It's like you can touch it!
Touch it? I'm gonna lift it!
Right. Like you're worthy.
I am so worthy!
Appearing in "Crossroads"
Featured Characters:
- Spider-Man (Peter Parker) (Main story and recap)
Supporting Characters:
- Betty Brant
- Glory Grant
- Flash Thompson
- Robbie Robertson
- Mary Jane Watson
- Norah Winters
- Carlie Cooper
- Mayor J. J. Jameson
- May Parker-Jameson (Main story and recap)
- Jay Jameson
- Arcade
- Hammerhead (Joseph)
- Shocker (Herman Schultz)
- Skrulls
- Burglar (Only in recap)
- Dimitri (fence)
- Harlan Finch (First appearance)
Other Characters:
- Daily Bugle (Referenced)
- Rosalind Russell (Referenced) (Topical Reference)
- Thor (Odinson) (Mentioned)
- Future Foundation
- New Avengers
- Mister Negative ("Martin Li") (Mentioned)
- Horizon Labs (Mentioned)
- Baxter Bigelow (Only in recap)
- Doctor Octopus (Otto Octavius) (Mentioned)
- Vulture (Adrian Toomes) (Mentioned)
- Fitzwater
- Marla Madison (Mentioned)
- God (Yahweh) (Mentioned)
- Eleonore Brant (Mentioned)
- Boomerang (Fred Myers) (Mentioned)
- Owl (Leland Owlsley) (Mentioned)
- Venom Symbiote
- Sully
- NYPD (Main story and recap)
- Bernard O'Brien (Only in recap)
- Uncle Ben Parker (Mentioned)
- Hobgoblin (Roderick Kingsley) (Mentioned)
Races and Species:
- Earth
- North America
- United States of America
- New York
- New York City
- Manhattan
- NYPD Precinct
- Mt. Sinai Hospital (Mentioned)
- New York City
- Washington, D.C. (Mentioned)
- New York
- Murderworld
- United States of America
- Iraq, Asia (Mentioned)
- North America
- Heaven (Invoked)
- Hell (Invoked)
- Thor's Hammer (Mentioned)
- Spider-Man's Suits
- Web-Shooters
- Shocker's Vibro-Shock Gauntlets
- Spider-Tracer
- Wolverine's Suit
- Adamantium (on Wolverine's Claws)
- Ms. Marvel's Suit
- Christmas (Referenced)
Synopsis for "Crossroads"
Peter Parker and Betty Brant spend time hanging out. However, future engagements get complicated with his Spider-Man work with the FF and Avengers and his job at Horizon Labs. And worse, her boyfriend Flash Thompson is called away on business in Washington. As Betty leaves a movie theater alone, she is ambushed and mugged. She is rushed to the hospital and all of her friends and colleagues are informed, even Flash comes back from a Venom mission. Peter hears about this and, remembering what happened to his Uncle Ben, goes out as Spider-Man to catch the crook. Jonah Jameson is especially outraged, having considered Betty a daughter to him and calls in the best surgeons. And swears that he'll find the attacker and come down on him "like the wrath of God Himself!"
Spidey storms a shop that buys stolen merchandise. Originally, he left the owner, Dimitri, alone for year because he was small-time and had no blood on his hands. Spotting Betty's pendant given to her by her mother, he demands to know the name of the person who sold it. He gets one: Harlan Finch. All night, Spidey goes shaking down every low-level crook in Manhattan looking for Finch. However, he lets one get away, tagged with an improved Spider-tracer fit with camouflage, so that he could lead him to Finch. Finch himself is in disbelieve that Spider-Man is on a one-man manhunt for him. But before Spidey could catch, he gets a call on his cell from Aunt May, who is worried about him. Though he tries brushing her off without telling her what he's doing, she tells him that she hasn't been this disappointed in him since Uncle Ben died when he ran off and no one could find him (when he went looking for Burglar). Realizing that Finch can wait, Spidey makes his way to the hospital and enters as Peter. He gives back her locket, before sitting down to watch movies.
The next night, Finch is still disbelieving that Spider-Man is hunting for him. He soon eats his words, as he is webbed up and left on a lamppost outside the NYPD.
Appearing in "I'll Never Let You Go"
Featured Characters:
- Peter Parker (Main story and flashback) (as Spider-Man in flashback only)
Supporting Characters:
- May Parker-Jameson (Main story and flashback)
- Anna Watson (Main story and flashback)
- Jay Jameson (Main story and recap)
- Mayor J. J. Jameson (Main story and recap)
- Carlie Cooper
- Mary Jane Watson
- Doctor Octopus (Otto Octavius) (Only in recap)
- Vulture (Adrian Toomes) (Only in recap)
- Eddie Brock (Only in recap)
- Green Goblin (Norman Osborn) (Only in recap)
- Mr. Negative ("Martin Li") (Only in recap)
Other Characters:
- Marla Jameson (Only in recap) (Death)
- Betty Brant (Only in recap)
- Ben Parker (Mentioned)
- God (Yahweh) (Invoked)
- Doctor Strange (Stephen Strange) (Mentioned)
- Boston Red Sox (Mentioned)
Races and Species:
- Earth
- North America
- United States of America (Main story and flashback)
- New York (Main story and flashback)
- New York City (Main story and flashback)
- Queens (Main story and flashback)
- Forest Hills (Main story and flashback)
- Ingram Street (Main story and flashback)
- Aunt May's House (Main story and flashback)
- Ingram Street (Main story and flashback)
- Forest Hills (Main story and flashback)
- Manhattan
- Queensboro Bridge (Mentioned)
- Williamsburg, Brooklyn (Mentioned)
- Queens (Main story and flashback)
- New York City (Main story and flashback)
- Boston, Massachusetts (Mentioned)
- New York (Main story and flashback)
- United States of America (Main story and flashback)
- North America
- Spider-Man's Suit (Only in recap)
- Vulture's Wings (Only in recap)
- Goblin Armor (Only in recap)
- Doctor Octopus' Tentacles (Only in recap)
- Goblin Glider (Only in recap)
Synopsis for "I'll Never Let You Go"
As she reflects on her memories regarding Peter's early days of living in her house in Queens, while having Peter, Carlie, and Jonah over for dinner, May announces they had a ulterior motive for inviting them over. Jay sternly tells them that he and May are putting the house up for sale and moving to Boston for their own safety since the recent incidents had made them realize that it is too dangerous to remain in New York. During the moving, as he and the Watsons are helping May and Jay with packing the moving van, Peter and MJ reflect on the many incidents that happened around the house over the years. Later, as Peter is saying goodbye to his Aunt May he gives her a Boston Red Sox cap as a parting gift.
Solicit Synopsis
As Spider-Man, he’s a member of the FF and TWO different Avengers teams. As Peter Parker, he works all hours on his dream job at Horizon Labs. That doesn’t leave him with much time for anything or anyone else. This is where he pays the price. In this landmark issue, one of Peter’s greatest sins-- comes back to haunt him. And the life of someone dear to him hangs in the balance. Plus: With New York’s Infestation complete, the run-up to Spider-Island is over. Prepare for hell to break loose.