Marvel Database
Marvel Database

Appearing in "The Man Who Changed"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Uncanny Tales #11

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Bill (First appearance)
  • Nancy (First appearance)

Other Characters:

Races and Species:


Synopsis for "The Man Who Changed"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Uncanny Tales #11
A timid, unimpressive man stays behind to witness an H Bomb test on an island with the guinea pigs figuring that any change will be an improvement. The bomb flash blinds and burns him, but when he recovers in the hospital, he finds that he has grown taller, powerfully built and handsome. He resolves to leave the institution, although the personnel attempt to restrain him for fear of his contamination, and marry the girl he's wild about. She reacts in fear to his presence though, and all people shun him. He returns to the test island where the guinea pigs accept him.

Appearing in "I Can't Stop Running!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Mystery Tales #11

Featured Characters:

  • Marty Sneed


  • Jasper Kane

Other Characters:

  • Unnamed Manager
  • Unnamed Bellhop
  • Unnamed Shoeshine
  • Unnamed Paperboy
  • Unnamed Bartender

Races and Species:



  • Flame of Midnight (Diamond)

Synopsis for "I Can't Stop Running!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Mystery Tales #11
A diamond thief gets more than he bargains for when he seeks after the Flame of Midnight from Jasper Kane.

Appearing in "One Who Dared"

Reprint of the 6th story from
Mystic #41

Featured Characters:

  • Junar

Supporting Characters:

  • Junar's Father
  • Junar's Mother

Other Characters:

  • Junar's Teacher
  • Guardsmen
    • Dukas
    • Numerous unnamed others

Races and Species:


Synopsis for "One Who Dared"

Reprint of the 6th story from
Mystic #41
Mankind retreats from atomic horror to live underground for so many years that the past is forgotten and no one recalls why they had to leave the surface. One boy finds that he cannot be like the others and simply accept the situation so he takes the last remaining shaft up to the surface world. Opening the hatch sets off an alarm and the rest of the security detail follow him up to the surface where they discover a new paradise.

Appearing in "The Test!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Mystic #41

Featured Characters:

  • Dr. Marshek

Supporting Characters:

  • Dr. Marshek's Hamsters

Other Characters:

  • Dr. Marshek's Colleague

Races and Species:


Synopsis for "The Test!"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Mystic #41
An experimental psychologist conducting tests on hamsters has a dream wherein they become so intelligent that they escape their cages and turn the tables on him subjecting him to electric shocks whenever he attempts to leave the house. When he awakes from the dream, he terminates his intelligence enhancing experiment and gives the hamsters away as pets.

See Also

Links and References

