Appearing in "Killers Three!"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Bank robbers
Other Characters:
Synopsis for "Killers Three!"
Some bank robbers flee after robbing the bank at Carson's Crossing. The three men ride into rough territory with Texas Ranger Cliff Macklin and Ranger scout the Arizona Kid on their trail. One one of the robbers horses begins to wear down two of them ride double and send the exhausted horse off on its own. When the two Rangers follow the paths they find the tracks splitting up, Cliff goes after the lone horse while the Arizona Kid follows after the stronger tracks.
As the Arizona Kid rides, he is grazed by a bullet and knocked off his horse. The men then take his guns and steal his horse Arrow. Left for dead, the Kid revives just before some vultures can begin feeding on him. Dazed from the shot, he finds that his guns were taken but he still has his saddle knife. He picks up the thieves trails and keeps on the chase. Coming across some wild horses the Kid manages to catch one and tame it. With this horse, the Arizona Kid continues on his hunt, closing the gap between him and the thieves.
He catches up to the outlaws when they stop to camp for the night. The Kid gets the drop on them, catching one in a lasso. When the other outlaw tries to shoot the Kid, he pushes the ropes up man in the way and then slays him with his knife. The third robber gets the drop on the Arizona Kid. However, the Kid quickly swoops down and recovers one of his guns from one of the dead men and uses it to shoot the outlaw dead.
Several hours later Cliff Macklin, having realized he was following a phony trail, has caught up and the Kid explains everything that happened as they head back home.
Appearing in "The Posse Rides"
- Appearances not yet listed
Synopsis for "The Posse Rides"
Western tale.
Appearing in "The Sheriff of San Saba!"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Toad Holden
Other Characters:
Synopsis for "The Sheriff of San Saba!"
The Arizona Kid and Cliff Macklin are after some outlaws, but they crooks manage to slip away. They note that the leader of the gang was a large man with red hair and wonder if he is Cal Toomey, an outlaw who also has a scar on his right hand. They are thanked by the ranchers they saved. When they tell the ranchers that they are heading to San Saba, the ranchers tell them that the gang was led by Toad Holden and that he has an axe to grind with the sheriff San Saba, sheriff Cain Tolliver.
As they ride into San Saba, the Arizona Kid wonders if Cal Toomey is operating as Toad Holden since he murdered a man in Coffeeville ten years before in an effort to avoid capture. It seems possible as Cliff recalls that Toomey was last seen near San Saba. They soon arrive in San Saba and pass a message of warning to Sheriff Tolliver. When the Arizona Kid tells his theory about how Toad Holden might be Cal Toomey using an assumed alias, the sheriff mentions that he too had red hair until he had gone grey. He rides out with the Rangers to help look for Toad. Along the way they meet Tolliver's son Billy, who was born eight years prior. Called in by his wife for dinner, the Sheriff offers them to join, but Cliff and Arizona decline. When the sheriff waves goodbye, the Kid notices that the sheriff has a scar on his hand.
When they leave to check into the San Saba hotel, the Arizona Kid tells Cliff his suspicions about Cain Tolliver really being Cal Toomey, and they note that if he was the outlaw he has since reformed. When they are in the hotel they are informed that Toad Holden is riding into town.
Fearing that Tolliver would be slaughtered by Holden if they should fight, the Kid and Cliff rush out just as the two foes are about to meet. Before Holden can do anything, the Arizona Kid throws his knife at him, disarming the man. When he threatens the two Rangers he is gunned down and his men flee the scene. In after aftermath, the Kid reveals that they know Tolliver is really Toomey, but they tell him that they will keep his secret as he has changed his ways and report back to their superiors that Toad Holden was really Cal Tommey.
Appearing in "A Colt Takes Bullets"
- Appearances not yet listed
Synopsis for "A Colt Takes Bullets"
2-page text story.
Appearing in "He Taught him to Kill!"
- Appearances not yet listed
Synopsis for "He Taught him to Kill!"
Western tale.
Appearing in "Cloven Hooves of Death!"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Bull Corbin
Other Characters:
Synopsis for "Cloven Hooves of Death!"
The Rangers have set up camp in Chapaqua Springs where they learn that Texas senator Talley Wing has been pushing the hunt for buffalo's so that the fur can be made into coats and shipped back east, having little care for the land rights of the Native Americans due to his hatred of them. A wagon soon arrives carrying Bull Corbin who is leading the expedition to hunt the buffalo in the Native American territory. The Arizona Kid warns his superior Major Cullen that this could spark a war with the local tribe. Bull Corben tries to whip the Kid for opening his mouth, but the Kid tosses a knife at him. Before a fight can break out, Cullen orders them to break it up or both be locked up. Bull then gives them a letter from the Senator giving him permission to hunt the Buffalo and that the Rangers are to protect him from any danger, but Cullen refuses to devote his men.
Weeks later Senator Talley and his son arrive at Chapaqua Springs and are informed why the Rangers did not go out to act as protection for them. However the Senator uses his position to force Cullen to assign men to go and assist Corben out on the range, sending Cliff Macklin, the Arizona Kid and Happy Hicks out as an advance party while Cullen gets the other rangers ready.
However the Arizona Kid refuses to help because hunting the buffalo's will lead to a war between them and the Native Americans. However when they have caught up with Bull and his men they have caused a stampede forcing the Rangers to kill the buffalo in order to avoid being trampled. As Bull thanks them for their help a Native American brave arrives and asks why they are hunting their buffalo. The Kid then offers the entire kill to the warrior in the hopes of avoiding war, but Bull shoots the Native dead instead, the other Natives flee the scene to prepare for war.
That night while they are camping, Arizona Kid and the others suddenly hear a woman scream. Going to Bull's camp they find it deserted and they follow their trail all the way to the Native American village where they catch Bull and his men slaughtering all the Native Americans who live there, including the women and children. When the Arizona Kid, Cliff and Happy try to stop Bull and his men but Bull grabs a Native boy and threatens him. Having ridden out to watch the Rangers is the Senator's son who orders Bull to let the boy go but he is shot dead. The Kid shoots Bull dead and soon Cullen and the other Rangers arrive. Soon peace is established and Tally is horrified to find his son is dead. He explains that his hatred of Native American's stems from the fact that he is a member of the Sioux who was raised by a white family and that he disliked his heritage. Having realized the errors of his ways, the Senator resigns his position and goes to live with the Sioux in order to reconnect with his heritage.