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Marvel Database

You would not believe the day I'm having.


Appearing in "Brand New Day"

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Synopsis for "Brand New Day"

Guest of a television show Jonah, as usual, speaks badly of Spider-Man and when the presenter notes that he hasn't been seen for months and that for this reason Bugle sales are at an all-time low, he refuses to comment. Betty finds an apartment for Peter, but the first month's rent must be paid by the following day at the latest. Peter can do it, but in order to pay for the following month he must immediately find a job, but he can't. Harry later invites him to go out with him and his new girlfriend Lily, he accepts and that evening he meets her and her friend Carlie. As they leave the club he and the girl are robbed and the thief takes away a web-shooter. Peter chases him in his civilian identity to gain recognition for himself, but the thief escapes him. Peter heads to the Bugle to get Jonah to give him the money he is owed, but an argument ensues that causes Jameson to have a heart attack.

Appearing in "Spider-Man: The New Status Quo"

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Synopsis for "Spider-Man: The New Status Quo"

An illustrated summary of Spidey's reset status quo.

Appearing in "Park Avenue Interlude"

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Synopsis for "Park Avenue Interlude"

Someone hijacks a truck full of explosives, which Jackpot stops.

Appearing in "The Astonishing Aunt May!"

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Synopsis for "The Astonishing Aunt May!"

At the shelter Aunt May protects a homeless man by the name of Freak.

Appearing in "Harry and the Hollisters"

Featured Characters:

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Synopsis for "Harry and the Hollisters"

Harry Osborn has dinner with Lily Hollister's father, a District Attorney.

Solicit Synopsis

AMAZING! AMAZING! AMAZING! This is it, Arachnophiles!!!! Prepare for what promises to be the most pulse-pounding piece of four color fiction to be delivered unto the Mighty Marvel Minions in decades! You asked for more Spidey! You demanded it! And, by Buckley, you're gonna get it! After the devastatingly heartwarming events of ONE MORE DAY, Peter Parker puts the past behind him and sets forth on a BRAND NEW DAY! Starting with Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 546, you now have THREE times the action! THREE times the villains! THREE times the danger! Amazing Spider-Man – Now 3 times every month! Bank on it, buck-o! And if that weren't enough: ASM Vol 1 546 goes double-sized to bring you back-up features that introduce you to the new players in the lives of Peter and his family!


Chronology Notes[]

Brand New Day
Characters in this story also appear in other stories between this issue. The affected characters are:
Spider-Man (Peter Parker)

See Also

Links and References

