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Appearing in "The Betrayers"

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Synopsis for "The Betrayers"

Captain America and Bucky jump some communist agents who are reviewing footage of Cap and Bucky in action during World War II during a secret meeting. Easily knocking out the Communist agents, Cap and Bucky rush back to report for duty in the military. They arrive just in time for Staff Sargent Shanty Tucks berates Rogers for formally being a school teacher and orders him to mop the floors. The clumsy Rogers ends up spilling water all over the place, causing Tucks to slip and fall on the ground with the mop bucket landing on his head.

Rushing outside to avoid trouble, Steve and Bucky run into Betsy Ross who has been called by the military for questioning after government secrets were leaked after she was allowed to do a tour of the base, they are introduced to the staff photographer Will Benson who works with Betsy. However, Betsy is cleared of any wrong doing when her editor Connie Blake who tells the military brass that he is good friends with Captain America, which strikes both Rogers and Bucky as strange as they have not met Connie Blake in their alter egos. Sargent Shanty soon catches up to Rogers and Barnes and orders them to get back to work.

After Benson finishes taking photos around the base, he meets with Betsy and military brass and the information they have gathered are cleared to publish it. As Betsy leaves, Steve and Barnes bid her farewell. When she is out of sight the pair change into Captain America and Bucky. The jump onto the roof of Betsy's car to follow. While inside, Betsy goes to put her notes in Benson's briefcase and is surprised to find photographs that were not cleared to be taken off base and realizes that Benson is really a Communist spy. Benson takes her back to the newspaper where she learns that his boss is really Connie Blake. However, before they can silence Betsy, Cap and Bucky burst in lighting their film on fire, destroying all the secrets they stole from the government and turns the traitors over to the government.

Appearing in "Captain America Strikes!"

Featured Characters:

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  • Communists (First appearance)
  • Secretary of War (First appearance)

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Synopsis for "Captain America Strikes!"

On an island nation that is between between the Iron Curtain and the Free West, Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes have been deployed with their troop to the local embassy to show the Minister of War of the country that the United States has proper security at their embassy.

When Steve is berated by Sargent Tucks this is observed by two Communist agents who seek to try and manipulate an American soldier to suit their ends of discrediting the government. While Steve and Bucky are out for a walk, the two men confront Steve and offer him an automobile. As he rides with the men, leaving Bucky behind, Steve is told about the virtues of Communism and is brought to their leader, who turns out to be the Minister of War of the very country they are trying to impress. The Minister explains to Steve that he and his men intend to start a fire in order to discredit the security efforts at the American embassy and in turn lead to its expulsion from the country.

After Steve leaves the base, he is spotted by Bucky and Betsy, and Bucky abruptly leaves to see what Steve is up to. At the American embassy, the communist spies give Rogers a canister of gasoline and tells him to light the fire. Suddenly, Rogers turns on them, throwing the gasoline in the spies faces. As more spies rush to the scene, Steve and Bucky change into costume and easily defeat their attackers and turn them over to Military Police.

During the big meeting with the Minister of War and the American Ambassador a fire does start, but Captain America and Bucky put it out and reveal that the Minister is really working for Communist agents. The Minister tries to escape by taking the Ambassador hostage, but Cap tosses his shield at him, freeing his hostage. Cap then beats the Minister into submission and slip away when the Military Police take over. Changing back into their civilian guises, Steve and Bucky are sent to the guardhouse for going AWOL while on duty.

Appearing in "Human Torch"

Featured Characters:

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Other Characters:

  • Professor Costene (Mentioned)

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Synopsis for "Human Torch"

Chief Wilson has decided to go on vacation in Florida despite the news from the Torch and Toro regarding the recent kidnapping of Professor Costene whose assistant was killed. However, when Wilson checks into his hotel he finds a note waiting for him from the Vulture that informs him that his daughter Betty has been kidnapped warning him that if he wants to see her alive again, to leave Florida immediately. The Torch and Toro usher Wilson away and vow to rescue Betty from the clutches of their old foe.

Searching the state, the Torch and Toro go into the Everglades, as the Torch believes that it is the only place in the State where the Vulture can work without being noticed. There they speak with the local Seminole tribe who tell them that some strange creatures were attacking them. The pair go searching in the swamps and soon find themselves surrounded by an army of robots. The robots easily overpower them and the Vulture order that the two heroes be thrown into the swamp to be eaten by the crocodiles in the water. The Torch and Toro manage to get away and then trick the robots into following them into the swamp where the robots short out and sink to the bottom of the swamp.

The Torch and Toro follow the Vulture to his hideout where the villain unleashes his most powerful robot: Metallo. While the robot is resistant to the two heroes flame powers, the Torch finds that it's head is vulnerable to flame and fries it's internal circuits before welding it's limbs into place. In the heat of the battle the Vulture flees into the jungle allowing the Torch and Toro to free Betty unopposed.

Appearing in "Come to the Commies"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Communists (First appearance)

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Synopsis for "Come to the Commies"

Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes find themselves deployed to Indochina. One day while they are mopping the floors they overhear their commanding officers wishing they could enlist the help of Captain America, whom they last heard was active in the United States. Hearing this, the two heroes slip away and change into their alter egos to make a dramatic entrance into the office.

Grateful for Captain America's timely arrival, the commanding officers explain how American tourists, legation workers, and others have gone missing and recently been appearing on enemy radio broadcasts telling the people of America that the Communists are their friends. Captain America and Bucky were assigned to find out where these signals are coming from and try to stop them.

Captain America and Bucky are air dropped behind enemy lines. There they spot a radio transmitter and fight through Chinese troops to get to it. Spying through one of the windows they see a number of Americans who have been drugged that are being made to read type written speeches telling Americans to embrace Communism. Captain America and Bucky make their presence known and Bucky is shocked when Captain America suddenly tells the commanding officer he agrees with what they are doing and offers his aid to their cause.

However this is all a ruse by Captain America to get access to the room where the drugs are being kept to dope up the American prisoners. They dilute the drugs with water, and when it is broadcast time, Captain America denounces Communism on the air. The pair begin fighting the Communist soldiers wondering why their fellow Americans not helping, they suddenly snap out of it and help Cap and Bucky, turning the tide of battle. With the enemies defeated, Cap and Bucky lead the captives to freedom.


See Also

Links and References

