—Wade Wilson (Earth-616)What a weird day. I'm having fun, and I haven't killed anybody.
Appearing in "Chapter Six: An American Mercenary in Paris"
Featured Characters:
- Deadpool (Wade Wilson) (Temporarily possessed by an unnamed Knight Templar)
Supporting Characters:
- Numerous unnamed Wraiths (Ghost, soul or spirit)
- Unnamed Knight Templar (Ghost, soul or spirit)
- Hydra
- Numerous unnamed agents
- Bob from Accounting (First appearance; dies)
- A.I.M. (Cameo)
Other Characters:
- Numerous unnamed Parisians
- Wolverine (Mentioned)
- Dracula
- Reginald (Dracula's servant)
- Numerous unnamed Monsters
- Earth-616
- Earth
- Europe
- United States of America
- Las Vegas, Nevada (Mentioned)
- Paris Las Vegas Hotel & Casino (Mentioned)
- New York
- New York City
- Manhattan
- Morlock Tunnels
- Monster Metropolis
- Dracula's Mansion
- Monster Metropolis
- Morlock Tunnels
- Manhattan
- New York City
- Las Vegas, Nevada (Mentioned)
- Earth
- Earth-10005 (Mentioned)
- Hydra Humvees
- A Hydra Speed Boat
- A Hydra Submarine
- An A.I.M. Aircraft
Synopsis for "Chapter Six: An American Mercenary in Paris"
- Synopsis not yet written
Solicit Synopsis
- Ooh, la la! Bonjour, happy mercenary! Deadpool paints the town in gay Pah-ree on his continuing quest to get Queen Shiklah to the church on time! But some vengeful spirits in the catacombs might have other ideas! Deadpool's Infinte Comic adventure continues with chapter six here!
See Also
- 4 image(s) from Deadpool: The Gauntlet Infinite Comic Vol 1 6
- 3 reprint(s) of Deadpool: The Gauntlet Infinite Comic Vol 1 6