—NamorWhat I was going to say is these times... The three of us together--four, I suppose, with the Winter Soldier... I hope there are more of them.
Appearing in "Gods and Soldiers (Part Five)"
Featured Characters:
- Invaders (Main story and flashback) (Disbands)
- Captain America (Steve Rogers) (Main story and flashback) (Leaves)
- Winter Soldier (Bucky Barnes) (Main story and flashback) (Leaves)
- Human Torch (Jim Hammond) (Main story and flashback) (Leaves) (Joins S.H.I.E.L.D.)
- Namor (Leaves)
Supporting Characters:
- Kree
- Supreme Intelligence
- Pursuer Corps
- Accuser Corps (Mentioned)
- Ronan the Accuser (Mentioned)
- Numerous unnamed Kree warriors (Main story and flashback)
Other Characters:
- Dr. Bruce Banner (Mentioned)
- Builders (Mentioned)
- Spitfire (Jacqueline Falsworth) (Mentioned)
- Machine Man (Aaron Stack) (Mentioned)
- S.H.I.E.L.D. (Mentioned)
- Galactus (Cameo)
- Tony Stark (Mentioned)
- Earth-616
- Earth-1610 (Cameo)
- Negative Zone (Cameo)
- Captain America's Shield (Main story and flashback)
- Captain America's Uniform (Main story and flashback)
- Gods' Whisperer (Mentioned) (Final appearance)
- Winter Soldier's Bionic Arm (Main story and flashback)
- Quinjet (Only in flashback)
Synopsis for "Gods and Soldiers (Part Five)"
- Synopsis not yet written
Solicit Synopsis
• The INVADERS are trapped on a hostile world and under relentless attack from a mind-controlled god.
• Facing a fate worse than defeat, will CAPTAIN AMERICA, NAMOR, THE HUMAN TORCH and WINTER SOLDIER become the means for the KREE EMPIRE to conquer the galaxy?!
• What role does one of the MARVEL UNIVERSE’S most powerful races play in this grand finale?