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Even I can't find the words to express my rage and disgust, and I am very good at that. Every victim in the room is screaming as if caught in the fires of hell itself. And if they're looking to me for any sort of relief at all, I wish I could tell them...that it's coming.


Appearing in 1st story

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Synopsis for 1st story

Daredevil has finally come face to face with the person responsible for both his recent troubles and the murders of multiple crime bosses - a man calling himself Coyote, who shares powers with and may be the criminal formerly known as the Spot. Despite the fact that Coyote has used his teleportation powers and some sort of collar to separate Daredevil’s head from his body, the Man Without Fear is confident he has Coyote right where he wants him.

Daredevil realizes he can still feel and control his body, so he gets Coyote talking while he works on escaping from his handcuffs. Coyote explains he’s been using his powers to help warlords and cartels smuggle weapons and drugs, placing portals in unexpected locations (like on the bellies of pregnant women) to expand their operations. Now the cartel wants a foothold in the tri-state area, and Coyote has cleared the way for them. He also suggests he was hired by someone to target Daredevil.

Coyote goes on to tell Daredevil that his main operation is human trafficking. He carries Daredevil’s head down the hall and pulls a large burlap sack out of a portal. Coyote opens a door and Daredevil is horrified to see dozens and dozens of collared, disembodied heads, all of them screaming in terror. As he tosses food pellets at the heads, Coyote explains that his prisoners’ bodies are all elsewhere working mines, crops, or in brothels. Disgusted, Daredevil silently vows to Coyote’s victims that help is coming - he has freed his body from its shackles.

Meanwhile, Kirsten McDuffie interrupts a meeting between her boss, DA Cyrus Barger, the chief of police, a senator, and other powerful men. She tells the group she’s received information that Daredevil’s mental state has recently been compromised and the public could be in danger. She suggests he be brought in for questioning. Barger brushes her off, noting that she’s been romantically linked to Matt Murdock in the tabloids and asserting that the city’s resources won’t be used to resolve a lovers’ quarrel. A frustrated Kirsten leaves as the men mock her; once she’s in the hallway, she pulls out her phone.

Daredevil’s body makes its way through Coyote’s cavernous hideout. He uses his radar sense to track an odd energy signature that suggests there is a machine on the premises broadcasting a frequency which he theorizes allows the collars to cut off Coyote’s victims from their senses, keeping them controlled. As Daredevil’s body reaches the machine, Coyote notices Daredevil has gone quiet and suspects he is up to something. Coyote teleports them throughout the compound and finds Daredevil’s body in the machine room, but is too late to stop him from pulling a lever that deactivates the collars. All of the victims’ bodies reconnect with their heads, including Daredevil’s. Daredevil unhooks his collar and locks it around Coyote’s neck, causing a painful feedback loop that brings Coyote to his knees. Daredevil demands to know who is targeting him, but suddenly notices that Spot is a victim too, gruesomely hooked up to the machine. As Daredevil is questioning just who Coyote actually is, the man’s other prisoners, driven mad by their experience, storm into the room and come after both the Coyote and the “Diablo”.

Solicit Synopsis

• The year’s most critically acclaimed comic book is back as BLIND MAN BLUFFED continues! • Daredevil’s newest threat, The Coyote, is not what Matt expects.

• Say Goodbye to NYC, Matt Murdock.

See Also

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