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Quote1 Cling to the blinding illusions of human decency--or submit to the liberating reality of animal depravity! Quote2
Mother Superior

Appearing in "The Measure of a Man"

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Synopsis for "The Measure of a Man"

As Nomad battles the Slayer, Captain America awakens to find himself trapped inside Mother Superior's force field. The Slayer defeats Nomad, but Dave Cox's true personality re-emerges and prevents him from delivering a fatal blow. Mother Superior psionically attacks him for his disobedience, rendering him unconscious, and then escapes.

Later at a nearby hospital, Dave's wife Julie tearfully tells the two heroes that Dave may have suffered fatal nerve damage.

At Skull-House Mother Superior introduces Zemo to her disciples, the Sisters of Sin, unaware that Red Skull watches them via a video linkup in his bedchamber.

Steve Rogers tells Bernie that he can't marry her, fearing that his enemies may attack him through her. Bernie refuses to accept that or the idea that super heroes have the monopoly on risk. Bernie's words and a few persistent kisses convince Steve to say yes, but their elation is horrifically cut short by the arrival of a package containing a miniature of the Red Skull's mask.

Solicit Synopsis

"The Measure of a Man!" Can Cap survive the onslaught when The Slayer comes to town? And what will be the outcome when Steve Rogers tells Bernie the truth of how he feels about her?


  • This issue contains a letters page: American Graffiti. Letters are published from Michael Paul, Elizabeth Holden, Pruning Crew, and David Conley.

See Also

Links and References

  • The Grand Comics Database: Captain America Vol 1 294 [1]

