Appearing in "The Frost Giant's Daughter"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Aesir fighting-men (First appearance)
- Vanir
- Hymdul (First appearance; dies)
- Atali (First appearance)
- Atali's brothers (First appearance; dies)
- Ymir
Other Characters:
- Wulfhere's band (Corpse, skeleton or other remains)
- Wulfhere (Corpse, skeleton or other remains)
- Crom (Invoked)
Races and Species:
- Humans
- Frost Giants
- Gods of Ice and Snow (Mentioned)
- Rion's Pendant
- Atali's Gossamer Dress
Synopsis for "The Frost Giant's Daughter"
Conan, now a member of an Aesir war party, is just finishing off a band of Vanir in the snowy plains, but soon stumbles and falls due to his injuries. A beautiful, scantily clad maiden appears to him, and when she tempts him a little too much, he chases her lustily towards the mountains, knowing she might be luring him to an ambush. When her frost giant brothers appear, he swiftly deals with them and continues his chase, finally catching her. She prays to her father, the god Ymir, to save her, and she vanishes in a flash of blue light. Conan collapses, and is rescued by his Aesir companions, who, while they don't entirely believe his story, are disquieted with the remnants of a dress Conan holds in his hand.
Appearing in "The Sword and the Sorcerers!"
Featured Characters:
- Starr the Slayer (First appearance)
Supporting Characters:
- Len Carson (First appearance) (Death)
- Whitney (Carson's publisher, on the telephone) (First appearance)
- O'Neal (police officer) (First appearance)
- Morro (First appearance)
- Man-Dragon
- Trull the Wizard (First appearance) (Death)
Other Characters:
- Gods of the Great Abyss (Invoked)
Races and Species:
- Zardath (First appearance)
- Great Abyss (Invoked)
Synopsis for "The Sword and the Sorcerers!"
A writer who is selling barbarian stories of Starr the Slayer that come to him in dreams plans to kill off Starr in the next story because the dreams are putting too much of a strain upon his health. On his way to the office, Starr assaults him out of an alley with accusations of assassin upon his lips. The writer is unbelieving, even to the point that Starr raises his sword and strikes him down. Starr wakes in his own world and relates a dream to his faithful minstrel wherein he struck down a grave threat to his life.
Solicit Synopsis
The Night of the Frost-Giants! Conan battles alone - against towering titans! Crom!
- Cover art: colours by Smith (per Windsor-Smith in Spectrum Super Special #3).
- The Savage Tales#1 was coloured and slightly edited to remove the partial nudity.