did and if it was a job involving the military or if she worked for the President, her mother told her they asked her this because they were concerned about her.[266]

Doran (Earth-616) from Iron Man 2.0 Vol 1 3 0003 Appearances: Iron Man 2.0 #3

While Kaylie Doran's parents asked her what job she did to keep her so away from home and why she couldn't talk about it, her younger brother asked her if she was a spy and she jokingly replied that they had taught her to kill with a spoon while she was about to throw food at him with her spoon.[266]


Doreen (Earth-616) from Captain Britain Vol 2 4 0001 Appearances: Captain Britain (Vol. 2) #4

Doreen was a woman who witnessed a commotion caused by the presence of Sidney Crumb and remarked to her friend Joyce that the people looked terrified.[267]

Doreen (Murdock) (Earth-616) from Daredevil Father Vol 1 1 001 Appearances: Daredevil Father #1, Daredevil Father #5

Doreen worked as a secretary at Nelson and Murdock law firm.[268]
She introduced Agent Guida to Mr. Murdock.[269]


Dorian (Latverian) (Earth-616) Doom 2099 Vol 1 40 Appearances: Doom 2099 #40, Doom 2099 #41

Dorian worked as an assistant for the Latverian scientists Dr. Weber and Dr. Danzen. He was imprisoned for interrupting Doctor Doom. Soon after, Dorian was freed by the future Doom who had traveled back in time.[270]


Doris (Hell's Kitchen) (Earth-616) from Daredevil Vol 1 220 001 Appearances: Daredevil #220

Doris was killed by Manny.[271]

Doris (Earth-616) from Wolverine Vol 2 80 001 Appearances: Wolverine (Vol. 2) #80

Doris and her husband Willy were attacked by Bloodscream in Logan, Alberta, Canada.[272]

Doris (Snow Valley) (Earth-616) from Generation X Holiday Special Vol 1 1 001 Appearances: Generation X Holiday Special #1

Doris was Stephen's mother.[273]

Doris (Assistant) (Earth-616) from Wolverine Vol 3 56 001 Appearances: Wolverine (Vol. 3) #56

Doris was tasked to take photos of Logan while he was trapped in the pit.[274]

Doris (Earth-616) from Black Panther vs. Deadpool Vol 1 1 0001 Appearances: Black Panther vs. Deadpool #1

Doris was socializing with mailman Willie Lumpkin when a school-bus driven by a child placed there by Deadpool crashed near them, seriously injuring Willie. Doris then helped the injured Willie.[275]

Doris (Earth-616) from Daredevil Vol 2 71 Appearances: Daredevil (Vol. 2) #71

Doris was one of many invitees that attended a gathering to discuss about Daredevil.[276]


Dottie (Earth-616) from Bizarre Adventures Vol 1 33 0001 Appearances: Bizarre Adventures #33

While being controlled by the soul of his unborn twin sister Roberta, as a young boy Robert Gross pushed his Auntie Dottie down the stairs.[277]

Dottie (Earth-616) from Immortal Hulk Time of Monsters Vol 1 1 001 Appearances: Immortal Hulk: Time of Monsters #1

Dottie was a residence of Verdigris, Kansas and was one of the townspeople whose fear the Scarecrow fed on. She and the other townspeople were able to flee when the Hulk broke the Scarecrow's power over them.[278]


Doug (Earth-616) from Iron Man Vol 1 50 001 Appearances: Iron Man #50

Doug interviewed Mr. Stark outside the Stark Industries complex.[279]

Doug (Tourist) (Earth-616) from Power Man Vol 1 22 0001 Appearances: Power Man #22

Doug and his girlfriend Debbie were in Time Square during the clash between Luke Cage and Stiletto and Discus. Doug was advised by Cage to leave the place immediately because of the situation and Doug accepted the advice but thought that the New Yorkers were ... weird.[280]

Doug (Earth-616) from Avengers Vol 1 212 000 Appearances: Avengers #212

Doug was a member of the Washington DC Police; he and his partner Ron fired and killed Gorn after he threw at them with his sword drawn, after which they were magically hit by a vindictive Elfqueen who plunged them into the ground.[281]

Doug (Cameraman) (Earth-616) from Ghost Rider Vol 3 5 0001 Appearances: Ghost Rider (Vol. 3) #5

Doug was the cameraman for Linda Wei of News At Six Channel and was the first to film the new Ghost Rider with a camera.[282]

Doug (DEA) (Earth-616) from Daredevil Annual Vol 1 10 001 Appearances: Daredevil Annual #10

An agent of the D.E.A., Doug spotted Osaku in Port Newark.[283]

Doug (TV Producer) (Earth-616) from Amazing Fantasy Vol 1 18 0001 Appearances: Amazing Fantasy #18

Doug was the producer of the TV show It's Amazing and removed the astronaut John Jameson from programming to broadcast Spider-Man.[284]

Doug (Earth-616) from Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 558 0001 Appearances: Amazing Spider-Man #558

Doug was a salvage yard worker working in the dump when the Freak emerged from the rubbish and clashed with Spider-Man.[285]

Doug (Earth-616) from Spider-Man Short Halloween Vol 1 1 0001 Appearances: Spider-Man: Short Halloween #1

After a Halloween party, Doug and his friend Eric brought home a stunned Spider-Man thinking he was their drunken friend Ronnie who wore a Spider-Man costume for the occasion.[286]

Doug (Earth-616) from Carnage Vol 1 2 001 Appearances: Carnage #2

Doug was a scientist who worked for Hall Industries experimenting on the Carnage Symbiote and Shriek. He was killed by Dr. Nieves after she was bonded and controlled by the Symbiote.[141]

Doug (Earth-616) from Moon Knight Vol 8 11 0001 Appearances: Moon Knight (Vol. 8) #11

Doug was an assistant to Dr. Emmet at the Putnam Psychiatric Hospital during the period Marc Spector was hospitalized there.[287]

Doug (Doodkill) (Earth-616) from Unbelievable Gwenpool Vol 1 11 0001 Appearances: Unbelievable Gwenpool #11

Doug was one of the reanimated corpses revived by Doodkill's mayor necromancer.[288]

Doug (Earth-616) from Great Lakes Avengers Vol 1 6 0001 Appearances: Great Lakes Avengers #6

Doug tried to buy the van Great Lakes Avengers Headquarters.[289]


Dover (Earth-616) from Daredevil Vol 1 59 001 Appearances: Daredevil #59

Ms. Dover was a secretary in the district attorney's office in Foggy Nelson's time as D.A.. When Matt Murdock shows up at the office, she asked Ms. Dover if Foggy could receive and she replied that Mr. Nelson was in the inner office but he could enter.[290]


Doyle (Earth-616) from Human Torch Vol 3 10 0001 Appearances: Human Torch (Vol. 3) #10

Doyle was one of two Knights who Shyla ordered him to follow her to capture the Human Torch.[291]

Mr. Doyle (Earth-616) from Dark Avengers Vol 1 179 0001 Appearances: X-Men First Class (Vol. 2) #11, Thunderbolts #168, Dark Avengers #175, Dark Avengers #177, Dark Avengers #179, Dark Avengers #180, Dark Avengers #181, Dark Avengers #182

Member of the Continuiteens, who took care of intervening if the continuity of the Marvel Universe was affected by unrecorded events.[292]
He became a member of F.A.C.T., the government agency charged with assembling the new Thunderbolts teams.[293], [294], [295], [296]

Doyle (Earth-616) Ms. Marvel Vol 3 5 Appearances: Ms. Marvel (Vol. 3) #4, Ms. Marvel (Vol. 3) #5

Doyle is a teenager and one of The Inventor's henchman in charge of the Greenville House.[297]


Drake (Earth-616) from Elektra Vol 3 19 001 Appearances: Elektra (Vol. 3) #19

Drake's father served with the U.S. military during World War II. He was part of the forces occupying Japan and being an African-American he was left with mostly menial tasks. While in Japan he discovered an interest in certain aspects of Japanese art, culture and, in particular, the martial arts. Drake's father came home to California in the summer of 1947 and taught his son James everything he had learned; the boy demonstrated a phenomenal talent for martial arts and he, in turn, started teaching his younger sister what he had learned from their father. In 1953 Drake's father returned to Japan with his family so as to learn more. Unknownst to the Drake family some of the men he had met and learned from in Japan were members of a secret mystical order of martial arts masters, The Chaste who recruited Drake's father as well as her brother. Later, after her daughter joined the ranks of the Hand, he was killed by her herself.[298]

Drake (Earth-616) from Daredevil Reborn Vol 1 1 0001 Appearances: Daredevil: Reborn #1, Daredevil: Reborn #2, Daredevil: Reborn #3

A Deputy in a town in New Mexico, Sheriff Cole ordered him to intercept and eliminate Matt Murdock.[299]


Drayson (Earth-616) from Marvel Mystery Comics Vol 1 2 001 Appearances: Marvel Mystery Comics #2

Mentions: Marvel Mystery Comics #3

Ms. Drayson accidentally put a fire on her skirt with a cigarette but was saved by Namor who sprinkled water from the pores of his own body. Namor captured Ms. Drayson from the Dell View Hospital and tried to take her underwater, but heroic Officer Foley of the NYPD saved her with the cost of his own life.[300]


Drumm from Tales of Suspense Vol 1 31 0001 Appearances: Tales of Suspense #31

Mrs. Drumm was the mother of two sons with completely opposite character, while Paul was a judicious man and worker Harry was lazy and with criminal tendencies.[301]


Drummond (Earth-616) from Invincible Iron Man Vol 5 9 001 Appearances: Invincible Iron Man (Vol. 5) #9, Invincible Iron Man (Vol. 5) #18

Drummond was the warden of the Allan B. Polunsky Unit, where Jim Rhodes was imprisoned after being framed for the murder of a Stark Unlimited employee by Feilong during the villain's campaign against Iron Man. An Orchis sympathizer, Drummond shamelessly turned a blind eye when Feilong used his influence to have fellow prisoners target and beat up Rhodes to aggraviate Tony Stark.[302]

When Rhodes broke out of his cell using a War Machine Armor smuggled into prison when attacked by two Orchis agents, Warden Drummond rushed to the scene, but tripped on a fellled Orchis soldier. War Machine grabbed him by his collar and ripped off his clothes to embarass Drummond before escaping from the Polunsky Unit altogether.[303]


Dubinsky (Earth-616) from Havok and Wolverine Vol 1 3 001 Appearances: Havok and Wolverine Meltdown #3

Dubinsky was one of Dr. Neutron's agents who captured Logan.[301]


Dubois (Earth-616) from Fantastic Four Vol 1 566 001 Appearances: Fantastic Four #566

Dubois was one of Doctor Doom's servants.[304]


Dubowsky (Earth-616) from Deadpool Vol 6 13 001 Appearances: Deadpool (Vol. 6) #13

Dubowsky was an office boy and an acquaintance of Ben Urich.[265]


Ducret (Earth-616) from Drax the Destroyer Vol 1 2 001 Appearances: Drax the Destroyer #3

Ducret was killed by Paibok in order to set an example for the citizens of Coot's Bluff, Alaska.[305]


Duff (Earth-616) from Spectacular Spider-Man Vol 1 218 001 Appearances: Spectacular Spider-Man #218

Duff was a street thug who was confronted and defeated by Puma.[306]


Duggins from Thunderbolts Vol 1 166 001 Appearances: Thunderbolts #166

Duggins was Adolphus Williamson dog. When he was at the scene of the murder of Catherine Eddowes, one of the victims of Jack the Ripper, Williamson felt the presence of someone watching them and Duggins felt it too, immediately setting off on the hunt.[307]


Duk (Earth-616) from Journey Into Mystery Vol 1 515 0001 Appearances: Journey Into Mystery #515

A member of the Wild Tiger Mob, on the Chow Yun Woo's boat that transported drugs, he collided with Shang-Chi facing him with a chain and hook but was easily defeated by the martial artist..[308]


Duke (Earth-616) from Spectacular Spider-Man Vol 1 135 0001 Appearances: Spectacular Spider-Man #135

After being beaten by Electro, Spider-Man was surrounded by the crowd and among those who wanted to expose him was Duke, but was stopped by Stan Carter who threatened the crowd with a shotgun, which they didn't know was a toy. Duke walked away but threatened Carter by telling him he wouldn't forget the insult.[309]


Duluth (Earth-616) from Deadpool Vol 4 22 001 Appearances: Deadpool (Vol. 4) #22

ATF's Agent Duluth was responsible for stopping the moonshine operation ran by the Mason County Sheriff's Department.[103]


Dum-Dum (Earth-616) from Captain America Comics Vol 1 1 001 Appearances: Captain America Comics #1

When Hurricane tried to frame Piggy Perroni by introducing himself to him saying that he wanted to be part of his gang, Piggy joined him to one of his henchmen, Dum-Dum, with whom he would have to extort money from a person, but Hurricane was furious and attacked Piggy, disarming Dum-Dum and stunning him.[310]


Dumpling (Earth-616) from Captain Marvel Vol 10 37 001 Appearances: Captain Marvel (Vol. 10) #37

During a ride in a quiet place where Carol wanted to teach Binary some things about humans, Binary met a group of kids in a diner who gave her a kitten called Dumpling. Soon after, they collided with a Snatmen, and Binary learned his first lesson in the frailty of life when Dumpling was a victim in the fight.[311]


Duncan (Yancy Street) (Earth-616) from Spider-Man Vol 1 90 001 Appearances: Spider-Man #90

Duncan was at Yancy Street when he was was saved by Spider-Man from being forever trapped in the Negative Zone.[312]

Duncan (Earth-616) from New Mutants Vol 2 13 0001 Appearances: New Mutants (Vol. 2) #5, New Mutants (Vol. 2) #6, New Mutants (Vol. 2) #13

Duncan took Josh Foley to a Reavers recruitment meeting. Immediately after, they attacked Sofia Mantega, but he was wounded and Josh healed him, discovering his a mutant status.[187]
Duncan later met Josh returning home, accusing him of being a mutie along with others, and beat him up.[188]
Sometime later he helped Donald Pierce escape and rallied the Reavers asking Pierce to kill Josh for taking him to the Reavers, but when they attacked the New Mutants, Duncan was easily subdued and was about to be killed by Wolfsbane but he implored her to not kill him and Rahne let him go.[313]

Duncan (Earth-616) from Superior Foes of Spider-Man Vol 1 5 001 Appearances: Superior Foes of Spider-Man #5

Duncan was the Owl's driver.[314]

Duncan (Earth-616) from Deadly Neighborhood Spider-Man Vol 1 1 001 Appearances: Deadly Neighborhood Spider-Man #1

Mentioned: Deadly Neighborhood Spider-Man #2

Duncan was Randy and Janice's chauffeur who accompanied Peter Parker to California during his studies at the E.S.U. of Pasadena. Peter was accompanied to the Santa Monica Pier and arrived at the destination Peter turned to Duncan telling him to be careful that the local highways were not a joke.[315]


Dundee (Earth-616) from Daredevil Vol 1 165 001 Appearances: Daredevil #165

Dundee was an acquaintance of Joseph Pike.[316]


Dunn (Earth-616) from Daredevil Vol 1 18 001 Appearances: Daredevil #18

Mr. Dunn was the manager of the building in Mid-Manhattan where the office of Nelson & Murdock was located. He approached Karen Page to discuss the rent, but as she fainted in front of him, he rushed the girl to a hospital and then told Mr. Murdock about it.[317]


Dunphy (Earth-616) from Daredevil Vol 1 310 001 Appearances: Daredevil #310

Dunphy was an I.N.S. agent who was stopped by Matthew Murdock from arresting Haitian refugee Yves Chapoteau.[318]


Durnis from Black Panther vs. Deadpool Vol 1 2 0001 Appearances: Black Panther vs. Deadpool #2

Durnis and his twin brother Clemson were poaching in Azania when after Durnis hit a zebra with the shotgun, Deadpool cut his left arm. Later on during their return with their private jet they were assaulted by Jack O'Lantern who threw a pumpkin bomb into the jet that made him explode killing them both.[319]


Durst (Earth-616) from Widowmakers Red Guardian and Yelena Belova Vol 1 1 0001 Appearances: Widowmakers: Red Guardian and Yelena Belova #1

Dr. Durst was the warden of a prison that once had been a secret site for SHIELD. In agreement with the person who had taken over the site, he experimented on the inmates, making them their mercenaries, and as part of a ruse, he had them tested against Yelena Belova.[320]


Dusty (Earth-616) from Avengers Origins Ant-Man & the Wasp Vol 1 1 001 Appearances: Avengers Origins: Ant-Man & the Wasp #1

Dusty was one of the first ants befriended by Henry Pym.[321]


Duval (Earth-616) from Young Allies Vol 1 8 001 Appearances: Young Allies #8

Duval was a French Army officer allied with the Nazis. He attempted to storm the fort where the leader of the French Resistance in Algiers was holed up together with the Young Allies. When the soldiers were convinced of the good intentions of the Allies, they turned against Duval and joined General Leroux.[322]


Dwayne (Earth-616) from Captain Britain Vol 2 2 0001 Appearances: Captain Britain (Vol. 2) #2

Dwayne was a criminal that tried to rob the Crazy Gang but nearly had his head cut off and was himself robbed instead.[323]

Dwayne (Earth-616) from Captain America Annual Vol 1 11 0001 Appearances: Captain America Annual #11

Dwayne was a boy from Harlem who warned Sam Wilson that he had sighted non-neighborhood people in skin-tights and heavily armed.[324]


Dylan (Earth-616) from X-Men Unlimited Vol 1 39 001 Appearances: X-Men Unlimited #39

Dylan turned against his best friend after discovering he was a mutant.[325]


Dytrius (Earth-616) from Thor Vol 2 58 001 Appearances: Thor (Vol. 2) #58

Dytrius was one of the soldiers who eradicated and plundered Pystoroka.[326]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Wolverine (Vol. 2) #84
  2. Captain America (Vol. 4) #4
  3. Elektra #2
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Fear Itself: The Home Front #7
  5. Two-Gun Kid #22
  6. 6.0 6.1 Black Panther: The Man Without Fear #516
  7. Mockingbird #6
  8. Mockingbird #7
  9. Venom: Lethal Protector (Vol. 2) #2
  10. Elektra (Vol. 3) #14
  11. Tales to Astonish #84
  12. Captain America #388
  13. Venom (Vol. 2) #27.1
  14. 14.0 14.1 Red She-Hulk #62
  15. Carnage: Black, White & Blood #2
  16. Rogue (Vol. 3) #1
  17. Secret Avengers #15
  18. Edge of Spider-Verse (Vol. 2) #1
  19. Astonishing Tales #21
  20. Doctor Strange (Vol. 2) #19
  21. Marvel Team-Up #61
  22. Marvel Team-Up #62
  23. Daredevil #238
  24. Spider-Man #29
  25. Spider-Man #30
  26. Spider-Man #31
  27. X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic #39
  28. A.X.E.: Judgment Day #2
  29. A.X.E.: Judgment Day #3
  30. A.X.E.: Judgment Day #4
  31. A.X.E.: Judgment Day #5
  32. A.X.E.: Judgment Day #6
  33. Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty (Vol. 2) #4
  34. Fear Itself #7
  35. 35.0 35.1 Thor: Lightning and Lament #1
  36. 36.0 36.1 15-Love #1
  37. Giant-Size Man-Thing #4
  38. Marvel Mystery Comics #13
  39. Human Torch #19
  40. Blonde Phantom Comics #20
  41. Joker Comics #42
  42. Marvel Tales #110
  43. Spellbound #12
  44. Journey Into Mystery #15
  45. Strange Tales #63
  46. Captain Marvel #8
  47. Iron Man #41
  48. Hero for Hire #11
  49. Spider-Man, Storm and Power Man #1
  50. Marvel Graphic Novel #5
  51. US 1 #6
  52. Fantastic Four #289
  53. Web of Spider-Man #45
  54. Mighty Thor #447448
  55. Fantastic Force #10
  56. Spider-Man: The Lost Years #2
  57. Captain America (Vol. 3) #13
  58. Wolverine/Punisher Revelation #4
  59. Elektra (Vol. 3) #10
  60. Avengers (Vol. 3) #76
  61. 4 #1
  62. Warlock (Vol. 6) #1
  63. Captain America #600
  64. Dark Reign: The Hood #5
  65. Secret Avengers #1
  66. X-Factor #225
  67. Ghost Rider X-Mas Special Infinite Comic #1
  68. Symbiote Spider-Man #3
  69. Doctor Strange (Vol. 5) #19
  70. King in Black: Planet of the Symbiotes #1
  71. Daredevil (Vol. 6) #28
  72. Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 5) #62
  73. Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #14 ; Siege's profile
  74. 74.0 74.1 74.2 74.3 Deathlok Annual #2
  75. Deathlok (Vol. 2) #19
  76. Deathlok (Vol. 2) #17
  77. Silver Sable and the Wild Pack #12
  78. Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Master Edition #36 ; Siege's profile
  79. Uncanny X-Men #437
  80. Nova (Vol. 2) #11
  81. Doctor Strange (Vol. 2) #66
  82. Doom 2099 #40
  83. Meet Miss Bliss #1
  84. 84.0 84.1 Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man #106
  85. Wolverine (Vol. 2) #81
  86. Venom: The Madness #1
  87. Venom: The Madness #2
  88. Venom: The Madness #3
  89. Thor #497
  90. Amazing Fantasy (Vol. 3) #1
  91. X-Men #121
  92. Captain America #616
  93. Tomb of Dracula #67
  94. Marvel Team-Up #105
  95. Iron Man #223
  96. Iron Man #244
  97. Iron Man #254
  98. Marvel Comics Presents #123
  99. Civil War #3
  100. Ghost Rider (Vol. 6) #14
  101. Ghost Rider (Vol. 6) #15
  102. Ghost Rider (Vol. 6) #16
  103. 103.0 103.1 103.2 Deadpool (Vol. 4) #22
  104. Deadpool (Vol. 5) #45
  105. ClanDestine #5
  106. 106.0 106.1 Daredevil Annual #7
  107. Sensational She-Hulk #52
  108. Sensational She-Hulk #54
  109. Punisher Summer Special #3
  110. Wolverine (Vol. 2) #10
  111. Daredevil #17
  112. Web of Spider-Man (Vol. 2) #10
  113. Amazing Adventures (Vol. 2) #7
  114. Avengers #165
  115. Amazing Spider-Man #405
  116. Sensational Spider-Man #9
  117. Sensational Spider-Man #10
  118. Avengers Icons: The Vision #3
  119. Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 2) #48
  120. Amazing Spider-Man #602
  121. Power Man and Iron Fist (Vol. 2) #5
  122. Alpha Flight (Vol. 4) #1
  123. Avengers: Solo #4
  124. Astonishing X-Men (Vol. 4) #16
  125. Avengers: Marvels Snapshots #1
  126. Union #5
  127. Damage Control (Vol. 4) #1
  128. Emma Frost #1
  129. Emma Frost #2
  130. Amazing Adult Fantasy #9
  131. West Coast Avengers (Vol. 2) #46
  132. Daredevil: Redemption #1
  133. Warlock and the Infinity Watch #12
  134. 134.0 134.1 Spider-Man Unlimited #8
  135. Punisher (Vol. 6) #6
  136. New X-Men #123
  137. Avengers (Vol. 3) #65
  138. Amazing Spider-Man #535
  139. Supernatural Thrillers #5
  140. 140.0 140.1 X-Men (Vol. 3) #20
  141. 141.0 141.1 Carnage #2
  142. Captain America (Vol. 6) #12
  143. Punisher (Vol. 9) #13
  144. Fear Itself: The Home Front #3
  145. Scarlet Spider #1
  146. Spectacular Scarlet Spider #1
  147. Spectacular Spider-Man #232
  148. Spectacular Spider-Man #235
  149. Spectacular Spider-Man #236
  150. Marvel Feature #3
  151. Young Allies #5
  152. Punisher (Vol. 9) #6
  153. Amazing Spider-Man #388
  154. 154.0 154.1 154.2 Damage Control (Vol. 4) #2
  155. Avengers #161
  156. Journey Into Mystery #635
  157. Captain America 1999 #1
  158. Breaking Into Comics the Marvel Way! #1
  159. King in Black: Captain America #1
  160. Daredevil #160
  161. Elektra (Vol. 3)
  162. Carnage Forever #1
  163. 163.0 163.1 Spider-Woman #42
  164. 164.0 164.1 Spider-Woman #43
  165. Marvel Team-Up #146
  166. Punisher: War Zone #13
  167. Marvel's Voices: Indigenous Voices #1
  168. Blade: Vampire Nation #1
  169. Six Guns #2
  170. Six Guns #1
  171. Wolverine (Vol. 2) #83
  172. Punisher (Vol. 2) #41
  173. Ghost Rider: Kushala Infinity Comic #4
  174. Ghost Rider: Kushala Infinity Comic #5
  175. Ghost Rider: Kushala Infinity Comic #8
  176. Amazing Spider-Man #546
  177. Spectacular Spider-Man Annual #12
  178. Thunderbolts #154
  179. Thunderbolts #160
  180. X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic #28
  181. Daredevil #502
  182. Incredible Hulk Annual #18
  183. Avengers Icons: The Vision #2
  184. Iron Man (Vol. 3) #1
  185. Amazing Spider-Man #634
  186. New Mutants (Vol. 2) #1
  187. 187.0 187.1 New Mutants (Vol. 2) #5
  188. 188.0 188.1 New Mutants (Vol. 2) #6
  189. New Mutants (Vol. 2) #8
  190. Captain Marvel (Vol. 10) #27
  191. Non-Stop Spider-Man #1
  192. Non-Stop Spider-Man #2
  193. Marvel Team-Up #100
  194. Darkhold: Pages from the Book of Sins #2
  195. Marvel Holiday Special #2011
  196. Moon Knight (Vol. 6) #7
  197. 197.0 197.1 U.S.Agent (Vol. 2) #1
  198. Iron Man #230
  199. Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 2) #30
  200. Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 2) #31
  201. Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 2) #32
  202. Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 2) #33
  203. Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 2) #35
  204. Jubilee #4
  205. Drax the Destroyer #14
  206. Invincible Iron Man #21
  207. 15-Love #2
  208. New Mutants #2
  209. Peter Parker, Spider-Man 2000 #1
  210. 210.0 210.1 Monsters Unleashed #10
  211. Avengers Origins: Luke Cage #1
  212. Spectacular Spider-Man #211
  213. Cage (Vol. 2) #1
  214. Amazing Spider-Man #410
  215. Captain America #128
  216. 216.0 216.1 X-Force #66
  217. Conan the Barbarian #195
  218. Havok and Wolverine Meltdown #1
  219. X-Men: Liberators #1
  220. Amazing Spider-Man #665
  221. Daredevil (Vol. 3) #5
  222. Web of Spider-Man #44
  223. Marvel Spotlight #5
  224. Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 6) #11
  225. Iron Man #52
  226. Punisher (Vol. 2) #86
  227. Spectacular Spider-Man #209
  228. X-Men (Vol. 3) #9
  229. Ghost Rider Annual #1
  230. Cable (Vol. 4) #2
  231. Deathlok #2
  232. Darkhawk: Heart of the Hawk #1
  233. X-Men #99
  234. X-Men (Vol. 2) #2
  235. Iron Man (Vol. 3) #10
  236. Marvel Zombies Supreme #1
  237. X-Men: Children of the Atom #2
  238. Captain America (Vol. 4) #7
  239. Sensational Spider-Man #12
  240. Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 2) #37
  241. Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 2) #43
  242. Fantastic Four #232
  243. Fantastic Four #285
  244. 244.0 244.1 244.2 Wolverine (Vol. 2) #8
  245. 245.0 245.1 Wolverine (Vol. 2) #7
  246. Spider-Man: Maximum Clonage Alpha #1
  247. Daredevil Black & White #1
  248. Fear Itself: The Home Front #5
  249. Dazzler #37
  250. Venom: Dark Origin #2
  251. Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 3) #19.1
  252. Hellstorm: Prince of Lies #1
  253. Ka-Zar: Lord of the Savage Land #2
  254. Web of Spider-Man #110
  255. Thunderbolts #1
  256. Captain America and Bucky #621
  257. Savage Sword of Conan #226
  258. Fear Itself #6
  259. Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 6) #3
  260. Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 6) #4
  261. Captain America #309
  262. Amazing Spider-Man #547
  263. Amazing Spider-Man #548
  264. 264.0 264.1 Captain Britain #3
  265. 265.0 265.1 Deadpool (Vol. 6) #13
  266. 266.0 266.1 266.2 Iron Man 2.0 #3
  267. Captain Britain (Vol. 2) #4
  268. Daredevil Father #1
  269. Daredevil Father #5
  270. Doom 2099 #4041
  271. Daredevil #220
  272. Wolverine (Vol. 2) #80
  273. Generation X Holiday Special #1
  274. Wolverine (Vol. 3) #56
  275. Black Panther vs. Deadpool #1
  276. Daredevil (Vol. 2) #71
  277. Bizarre Adventures #33
  278. Immortal Hulk: Time of Monsters #1
  279. Iron Man #50
  280. Power Man #22
  281. Avengers #212
  282. Ghost Rider (Vol. 3) #5
  283. Daredevil Annual #10
  284. Amazing Fantasy #18
  285. Amazing Spider-Man #558
  286. Spider-Man: Short Halloween #1
  287. Moon Knight (Vol. 8) #11
  288. Unbelievable Gwenpool #11
  289. Great Lakes Avengers #6
  290. Daredevil #59
  291. Human Torch (Vol. 3) #10
  292. X-Men First Class (Vol. 2) #11
  293. Thunderbolts #168
  294. Dark Avengers #175
  295. Dark Avengers #177
  296. Dark Avengers #179182
  297. Ms. Marvel (Vol. 3) #45
  298. Elektra (Vol. 3) #19
  299. Daredevil: Reborn #1
  300. Marvel Mystery Comics #2
  301. 301.0 301.1 Havok and Wolverine Meltdown #3
  302. Invincible Iron Man (Vol. 5) #9
  303. Invincible Iron Man (Vol. 5) #18
  304. Fantastic Four #566
  305. Drax the Destroyer #3
  306. Spectacular Spider-Man #218
  307. Thunderbolts #166
  308. Journey Into Mystery #515
  309. Spectacular Spider-Man #135
  310. Captain America Comics #1
  311. Captain Marvel (Vol. 10) #37
  312. Spider-Man #90
  313. New Mutants (Vol. 2) #13
  314. Superior Foes of Spider-Man #5
  315. Deadly Neighborhood Spider-Man #1
  316. Daredevil #165
  317. Daredevil #18
  318. Daredevil #310
  319. Black Panther vs. Deadpool #2
  320. Widowmakers: Red Guardian and Yelena Belova #1
  321. Avengers Origins: Ant-Man & the Wasp #1
  322. Young Allies #8
  323. Captain Britain (Vol. 2) #2
  324. Captain America Annual #11
  325. X-Men Unlimited #39
  326. Thor (Vol. 2) #58