Marvel Database
Marvel Database

And, listen, you know, in fact more than much unbridled ego comes with this job. To be who we are, to represent what we want to have to be arrogant enough to believe you can do it. It's ego that got us here and it's ego that allows us to stay. Yes, we took the damn Infinity Gems, and we did so because we thought they were safe with us. It was arrogance and it was ego. And it was absolutely right. For all this time. So, though you may think it's your job to judge me and the others for what we did here...I think it's nothing. Nothing compared to the things we've had to do to keep the world safe. Nothing.

Iron Man

Appearing in "Absolute Power"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

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Synopsis for "Absolute Power"

  • Synopsis not yet written

Appearing in "Are You For Hire?"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Heroes for Hire (Vol. 3) #1

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:



Synopsis for "Are You For Hire?"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Heroes for Hire (Vol. 3) #1
  • Synopsis not yet written

Solicit Synopsis

The Infinity Gauntlet is back! And no power on the Earth can stop it! It is sentences like these that made Stan Lee invent the phrase: ‘Nuff Said!! Another pulse-pounding, Earth-shattering chapter from Marvel's blockbuster superteam of Bendis and Romita Jr! Plus: Another illustrated chapter of the oral history of the Avengers!


  • The Roswell Army Air Field is mistakenly associated with Area 51 by Agent 13, Iron Man, and Commander Steve Rogers; however, Area 51 is not in Roswell, New Mexico, it's about 900 miles away in Groom Lake, Nevada.
  • Stark was initially shown with the Reality Gem during the distribution at the end of New Avengers: Illuminati (Vol. 2) #2, but he had apparently swapped it with the Space Gem, initially shown with Black Bolt.
  • Xavier acquired the Mind Gem at around the same time that the Danger Room went rogue in the form of Danger, after which point the Danger Room was apparently inoperable. It's unclear if Xavier would have implemented the Mind Gem's security protocols before or after the event. At any rate, the digital entity that appears as the last layer of security bears a slight resemblence to Danger.
  • Oral History of the Avengers was omitted, despite what the Solicit claims. Most likely it was replaced by H4H reprint.

See Also

Links and References

