Eyes of Oshtur!
By the Hadean Chimes!
Great Scott!
Sweet Christmas!
Appearing in "-- In the Jaws of the Serpent!"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
- Wong
- Sub-Mariner (Vision or hallucination)
- Silver Surfer (Norrin Radd) (Vision or hallucination)
- Hawkeye (Vision or hallucination)
- Hecate
- Set
- Amon
- Elena
Races and Species:
- Zenn-Lavians (Vision or hallucination)
- New York City
- 42nd Street (Luke Cage's Office)
- Greenwich Village
- Seventh Avenue (Mentioned)
- Atlantic Ocean
- St. Louis
- Fire Lake
- Orb of Agamotto
- Daredevil's Billy Club
- Eye of Agamotto
- Cloak of Levitation
- Son of Satan's Trident
Synopsis for "-- In the Jaws of the Serpent!"
With Dr. Strange, Valkyrie, Yellowjacket and Nighthawk prisoners of the Sons of the Serpent, Bruce Banner rushes to Dr. Strange's Sanctum for help. With Clea's aid, Bruce summons past Defenders associates: Power Man, Son of Satan, and Daredevil to aid in rescuing the captured Defenders.
While the fill in Defenders question the captured Serpent member as to the location of the Serpents base, the captured Defenders revive to find that Valkyrie missing. Yellowjacket tries to free other others and they also learn that they are somewhere under water.
Back in Dr. Strange's Sanctum, as their interrogation fails, the Defenders hear a news report of the Sons of the Serpent about to sacrifice Valkyrie on an inverted cross. Banner changes into the Hulk and the Defenders that are not captured rush to their rescue. On the way, Son of Satan and Power Man are teleported elsewhere. During their battle the Hulk is struck blind by one of the Son's weapons, and Daredevil is easily overpowered.
- Cover art: Hulk head by Romita.
- Dragonfang was captured by the Sons of the Serpent last issue. The weapon will return and be present next issue.
- This issue contains a letters page Defenders Dialogue. Letters are published from Eric Iverson, Bob Domonwski and Andrae Gadson.