—She-HulkI will do what I have to do to destroy the Winter Guard. To be in a position to stop the Russians' plan. To save Atlantis. And to show the Red Widows of the world... the ones who think I can be broken and made into their weapon... to show them what will happen if they try. To show them they'll break. At my damn hands. Every last one of them. They'll break and be buried. Long before the She-Hulk ever will.
Appearing in "World War She-Hulk - Part Four: The Bomb Beneath the Waves"
Featured Characters:
- Avengers
- She-Hulk (Jennifer Walters)
- Thor (Odinson)
- Ghost Rider (Robbie Reyes) (Possessed by an unidentified Spirit of Vengeance)
- Black Panther (T'Challa) (Voice only)
Supporting Characters:
- Namor
- Agents of Wakanda (Behind the scenes)
- Okoye (Behind the scenes)
- Gorilla-Man (Ken Hale)
- Atlantean Forces
- Defenders of the Deep
- Sea Blades
- ⏴ OctoPriests (First appearance)
- Black Tide (Referenced)
- Winter Guard
- Red Widow/Widow Hulk (First appearance as Widow Hulk)
- Vostok (Anatoly) (Referenced) (Deceased)
- Perun
- Chernobog
- Wolf Spider Spetsnaz
Other Characters:
- Phoenix Force (Mentioned)
- Igor Drenkov (Referenced)
- Set (Mentioned)
- Brides of Set (Mentioned)
- U.S. Government (Referenced)
- S.H.I.E.L.D. (Referenced)
- Red Room (Mentioned)
- Thanos (Mentioned)
- Final Host (Mentioned)
Races and Species:
- Atlanteans
- Atlantean-Human Hybrids
- Humans
- Asgardians
- Dievas
- Cotati (Mentioned)
- Earth
- Atlantic Ocean
- Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Atlantean Coliseum
- Atlantis
- Mid-Atlantic Ridge
- Russia (Mentioned)
- Atlantic Ocean
- Hell (Mentioned)
- Siege of Kazan (1552 AD)
- Massacre of Novgorod (1570 AD)
- Circassian Genocide (1564 AD)
- Bolshevik Red Terror (1918 AD)
- Taking of Berlin (1945 AD)
- Invasion of Afghanistan (1983 AD)
Synopsis for "World War She-Hulk - Part Four: The Bomb Beneath the Waves"
- Synopsis not yet written
Solicit Synopsis
"WORLD WAR SHE-HULK" Goes Nuclear!
War beneath the waves. The Winter Hulk has been sent to Atlantis with a dark mission. And things will get even darker and bloodier if the Russian super-assassin Red Widow has her way. But no matter who wins, She-Hulk and the Avengers will be changed forever!
And next month, it all explodes in AVENGERS #750!