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List of all notable quotes by or about Clinton Barton (Earth-616).
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Say somethin', willya? I hate to fight in silence!

Avengers Vol 1 27

Anyone ever tell you how your eyes sparkle when you're angry?

Avengers Vol 1 28

A joker with a tongue like mine can't afford to get mad at what anyone else says!

Avengers Vol 1 31

I didn't know there was a contest goin' on! But we should'a guessed it! Seems like everybody's tryin' to conquer the universe these days!

Avengers Vol 1 37

Sheesh! This lab looks like somebody really pearled our harbor! If that's what happens when we win a fight, I sure hope we never lose one!

Avengers Vol 1 40

I'm not sure I believe in Thunder Gods!

Avengers Annual Vol 1 1

The world still doesn't know that Cap's quit us! When it finds out... will it figure that the once-mighty Avengers are washed up? Can we make it without Cap -- the greatest leader a fighting team ever had?

Avengers Vol 1 48

Mister, I may not be great shakes on quotes... but somethin's rotten in Denmark... and it's you!!

Avengers Vol 1 65

Watch out for the Skull, Rick! Don't try to take him alone!

Captain America Vol 1 116

Stand aside kiddies, while Goliath does his thing!

Incredible Hulk Vol 1 128

Dig Pietro! Back in the Avengers for two days, and already he's making with the leader-sounds!

Avengers Vol 1 77

I heard you mumble you were lookin' for Doc Strange -- and I wanna know what a brainless baboon and a sorcerer have in common!

Defenders Vol 1 7

Dynamite! I knew sittin' in for this one gig with the Defenders was a good move!

Defenders Vol 1 8

Thrice shalt thou see me, Thrice shall we vie -- and then on the fourth time Steve Rogers shall die!

Captain America Vol 1 179

Cap trusted me -- had faith in me -- even when I wasn't sure I deserved it! I've met alot of Joe's in my time -- but there'll never be another like Captain America!

Giant-Size Marvel Triple Action Vol 1 2

Married! Married! Mantis I was expectin'-- though an intelligent tree for a groom came outta left field-- But Wanda and the Vision took me completely by surprise! That synthezoid's sly, boy!

Avengers Vol 1 137

Hey, Avengers? Where's the cake and brass band, huh? Hawkeye's back!

Avengers Vol 1 172

I might be wrong, but I think gruesome just wiped out our two strongest members...without batting an eye!

Avengers Vol 1 225

From now on, if Avengers are needed anywhere west of the Rockies, we'll answer the call!

West Coast Avengers Vol 1 1

I was just remembering how I used to be the one who always blew his stack. All of a sudden I feel old... real old.

West Coast Avengers Vol 1 2

Come on! Tigra's one tough lady and Wonder Man's up there in Thor's league! What could possibly threaten him?

West Coast Avengers Vol 1 3

East Coast or West... New York or California, it makes no difference! Once an Avenger, always an Avenger!

West Coast Avengers Vol 1 4

I'm strictly a bow and arrow type.

Iron Man Vol 1 196

Best bunch'a heroes you ever saw!

West Coast Avengers Vol 2 1

Archery may be my specialty but I also took combat lessons from Captain America himself!

Solo Avengers Vol 1 3

At last! My bow's at the proper tension, I have plenty of arrows-- guess it's finally time to-- "Rock 'n' Roll!"

Solo Avengers Vol 1 7

Hey, pal, if I have wanted to sit on the sidelines, I would've bought tickets to Wrestlemania!

Solo Avengers Vol 1 9

I might have to do something drastic-- like use my brains for a change! Nah! No sense going overboard!

Solo Avengers Vol 1 10

I'm startin' to think maybe this Midwest team isn't such a bad idea. Your powers are kinda funky, and your code names stink...But with the proper management...This could be a heckuva team!

West Coast Avengers Vol 2 46

Yeah, it looks like everyone's here but Steed and Mrs. Peel!

Avengers Annual Vol 1 18

Starting now, this neighborhood belongs to the people who LIVE in it. Starting now, you will be held ACCOUNTABLE for every act of violence you commit -- and the CONSEQUENCES will be delivered to your door.

Avengers Spotlight Vol 1 30

Okay, old timer. Enough mopin' around. You 'n' me are going out!

Captain America Vol 1 401

Lying sonofa... Tony Stark was Iron Man. And Stark is dead.

Iron Man Vol 1 286

Whatever happens to Hank, or to Bobbi -- This is one time this West Coast bunch is gonna live up to their name -- as AVENGERS!

Avengers West Coast Vol 1 90

So -- think it's time I went playing Robin Hood instead of Goliath?

Avengers West Coast Vol 1 97

They came here for you and me, Rover. They wiped everyone else out just to get us. Well, they're gonna get us. But they're not gonna LIKE it!

Hawkeye Vol 2 2

Trick Shot's right. Bobbi wouldn't want me doing this bitter loner routine. She'd want me to go on. I'n not to blame for what happened. No one is. She died doing something important to her.

Hawkeye Vol 2 4

I don't have the answers to all your questions, Jim. I'm not sure anybody does. But I do know that Hitlers like Arul, psychos like Deathtoll and obedient soldiers like Cold Warrior don't even ask those kind of questions. Maybe the questions keep you honest. Maybe it's when you think you've got all the answers you ought to worry.

War Machine Vol 1 7

First sign of madness. Talkin' to yourself. First sign, definitely. Fishing's the second.

War Machine Vol 1 18

Wait, wasn't Deathunt involved with...

War Machine Vol 1 21

You an' me, Stark! Right here, right now!

Iron Man Vol 1 323

Stark's finally lost it!

Avengers Vol 1 393

Sheesh! A punk kid - and he's already giving orders!

Iron Man Vol 1 325

... Stark always had a control problem. When he wasn't abusing it, he was losing it.

Age of Innocence: The Rebirth of Iron Man Vol 1 1

Sorry, Spider-Man-- --but I can't do it. I guess I just need something -- or someone -- to believe in-- --or maybe I just need someone who believes in me. But either way-- --thanks.

Untold Tales of Spider-Man Vol 1 17

Five'll get you ten they're being mind controlled again -- by the Serpent Crown, the Over-Mind, my aunt Pearl -- anybody!

Avengers Vol 3 5

Annoying? MY ARROWS?! You think it's easy to engineer custom-made arrowheads?! It took months to design an aerodynamic boxing glove arrow -- and you wouldn't believe the laughs I've had with it!

Hawkeye: Earth's Mightiest Marksman Vol 1 1

Just hold tight, old son. 'Cause if that rumbling I'm hearing from either side means what I think it does, the Avengers are here.

Avengers Vol 3 9

Huh? Of course it-- Wait a-- Huh?

Avengers: Forever Vol 1 6

I know I haven't mentioned it yet -- but what you guys did -- coming to help me -- --I -- I wanted to say...thanks. A lot. And if you guys ever have to go to hell again, don't worry......I'll be behind you every step of the way!

Thunderbolts 2000 Vol 1 1

When you talk to the cops about this, tell 'em Hawkeye was the good guy willya? I don't need anymore bad press.

Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes Vol 1 5

I don't have the power to put the world back the way it was and I don't even know if it can be put back... but I damn well can kick the guy's ass who did it.

The Pulse Vol 1 10

I'm not Hawkeye anymore.

New Avengers Vol 1 30

You don't know how to handle it, do you? The grief. The pain. The loss... So you reached for the thing you know best -- you tried to make a deal. Tried to strike a bargain that would make it all go away. And you CAN'T.

Fallen Son: The Death of Captain America Vol 1 3

Go out, fight hard, screw up. Save the world a few times...Just Keep taking the shots, okay?

Young Avengers Presents Vol 1 6

Listen to me... all of you... this doesn't end till every last one of them dies! You hear me?! Every @#$%ing last one of them!

Secret Invasion Vol 1 5

Every time the world has gone to hell someone take advantage of it. Stock market crashes and some dirtbag parachutes out with a billion dollars. Country goes to war, the mob has a field this? This? And dressed in our uniforms? Representing something we've dedicated our lives to? Twisting it into something they can sell? No! NO! We don't wait for them to show their true colors. We know their true colors. We go there and we stop them before it all goes to hell again. We go there and we take back the Avengers from the hands of the Green Goblin maniac! We're the Avengers. We take it back.

New Avengers Vol 1 49

I get it. New look, new attitude. You think you need to do this on your own. But you don't.

New Avengers: The Reunion Vol 1 1

Figured you hadn't had one of these in a long time... A party I mean...not gotta be at least eighty or something.

Captain America Vol 5 50

What I should have done is gone to Avengers Tower and killed him. ... Every second that this is allowed to continue, every second this madness goes our fault.

New Avengers Vol 1 55

That's not how it works, Red. You owe us all explanations...and, Lady, Clint Barton is first in line!

Mighty Avengers Vol 1 28

I'd be more worried if Natasha wasn't spying.

Black Widow Vol 4 2

When you do what Mockingbird and I do -- without powers -- you can't rely on super speed or flight as your weapons. Everything around you is there to help you hit the target. ...We are the weapons!

Enter the Heroic Age Vol 1 1

Bobbi, stay down! I found the shooter, it's Crossfire!

Hawkeye & Mockingbird Vol 1 1

To successfully make a shot, you gotta follow and master basic steps. Your stance is the foundation. Where you draw your strength. Nock the arrow and grip. Realize you are wielding a weapon. Mindset. Focus solely on your goal, regardless of your surroundings. Be in the now. Set up and draw. Inhale and prepare for what you are about to do. Anchor and hold. There is no going back. Aim. All that remains is you and your target. Release and follow through. Master those and you hit every time. One last step. Feedback. Basically...take responsibility for the outcome. For every shot.

Hawkeye & Mockingbird Vol 1 3

So we're clear, you're admitting you're a hypocrite? The guy who's gone off when he was dying, back from the dead, in armor, I missing any more? Take the high road, Steve, and at least admit when you're wrong.

Hawkeye: Blind Spot Vol 1 2

Everything seems to be telling me the impossible is true. Somehow, my brother, Barney Barton, is alive. And he wants to kill me.

Hawkeye: Blind Spot Vol 1 3

I want this Superia, H.A.M.M.E.R., all of it. I want to know what they were trying to do and I want it all burned to the ground in front of her. I want her in jail or dead for this and I want it all done by the time Bobbi is out of surgery.

New Avengers Vol 2 12

Well? You bring us a miracle or what?

Invincible Iron Man Vol 1 509

Yeah, man. The idea of Avengers Academy is a winner. And what you've done to our old West Coast Avengers compound is a thing'a beauty. So quit beatin' yourself up. Let's get out there--and meet the new class!

Avengers Academy Vol 1 21

Anyone here who can help me with an algebra question?

Avengers: Solo Vol 1 2

I mean, I can't miss... I'm on a team with super-humans. And one god, in case you've forgotten. Even you... well, you climb walls really well. The training is the only thing that makes me special. And if I'm not special, then none of this is worth it. I gave up a lot for this life. I could have been happy with Mockingbir-- Bobbi. We could have had a good, simple life. But I wanted to play with the big boys. And if I miss, it means I'm just another dude with a bow. It means I've been fooling myself this whole time. And that's why I never miss.

Avenging Spider-Man Vol 1 4

I got into this because Alicia's brother came to me for help. I understood him. Understood his need to look out for his sister. It's why I kept Steve out of it. And it's why I'm going to lie to you, Tony. I don't want to tell you they're afraid of you. Afraid you'll round them up, no matter what I tell them... I want to protect you. Because I'm an Avenger. Because you're my brothers.

Avengers: Solo Vol 1 5

Yeah, I may not be Captain America. But I'm not Bucky, either, so stop treating me like some sidekick.

Captain America and Hawkeye Vol 1 629

I like where your head's at, Cap. Iron Man would hate it, so of course I like it.

Captain America and Hawkeye Vol 1 632

Eric understands what it means to be an Avenger. We're not mercenaries. You need to get it through your head.

Secret Avengers Vol 1 29

I had a plan. It was wait for Zemo to sneak away and shoot an arrow at him. And you know what? The simplest plans really are the most effective.

Harley-Davidson / Avengers Vol 1 2

It's okay, everybody. It's okay, I'm an Avenger.

Hawkeye Vol 4 1

Aw... are we dealing with an alternate reality here? I have a hard enough time keeping this one straight.

Captain America and Black Widow Vol 1 636

Come on, it's Tony Stark and Hank Pym. Two of the smartest guys on the planet... If they don't know what they're doing...

Avengers Vol 4 33

If only Dr. Druid was still alive... That guy, man. He knew from A/V hookups.

Hawkeye Vol 4 6

We're all still here because of Jim Hammond. And he'll live with the cost for the rest of his life.

Secret Avengers Vol 1 37

Same ol' Barney, huh? C'mere.

Hawkeye Vol 4 12

Come on! Get me! T-1000 was much cooler!

Secret Avengers Vol 3 4

I'd rather stay in character. Like Daniel Day Lewis. Like Stanislavsky. I like playing dumb. It makes me feel smart. Sometimes.

Secret Avengers Vol 3 6

You can keep saying "bloody," but you're still not English, Dane.

Avengers World Vol 1 12

I Marty McFly-ed him out of existence!

Avengers: Millennium Infinite Comic Vol 1 6

Space. The final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Avenger Three... boldly going where pretty much all of us have gone before...

New Avengers Vol 4 4

Hydra? Did you see that move? They don't teach moves like that in Hydra school, pal! You picked the wrong team! Hail Hawkeye!

All-New Hawkeye Vol 2 4

At least now Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D. can both stop hunting those poor kids and they can rest in peace. Right? Isn't that what your report is going to say, Director Hill?

All-New Hawkeye Vol 2 5

I didn't need rescuing until about an hour ago. You couldn't have gotten here that fast. Besides, Coulson wouldn't have sent you. He knows... you... you... distract me.

Mockingbird Vol 1 4

You having doubts, Carol?

Captain Marvel Vol 9 8

I used to hate you. Hated your body count. Now I get it. You were just making the hard choices that most of us never had to. Do you ever... regret taking a shot?

Uncanny Avengers Vol 3 13

I'm ready to face my demons -- but there's a guardian angel with other plans... which means this isn't my time to die. It's my time to fight. I can't die. Not again. And definitely not now. Maybe I'm meant for more than being remembered as the guy who killed the Hulk. Maybe. I don't know. All I know is one thing... there are fights to be fought. People that need protection. That's why Banner asked me to kill him. He knew me... knew that I'd do what needed to be done.

Occupy Avengers Vol 1 1

Too clunky, Pappy! I say we call her, "Avenger X"!

Avengers Vol 7 3.1

Look... I get it... I do. You're a lone wolf. That's your thing. I can respect that. But... Puck said you'd called him, you were asking for help. And if you're asking him for help, despite being a loner, then that makes me think that maybe things are bad.

Old Man Logan Vol 2 28

I followed every lead I could find, and they led me here. Same as you.

Tales of Suspense Vol 1 100

Hey, gang... somebody want to fill ol' Hawkeye in on what we've missed...?

Avengers Vol 1 681

We never found him. Mysterio's gone into hiding. But... I think he's found us.

Dead Man Logan Vol 1 3

Funny... I never miss anything.

Hawkeye: Freefall Vol 1 4

This time we already know where she is.

Black Widow Vol 8 1

I... I honestly don't know if it's something we should be "rescuing" her from.

Black Widow Vol 8 2

Okay, team... let's bring the thunder.

Thunderbolts Vol 4 5

What is D.U.D.E.? Who is D.U.D.E.? Why do I get the feeling that I'm talking in capital letters?

Avengers United Infinity Comic Vol 1 29

The Russian Minister... I shot him.

Black Widow & Hawkeye Vol 1 1

New Yorkers. Collectively, you know how to make every food known to humanity. And some that aren't. You know how to get a boot off your car using a Phillips screwdriver and a Pez dispenser. As prickly as a desert cactus. As fluidly coordinated as a school of fish. You may not always work together... but when you do... you're a force of nature.

Blood Hunters Vol 1 1

I mean, I can't miss... I'm on a team with super-humans. And one god, in case you've forgotten. Even you... well, you climb walls really well. The training is the only thing that makes me special. And if I'm not special, then none of this is worth it. I gave up a lot for this life. I could have been happy with Mockingbir-- Bobbi. We could have had a good, simple life. But I wanted to play with the big boys. And if I miss, it means I'm just another dude with a bow. It means I've been fooling myself this whole time. And that's why I never miss.

Clinton Barton (Earth-616)

Every time I think I'm ready to give up my trick arrows, they make a surprising comeback.

Trick Arrows
Janet Van Dyne (Earth-616) from Black Panther and the Agents of Wakanda Vol 1 1

You look pretty cheerful, Hawkeye! There must be a female in your future!

Hawkeye Vol 3 5 Textless

There sure will be, if I can help it!

Louis Browning (Earth-616) from Avengers Vol 1 39 0001

If you really think you've won, fool, just look behind you!

Hawkeye Vol 3 5 Textless

You gotta be kiddin'! I wouldn't even have fallen for that chestnut when I was a crook!

Mad Thinker (Julius) (Earth-616) from Fantastic Four Vol 1 15 0002

You shall regret that you did not remain a criminal, my friend!

Alexei Shostakov (Earth-616) from Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Vol 2 19 0001

Hah! To think that one of the accursed Avengers should be captured in my very stronghold ... lured here by his love for the Black Widow! What could better prove how superior to all Americans is the one they call... the Red Guardian!!

The Pulse Vol 1 10 Textless

And a hotsky-trotsky to you, you long-winded creep!

Mystic Arcana Black Knight Vol 1 1 Textless

Look there... thru the blinding mist!

Hawkeye Vol 3 5 Textless

I see it... but I don't haveta believe it...!

Ultron (Earth-616) from Avengers Vol 1 66 0001

They attack me... here, in my very stronghold!

Clinton Barton (Earth-616) from Captain America Reborn Vol 1 3 001

Where should we have looked for ya, pal...? In beautiful downtown Burbank?

Janet Van Dyne (Earth-616) from Tales to Astonish Vol 1 44 011

What about the race that built the citadel? Will they ever come back?

Henry Pym (Earth-616) from Avengers Vol 1 501 001

If they do, Honey, then Hank Pym will fight them with a test tube-- the Avengers with super-powers.

Clinton Barton (Earth-616) from Avengers Vol 1 63 cover 001

And a prayer, old buddy. Don't forget that.

James Rhodes (Earth-616) from War Machine Vol 1 1 001

Mack Mendelson, engineer and mechanical genius. Graduated M.I.T. before he was old enough to shave. Brews a heckuva cappuccino if you're in the mood. Mack, this is Hawkeye. He's good people.

Mack Mendelson (Earth-616) from Hawkeye Vol 2 3 001

That's enough for me. What can I do ya for?

Hawkeye Vol 3 5 Textless

I need a new bow and some arrows. The special kind.

Mack Mendelson (Earth-616) from Hawkeye Vol 2 3 001

And you want 'em yesterday.

Hawkeye Vol 3 5 Textless

Even sooner.

Karla Sofen (Earth-616) from Thunderbolts Vol 1 12 001

I haven't been ignoring my problems.

Clinton Barton (Earth-616) from Thunderbolts Vol 1 43 001

Of course not.

Karla Sofen (Earth-616) from Thunderbolts Vol 1 12 001

I've been obscuring them under a veil of indifference.

Clinton Barton (Earth-616) from Thunderbolts Vol 1 43 001


Pierre Fresson (Earth-616) from Thunderbolts Vol 1 63 001

C'est Moi

Hawkeye Vol 3 5 Textless

That guy makes it easy to hate the French...

Clinton Barton (Earth-616) from Thunderbolts Vol 1 43 001

I guess it's time for me to go, too.

Dallas Riordan (Earth-616) from Thunderbolts Vol 1 11 001

Wait--you're leaving-- and you're okay with Zemo staying?

Clinton Barton (Earth-616) from Thunderbolts Vol 1 43 001

Am I okay with it? No. Do I see why I have to? Yes. This has always been about getting your lives straight. Mine too, I think. I fought to give you guys enough rope to swing or hang. Look how many of you swung with it. So how can I not give New-Coke Zemo the same chance?

Thunderbolts Vol 1 8 Textless

What about us?

Clinton Barton (Earth-616) from Thunderbolts Vol 1 43 001

Not a doubt in my mind, Mel, that you'll make the right decision. An' if you don't, well, beating the snot out of you is what the Avengers live for...

Avengers Vol 8 42 Hawkeye Timeless Variant

Hey, Jenny-Poo. Miss me?

She-Hulk Vol 1 9 Textless

Clint! You have no idea! Think you can hold the fort for a sec?

Avengers Vol 8 42 Hawkeye Timeless Variant

For you, Shulkie? No problemo.

Avengers Vol 8 43 Vision Timeless Variant

I had little idea of how much the Avengers have experienced in their lifespan thus far.

Hawkeye Vol 3 5 Textless

I dunno... chalk it up to growing pains, I guess. I'm just proud to say I'm still here, doin' my part to make the world a little less scary for the average Joe. In other words... Avengers Assemble.

Avengers Vol 4 4 JRJR Variant Textless

Look, I know we're past the big brother teaching little brother about driving and women and sneaking me a fake I.D. But can we just start over? I'm not giving up on us.

Charles Barton (Earth-616) from Hawkeye Blind Spot Vol 1 2 001

Yer mistake. Only one way this is gonna end, baby brother. It's in my blood, an' now yours. One'a us is gonna hafta kill the other. An' I ain't gonna stop until it happens.

Avengers Vol 4 4 JRJR Variant Textless

Cap? Where's Spider-Man going?

I told him he could stand down.

Avengers Vol 4 4 JRJR Variant Textless

Stand down?! Cap, how could -- why?

Look around you, Hawkeye...we're going to lose.

Steven Rogers (Earth-616) from Siege Vol 1 1 001

It feels so real in the dreams... then I wake up and I'm fine. I just need to be sure.

Clinton Barton (Earth-616) from Secret Empire Vol 1 10 001

Right. Then we will be... and when you turn out to be completely normal... Tony'll hook you up with a shrink.

Invincible Iron Man Vol 1 500 Quesada Variant Textless

There is one I'd recommend, actually... although she's probably still angry I stopped calling.

Steven Rogers (Earth-616) from Siege Vol 1 1 001

Just worry about the scans... I'm not in the market for psychologists or women.

Clinton Barton (Earth-616) from Secret Avengers Vol 1 21.1 Cover

So, Steve, this entire mission, dropping us into the nest of the Masters of Evil -- you were hip to all of this? All part of a test to see if I'm ready to lead some Avengers?

Captain America Vol 4 27 Textless

Would you approve if it were?

Clinton Barton (Earth-616) from Secret Avengers Vol 1 21.1 Cover

That's the thing about being a leader, have to find that approval in yourself.

Brian Braddock (Earth-616) from Revolutionary War Alpha Vol 1 1 0001

We've all met before, with the exception of this new Ant-Man, whom I've read... things about. Captain America has offered me the reins of this unit, and with great pride, I accept... Our world seems to be in constant peril. I hope together we can preemptively put a stop to some of the chaos -

Hawkeye Vol 4 1 Granov Variant Textless

We're going to, Brian. Which is why Cap put a time-honored Avenger in charge of this delicate detail.

Brian Braddock (Earth-616) from Revolutionary War Alpha Vol 1 1 0001

Yes, 'shooting things with accuracy' is far more impressive than 'Protector of the Omniverse.'

James Howlett (Earth-616) from Avengers Vol 8 37 001

Makes me wonder what we're doin' here. When we stop a man from doin' what needs to be done.

Avengers Vol 4 4 JRJR Variant Textless

You felt Cletus in your head. Just like I did. He wanted to take the entire world. We did enough. We kept him from having his way.

James Howlett (Earth-616) from Avengers Vol 8 37 001

You think so, huh? Look at this place... I'm not so sure.

Katherine Bishop (Earth-616) from Hawkeye Kate Bishop Vol 1 1 cover

Why me? You know Avengers. You ran Avengers. Why me?

Hawkeye Vol 4 1 Granov Variant Textless

Because you're good

Katherine Bishop (Earth-616) from Hawkeye Kate Bishop Vol 1 1 cover

Cap is good, Spider-Man is good. Why me?

Hawkeye Vol 4 1 Granov Variant Textless

You're smart.

Katherine Bishop (Earth-616) from Hawkeye Kate Bishop Vol 1 1 cover

So's Iron Man. So's -- everyone at your day-job. Why me?

Hawkeye Vol 4 1 Granov Variant Textless

You're rich?

Katherine Bishop (Earth-616) from Hawkeye Kate Bishop Vol 1 1 cover

So are you now. Why --

Hawkeye Vol 4 1 Granov Variant Textless

-- because I don't want to sleep with you?

Katherine Bishop (Earth-616) from Hawkeye Kate Bishop Vol 1 1 cover

Well good. You're old enough to know... how creepy that would be... does this mean you want to sleep with Spider-Man?

Hawkeye Vol 4 1 Granov Variant Textless

Hold on, I'm having an argument with my girlfriend.

Spider-Woman Origin Vol 1 1 Textless

Girlfriend? So you do know that word?

Hawkeye Vol 4 1 Granov Variant Textless

Oh my God! What did I do now?

Clinton Barton (Earth-616) from Winter Soldier Vol 1 11 001

Y'know those airships ain't cheap, Barnes.

James Barnes (Earth-616) from Winter Soldier Vol 1 11 001

You're just mad 'cause I took out more guys than you with one shot.

Clinton Barton (Earth-616) from Winter Soldier Vol 1 11 001

No, I'm mad 'cause we don't have a ride home anymore...

Hawkeye Vol 4 1 Granov Variant Textless

Boomerang Arrow, Kate -- it comes back to you in the end. Boomerang. Respect it.

Katherine Bishop (Earth-616) from Hawkeye Kate Bishop Vol 1 1 cover

Why the hell do you need an arrow that comes back to you after you shoot it, Clint?

Hawkeye Vol 4 1 Granov Variant Textless

Because... boomerangs.

Hawkeye Vol 4 1 Granov Variant Textless

Hold on. I remember you. The Leviathan thing. Marcus, right? Marcus --

Nick Fury, his name is Nick Fury now.

Hawkeye Vol 4 1 Granov Variant Textless

Really? Because I seem to remember Nick Fury being --

Hawkeye Vol 4 1 Granov Variant Textless

All I'm saying is, at least I look like I put up a fight. Ow. Talking hurts.

Nicholas Fury, Jr. (Earth-616) from Battle Scars Vol 1 6 001

And putting up a fight helped you how exactly, Hawkeye?

Hawkeye Vol 4 1 Granov Variant Textless

It helped me feel like I didn't just give up, Fury--

Nicholas Fury, Jr. (Earth-616) from Battle Scars Vol 1 6 001

You think giving up is always a bad thing? You'd make the worst spy ever--

Why am I doing this? I'm not in on whatever this is.

Natalia Romanova (Earth-616) and Jessica Drew (Earth-616) and Avengers Assemble Vol 2 19 (cover)

Because you want to impress us.


... Are you impressed?

Natalia Romanova (Earth-616) and Jessica Drew (Earth-616) and Avengers Assemble Vol 2 19 (cover)


Hey! What are you talking about, Steve? What's going...

We have a traitor.


Tony Stark.

Clinton Barton (Earth-616) from Inhumanity Vol 1 1

So I guess this means we'll be working together... Pard-nerr.

Nicholas Fury, Jr. (Earth-616) from Battle Scars Vol 1 6 001

Please, do be competent

Clinton Barton (Earth-616) from Inhumanity Vol 1 1

Last time I was competent I saved your butt from burning. You were falling. From space. Scared. Remember?

Nicholas Fury, Jr. (Earth-616) from Battle Scars Vol 1 6 001

I wasn't scared.

Clinton Barton (Earth-616) from Inhumanity Vol 1 1

Sure. And I could find two clean socks belonging to the same pair this morning. Really.

Ow. Dammit! My head is killing me. Be more careful, not everyone has non-stop regeneration!

Didn't you get sucked into a jet engine one time?

That was totally different!

Timothy Dugan (Earth-616) from S.H.I.E.L.D. Vol 3 9 001

C'mon --
-- meet the new guy.

Hawkeye Vol 4 1 Granov Variant Textless

S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Clint Barton reporting for duty.
I'm the super-secret traitor on your team. Sorry.

Roberto Da Costa (Earth-616) from Avengers World Vol 1 19 001


Could we get the other Hawkeye?

I really wanted the other Hawkeye.

Any regrets?

Matthew Murdock (Earth-616) from Superior Iron Man Vol 1 2 002

About making sure a man received a fair trial? Not a single one, Mister Barton.

So you think the trial was fair?

Matthew Murdock (Earth-616) from Superior Iron Man Vol 1 2 002

In the end, very.

And the verdict? Do you think the verdict was fair?

Matthew Murdock (Earth-616) from Superior Iron Man Vol 1 2 002

I don't know, Mister Barton. I honestly don't know.

Víctor Álvarez (Earth-616) from Thunderbolts Vol 4 3 Trading Card Variant

I'm sorry I keep screwing up.

Thunderbolts Vol 4 1 Trading Card Variant Textless

Because you got punched really hard? Sometimes that is the job. You didn't know steroid Yoda was gonna wallop you.

Clinton Barton (Earth-616) from Inhumanity Vol 1 1

Natasha Romanoff, would you do me the honor of accompanying me back to America to face whatever consequences come our way?

Venom Vol 5 27 Virgin Variant

I've got nothing better to do.

All items (146)
