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George PérezQuote1 Kurt, what are you doing?! I was still working on that page! Quote2
Kurt BusiekQuote1 This isn't what they want to see, George. Quote2

Appearing in "Hi, Honey...I'm Hooooome!"

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Synopsis for "Hi, Honey...I'm Hooooome!"

The Beast takes some time out of his Legacy Virus research time to catch up with Wonder Man. Wanda, Wonder Man, and he hit the town and are joined by the Vision. Wonder Man unloads a lot of his doubts and concerns about himself and his return to the Avengers. Unfortunately, a rampaging entity called Pagan interrupts their fun. The rest of the team joins them to battle Pagan, but he escapes due to the team's inexperience together and lack of practice.

Solicit Synopsis

Because you demanded it, the bouncing blue BEAST has returned! There's more stuff too - you know, like the AVENGERS fighting some bad guys, but what do you care -- BEAST's back!


  • In this issue, Beast and Wonder Man shared the first on-panel kiss between two male superheroes in mainstream Marvel comic book history, ten years before the more romantic gay kiss shared by Rictor and Shatterstar in X-Factor (Vol. 3) #45.

See Also

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