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Quote1 Remember that big super-powered fight that devastated cities, killed a whole bunch of people and changed absolutely nothing? Which one, am I right? They happen about every couple of months. Your teachers are in one right now. Caused by people with to much power and no sense. Well, guess what? I've got the means to make sure it never happens again. By taking away that power. Quote2
Jeremy Briggs

Appearing in "Final Exam - Part 1"

Featured Characters:

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Synopsis for "Final Exam - Part 1"

Mettle and Hazmat are at the beach, but their unusual appearances make it hard for them to enjoy it. Hazmat gets a call from Briggs, saying he has found a cure.

Meanwhile, Reptil and White Tiger visit A.R.M.O.R. for advice about their magical items. They do not get a straight answer, however, and are called by Hazmat to join them for Briggs demonstration.

Mettle and Hazmat are also joined by Lightspeed and Striker (Who were trying ther luck in Hollywood) and Finnesse and X-23, who had been fighting Brainchild in the Savage Land. Veil reveals to the students that she's been cured with Alchemist's new invention "Clean Slate". Mettle and Hazmat take the cure, and than Jeremy revealed his true intentions: to wipe every superhumans powers off the planet and to regift it only to the people who would use it properly. Jocasta tries to stop him, but Briggs switches her body to a locked office. After defeating the depowered Reptil, White Tiger, Lightspeed, Finnesse, and X-23, Briggs extends his offer to Mettle, Hazmat, Striker, and Veil who accept.

Solicit Synopsis

• AvX fall-out: Avengers Academy is closed...indefinitely! • Alchemist, a.k.a. wunderkind industrialist Jeremy Briggs, offers the students a chance to be normal again! But is there a catch? And who will accept his deal?

• Years of plot threads explode as your favorite Avengers Academy characters face their ultimate challenges in parts 1 & 2 of “Final Exam”!

See Also

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