—MephistoOh Blackheart my boy, you know I delight in bringing great suffering to all "Spider-Men." This one is no exception.
Appearing in "Beat the Devil, Part 4: No Choice"
Featured Characters:
- Champions
- Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan)
- Spider-Man (Miles Morales) (Main story and recap) (Leaves)
- Sam Alexander (Main story and as Nova in recap) (Leaves)
- Falcon (Joaquin Torres)
- Brawn (Amadeus Cho)
- Snowguard (Amka Aliyak)
- Viv
- Pinpoint (Qureshi Gupta)
Supporting Characters:
- Dust (Sooraya Qadir)
- Sparky (Possessed by Ultron-Minor-5768215 Unit)
- Kaldera (Main story and recap)
Other Characters:
- Faridah (Photo)
- Black Order (Referenced)
- Viv 2.0's consciousness (Behind the scenes)
- Endrionic Blood Brutes (Mentioned)
- God (Allah) (Invoked)
- Nova Corps (Mentioned)
- Supernovas (Mentioned)
- Fabio Medina (Mentioned)
- Zzzax (Mentioned)
- Faridah (Only in recap)
- Spider-Man (Miles Morales) (Only in recap)
- Mephisto
- Blackheart
- Spider-Man (Peter Parker) (Mentioned)
Races and Species:
- Human-Inhuman Hybrids
- Humans (Main story and recap)
- Unidentified alien species (Main story and recap)
- Human-Vampire Hybrids
- Mutants
- Synthezoids
- Demons
- Prime Marvel Universe (Main story and recap)
- Earth (Main story and recap)
- Hell (Invoked)
- Sun (Mentioned)
- Mephisto's Realm
- Earth-TRN1038 (Only in recap)
- Earth (Only in recap)
- United Arab Emirates (Only in recap)
- Dubai (Only in recap)
- United Arab Emirates (Only in recap)
- Earth (Only in recap)
- Ms. Marvel's Suit
- Spider-Man's Suit and Web-Shooters (Main story and recap)
- Sternbots (Behind the scenes)
- Nova Force (Only in recap)
- Midnight Sphere (Only in recap)
- Nova Helmet (Mentioned)
- C.M.B.
- Slaughtership (Only in recap)
- Endrion Stealth Slicer (Unnamed)
- Infinity (Only in recap)
- Infinity Countdown (Mentioned)
- One More Day (Referenced)
Synopsis for "Beat the Devil, Part 4: No Choice"
- Synopsis not yet written
Solicit Synopsis
• Miles Morales...what have you done?
• The Champions reach a crossroads as dark forces lay their claim.