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Hello, Peter. Where were we?

Chasm (Ben Reilly)

Appearing in 1st story

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Synopsis for 1st story

Demons flood New York City, and as Gargoyles attack a family, Venom saves baby Tyler from a demonized baby stroller. When the parents thought the webbing came from Spider-Man, an offended Venom takes the baby and asks if Spider-Man could kiss a baby, much to baby Tyler's amusement. The frightened parents are once more relieved and embrace as Venom web-swings away, telling them that he will eat Spider-Man's brains once he finds him. Meanwhile, Spider-Man recalls how the X-Men last resolved the demonic incursion but saw them at Rockefeller Center and if they knew what they were doing, they were hiding it well. However, Spider-Man races to Norman, who had sent out a broken distress signal, as he is also the only person who can help Spider-Man figure out the situation. As Norman helped Peter save Mary Jane more than six months earlier, which was quite a pickle, he hopes Norman can help now but discovers Ben standing over a battered Norman in his Gold Goblin suit. Surprised to see Ben, who tells Peter to call him Chasm, Peter exclaims he had felt his friend was alright. Still, Chasm corrects him as events in the city were his doing per a plan to take back the life he accuses Peter of taking from him.[1] Despite feeling sorry for Ben's situation, Peter cannot let Ben continue his assault, which Ben foresaw and distracted Peter long enough for Venom to arrive, so Ben gets back to work.

Peter is dumbfounded to see Eddie act as he had years ago, even telling Eddie that he sounds dumber than when Peter last saw him. Venom claims to be lucid but tells one-dimensional jokes about eating brains as Spider-Man fights back. Meanwhile, Chasm uses items in a dark ceremony: Lies of Six Bleeding Ones, the Acrid Tears of Kalack the Cleft-Socket, and the Binding Tome of Bala-Kan. However, Ms. Marvel arrives demanding to know if he attacked her boss, then immediately course corrects that he's the boss of a "friend" improvising a save to her secret identity. But as Chasm inquires if her "good friend" knows Peter Parker, she's perplexed for long enough for Chasm to conjure a barrier to impede her as he continues the summoning ritual. Wondering if he did it right, he finds his answer was correct as a portal opens up, and asks who else is next. Venom continues striking Spider-Man, whose reliance on his Spider-Sense requires he recalibrate his technique to Venom but isn't allowed a moment's chance. Venom snidely comments on the ease of beating Spider-Man, claiming that his brain is so small he'll eat it in one bite, but Spider-Man gets defensive claiming his brain is a four-course meal. Realizing the situation, Spider-Man reveals another trick: running away. At the TNM office, Jonah sees a possessed taxi shiv an uber over a passenger and announces Christmas is canceled. Ordering the staff to work late to own the story of New York going to Hell, Jonah walks into his office and finds Chasm at his desk, telling Jonah that New York isn't the only thing going to Hell.

Spider-Man swipes a Ramen Ninja manga book and a lighter from a sentient news cart and easily lures Venom into a Christmas tree lot. Not wanting to debate his brain's flavor profile, Spider-Man ignites the book he took, but Venom scoffs that he's not scared of such a puny flame. Spider-Man declares his intent to burn the possessed trees around them, their combined shrieking causing a sonic attack that stuns Venom long enough for Spider-Man to knock him unconscious with a single punch, asking who's got a tasty brain now. As the trees hop away, Spider-Man sees Eddie Brock has reverted to his beardless appearance and flattop haircut from when they first met, and notes that he looks like he's made of plastic, wondering what happened to him. The Goblin Queen interrupts Spider-Man's musings, telling him that he has something which belongs to her. While Hallows' Eve begs to take on Spider-Man, she is denied as Madelyne reminds her that they have work to do, and Spider-Man is amazed that she looks just like Jean Grey, but she stops him before he can completely say so and not be triggered enough to rip his mouth off. Madelyne then asks Spider-Man to forget that they were there as they were in the middle of secret work, work Spider-Man sees involves Eddie as demonic mailboxes carry him off. Spider-Man demands they release Eddie as he is unhinged, which Madelyne tries to argue is a matter of perspective. Spider-Man's argues that Venom's attempted consumption of his brain confirms he's unhinged, and she concedes the point. However, she tells Spider-Man that he has other things to worry about as their "mutual friend" has finished his chores, and Chasm returns looking to resume his fight with Peter.

Solicit Synopsis



• What is Chasm's plan, and why is Venom helping him?


  • The "Ramen Ninja" book that Spider-Man burns is a reference to the anime and manga series Naruto.

See Also

Links and References

