—Swordsman (Jacques DuQuesne)No one questions a man with an Avengers I.D. card! If I can join their team, there's nothing I won't be able to get away with! E quei benefattori in costume sarebbero degli stupidi a respingere un essere potente quanto lo Spadaccino!
Appearing in "The Coming of... The Swordsman!"
Featured Characters:
- Avengers
- Quicksilver (Pietro)
- Scarlet Witch (Wanda)
- Captain America (Steve Rogers)
- Hawkeye (Clint Barton) (Main story and flashback)
Other Characters:
- Carson Carnival (First appearance) (Only in flashback) (Unnamed)
- S.H.I.E.L.D. (Mentioned)
- Nick Fury (Mentioned)
- CIA (Mentioned)
- U.S. Government (Referenced)
- Tony Stark (Mentioned)
Races and Species:
- Earth (Main story and flashback)
- North America (Main story and flashback)
- United States (Main story and flashback)
- New York
- New York City
- Unidentified Warehouse
- Washington, D.C.
- National Mall
- Capitol Building
- Fury's office
- Capitol Building
- National Mall
- Fort Knox, Kentucky (Mentioned)
- New York
- United States (Main story and flashback)
- Europe (Mentioned)
- North America (Main story and flashback)
- Avengers Identicard (Referenced)
- Swordsman's Sword (First appearance)
- Captain America's Uniform and Shield
- Hawkeye's Suit, Bow and Trick Arrows
- Gamma Lens
- Tracer Beam
Synopsis for "The Coming of... The Swordsman!"
Meanwhile, in Nick Fury's office in Washington D.C., |Hydra agents find a letter from Captain America, explaining how Captain America wanted to work for S.H.I.E.L.D. They discard it as trash. A mobster finds it and gives it to the Swordsman.
A trap is laid for Captain America. He leaves the Mansion, thinking he is going to meet with Nick Fury. Hawkeye finds out about the plan and gathers the other Avengers to help him.
Captain America battles the Swordsman and gets captured before the others can arrive to help. The Swordsman then holds him captive on a scaffolding, threatening to hurl Cap to his death if the other Avengers interfere. But Captain America jumps off the scaffolding so the Avengers don't have to surrender.Appearing in "The Demon's Disciple!"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Disciple of the Demon
- Demon (First appearance)
Other Characters:
- Dormammu (Referenced)
- Ancient One (Mentioned)
- Seraphim (Invoked)
- Munnopor (Invoked)
- Vishanti (Invoked)
- Cyttorak (Invoked)
- Raggador (Invoked)
Races and Species:
- Humans (Main story and recap)
- Cloak of Levitation
- Eye of Agamotto
- Spells
- Shades of the Seraphim (Invoked)
- Moons of Munnopor (Invoked)
- Crimson Bands of Cyttorak
- Hosts of Hoggoth (Invoked)
- Rings of Raggadorr (Invoked)
- Hosts of the Vishanti (Invoked)
- Orb of Agamotto