List of all known subject(s) created by John Francis Moore.
(If you find an article that is not shown here, please add "John Francis Moore" into "Creators" field of said article.)
(If you find an article that is not shown here, please add "John Francis Moore" into "Creators" field of said article.)
Trending pages
Victor von Doom (Earth-928) -
Jesse Aaronson (Earth-616) -
Vladimir Fortunov (Earth-616) -
Christopher Aaronson (Earth-616) -
Xi'an Chi Xan (Earth-928) -
Hellions (King Bedlam) (Earth-616) -
X-Men (Earth-928) -
Fatale (Earth-616)
All items (478)
- Akua
- Alexi Jaeger (Earth-928)
- Alpha Flight (Earth-811)
- Amiko Kobayashi (Earth-811)
- Anastasia Contrares (Earth-616)
- Andre Ogada (Earth-928)
- Andreï (Earth-928)
- Ann Chi Xan (Earth-928)
- Antoine Bidjocka (Earth-928)
- Arcadia DeVille (Earth-616)
- Arcadia DeVille (Earth-23100)
- Arcadian (Earth-928)
- Argos (Deviant) (Earth-616)
- Armageddon Man (Earth-616)
- Artemis (Earth-295)
- Asakusa
- Astarte (Eternal) (Earth-616)
- Attuma (Earth-928)
- Auntie Maim (Earth-928)
- Avalon Five (Earth-928)
- Balazo Brothers (Earth-928)
- Balsac (Earth-928)
- Baranka (Earth-616)
- Beauregard Feiffer (Earth-616)
- Beauregard Fontana (Earth-928)
- Bedlam Brothers (Earth-295)
- Benjamin Grimm (Earth-928)
- Black Fortress
- Bliss (Earth-928)
- Book (Earth-928)
- Bradbury Collins (Earth-616)
- Brain Trust (Earth-295)
- Brendan Jerry (Earth-928)
- Brimstone Love (Earth-928)
- Broken Haiku (Earth-928)
- Brother Theodoro (Earth-928)
- Cain Marko (Earth-96912)
- Caliban (Earth-TRN1255)
- Calvin Zabo (Earth-295)
- Carson Leibowitz (Earth-928)
- Catscan (Earth-928)
- Catscratch (Earth-928)
- Celestia Amberlyn (Earth-928)
- Celia Quiñones (Earth-928)
- Cesar Navarro (Earth-928)
- Chainlink (Earth-928)
- Chairman (Earth-928)
- Chalda Leibowitz (Earth-928)
- Charles Xavier (Earth-96912)
- Charlotte Jones (Earth-811)
- Charon (Earth-928)
- Chill (Earth-928)
- Chosen (Earth-928)
- Christian L'Argent (Earth-928)
- Christopher Aaronson (Earth-616)
- Christopher Summers (Earth-295)
- Chuo Dori
- Cidney Marquez (Earth-928)
- Circuitboy (Earth-928)
- Claudette and Nicole St. Croix (Earth-295)
- Club Kaboom
- Colin Muldowney (Earth-616)
- Colleen Wing (Earth-295)
- Commander Syrus (Earth-4935)
- Contagion (Earth-928)
- Controller-Thirteen (Earth-928)
- Controllers (Earth-928)
- Cyberspace
- Cynthia von Doom (Earth-928)
- D'Jrok (Earth-928)
- Daily Bugle (Earth-295)
- Damocles Foundation (Earth-616)
- Danielle Winokur-Ezaki (Earth-928)
- Dantella (Earth-616)
- Daze (Earth-928)
- Dealer (Earth-928)
- Delphi (Genosha) (Earth-616)
- DeMille (Earth-928)
- Desdemona Synge (Earth-928)
- Desiree Longbow (Earth-616)
- Devon Alomar (Earth-616)
- Diamonda LaSalle (Earth-928)
- Dimitri Bukharin (Earth-811)
- Dimitri Fortunov (Earth-616)
- Diogenes Chang (Earth-4935)
- Disinterred (Earth-928)
- Doctor Ogada (Earth-616)
- Domestic Organisational Mobile Operative (Earth-928)
- Dominic (Earth-928)
- Dominikos Petrakis (Earth-295)
- Dorian (Earth-928)
- Dot 33 (Earth-928)
- Driver (Earth-928)
- Duke Stratosphere (Earth-928)
- Earth-3100
- Earth-23100
- Earth-96912
- Earth-130000
- Earth-TRN1255
- Edgewood Hotel
- Eduardo Devargas (Earth-928)
- Edward Osako (Earth-928)
- Edwin Martynec (Earth-616)
- Eileen Harsaw (Earth-295)
- Ekatarina Gryaznova (Earth-616)
- Electryon (Eternal) (Earth-616)
- Elizabeth Braddock (Earth-811)
- Elizabeth Braddock (Earth-96912)
- Elizabeth Guthrie (Earth-295)
- Ember (Earth-928)
- Emissary (Earth-928)
- Emma Frost (Earth-928)
- En Sabah Nur (Earth-928)
- Erik Czerny (Earth-928)
- Errand Boys (Earth-928)
- Esmeralda Rosikon (Earth-616)
- Esmerelda (Earth-928)
- Esteban Ocampo (Earth-928)
- Eurydice (Horse) (Earth-928)
- Everett Thomas (Earth-811)
- Experience Van
- Ezekiel Boddington (Earth-928)
- Galan (Earth-928)
- Garth Simenon (Earth-928)
- Gaveedra Seven (Earth-130000)
- Gaveedra Seven (Earth-TRN1255)
- Gearbox (Earth-928)
- Gideon Beaumont (Earth-928)
- Goblins (Asgard)
- Gordon Thorpe (Earth-616)
- Greater Nevada Syndicate (Earth-928)
- Gregori (Genosha) (Earth-616)
- Guardsmen (Earth-928)
- Guild of Independent Elite (Earth-928)
- Gunnar Heywood (Earth-928)
- Gus' Diner
- Havana (Pete) (Earth-928)
- Hayes Isaacs (Earth-928)
- Haze (Earth-928)
- Heather McNeil (Earth-811)
- Heinrich Greenstreet (Earth-928)
- Hellhole
- Hellions (King Bedlam) (Earth-616)
- Helmut Zemo (Earth-811)
- Henri Huang (Earth-928)
- Henry Gyrich (Earth-295)
- Henry McCoy (Earth-96912)
- Henry Wallinger (Earth-616)
- Hidalgo Research Institute
- Horace Pogue (Earth-928)
- Hotel Paraíso
- Jade Ryuteki (Earth-928)
- James Howlett (Earth-928)
- James Howlett (Earth-96912)
- James Hudson (Earth-811)
- James Proudstar (Earth-10003)
- Jarvis 9000 (Earth-928)
- Javier Belize (Earth-928)
- Jean Grey (Earth-96912)
- Jean-Paul Beaubier (Earth-295)
- Jeanne-Marie Beaubier (Earth-295)
- Jerries (Earth-928)
- Jesse Aaronson (Earth-295)
- Jesse Aaronson (Earth-616)
- Jesse Aaronson (Earth-10003)
- Jesse Ten Eagles (Earth-928)
- Joachim Eduardo Vasquez (Earth-928)
- John Proudstar (Earth-811)
- Jonas Blackshear (Earth-616)