Marvel Database
Marvel Database

Honestly? I just want to sleep.

Captain America

Appearing in "Man Out of Time (Part 1)"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • unnamed gang members

Other Characters:



Synopsis for "Man Out of Time (Part 1)"

  • Synopsis not yet written

Solicit Synopsis

Beginning a five-issue mini-series chronicling the rebirth of Captain America! When the Avengers pull a mysterious, tattered soldier from the sea, they unwittingly bring back to life the Living Legend of World War Two--a man whose memories of a life sixty years ago are as fresh as yesterday! How will Steve Rogers, frozen in suspended animation for half a century, adapt to the world of the 21st century? Brought to you by super-scribe Mark Waid (Captain America, Amazing Spider-Man) and Avengers: Initiative artist Jorge Molina!


  • The first portion of this story (set in 1945) coincides with the events first presented in Avengers #56. Cap's rebirth and subsequent adventures in New York City take place at the same time as events first seen in Avengers #4.

See Also

Links and References

