Wiki of Mana

Wisp (ウィルオウィスプ Wiru o Wisupu), also known as Lumina, is the Mana Spirit of Light. They appear as a ghostly creature comprised of light and resemble the will-o'-the-wisp from which its name is derived. Their powers are somewhat varied, with lasers, orbs of holy power, barriers against attack, and other powers that could be seen traditionally as "divine retribution", with the addition of healing spells (sometimes concurrent with and other times replacing Undine).

In many of their appearances, they are cheerful and optimistic, but don't get along with Shade. Their personality is the opposite of Dryad, who is more pessimistic and lacks confidence.

Much as with the chocobo, differences in scriptwriting and localization have introduced gender ambiguity for the character. In most Japanese scripts, Wisp uses decidedly male pronouns and may be portrayed as a young boy. In the World of Mana titles, however, Wisp adopted a feminine persona. When the series made its way outside Japan, Wisp's gender in most titles became female, with both Trials of Mana and Visions of Mana adopting the masculine persona instead.

Series 1st Person (JP) Localized Gender
Secret of Mana 私 (Watashi) Female
Trials of Mana ボク・オレ (Boku, Ore) Male
Sword of Mana オイラ (Oira) Undetermined
Children of Mana 私 (Watashi) Female
Dawn of Mana ぼく (Boku) Female
Heroes of Mana オイラ (Oira) Female
Visions of Mana オレ (Ore) Male


Sword of Mana[]


She was the first spirit found in the game whose primary power is healing light and a light damage that may cause friendliness. The heroine had already obtained a wisp spirit at the start; it was seen by the hero on the Cascade Cottage which was summoned to heal him by the heroine after she mistook him for a Granz soldier. Even so, the hero wouldn't have Wisp magic until Cibba gave him one. It also took appearance together with Shade on unsealing the ruined passage.

Another Wisp may be obtained/upgraded by: 3 Dudbear gold by a woman named Asaad at Ishe Inn; trading a light geode found on Glass Dessert to Gazu of Lohimar; rescuing one trapped in Vinquette Hall from a black Dudbear (wisp level must be at least 30); praying to the Gray goddess statue outside of the batamo cave, morning/day(wisp must have at least 2 uprade); finding one outside Cascade Cottage on a Holy Day(must have done the upgrades stated before this); trading 10 Light Coins to Frolan of Khala Peaks(wisp must done at least 3 upgrades); and lastly blessing it on Wendel Cathedral on Holy Day(done at the last)

Upon obtaining all wisps you achieve the title Bishop.

Secret of Mana[]

In Secret of Mana, Wisp is known as Lumina. She only grants her power to Primm and her spells are Lucid Barrier, Light Saber, and Lucent Beam.

Searching for Sage Joch, the party (Randi, Primm and Popoi) are directed to the Gold Isle to visit the Gold Tower which hosts the Light Palace. After getting into the tower and slaying the Blue Spike and Gorgon Bull, Lumina is waiting for the party at the altar on the top floor and joins the group by offering her powers which Primm can use. By her own admission, Wisp is capable of alchemizing and transmuting objects into gold temporarily, which is how King Mammon of Gold Isle was able to fulfill upholding his kingdom's namesake by trapping her and keeping her in the tower as his most jealously guarded secret. By extension, her liberation means all of Gold Isle will eventually return to its normal state.

Trials of Mana[]

"Heyo! Looking for Lumina? That'd be me. Nice to meetcha!"

Lumina is the first Mana Spirit that joins the heroes. When the heroes visit the Holy City Wendel, the Priest of Light asks them to use the Mana Sword to return balance to the world. He tells them that the first step is to get the assistance of the Mana Spirits, starting with Lumina, who lives in the nearby Cascade Cavern. Once the heroes reach the core of the cave, they are attacked by the Fullmetal Hugger; upon defeating the creature, Lumina appears and thanks the heroes for freeing him. He then joins them on their quest.

In the fan-made translation of Seiken Densetsu 3 as well as the 3D remake, Lumina is referred to as male and identifies as such. In the 3D remake, Lumina speaks with a Pacific Coast dialect and has an effeminate edge to his voice.

Visions of Mana[]

Lumina is the eighth and last spirit that Val and his company of alms meet. He is the patron spirit of Lorimar Island and its environs, freed from Selaphia at the summit of the Temple of Wendel. Once freed, Lumina recognizes Val as a seeker of truth and selects him as the current Alm of Light, forced by circumstance to forgo his selection ceremony that usually takes place at Terratio following a performance of Daelophos and Cerulia. Yet, even with the alm pre-selected, the theatre company agrees to stage the play; and Lumina, ever a fan of the stage, takes up a part as well.

His vessel, the Lumina Lantern, is the seventh to be acquired, found aboard the Dyluck in the Zawhak Desert after felling Garethe. It serves as a key item in the story, having the power to momentarily dispel the "brain fog" wrought by Selaphia's presence.

As a vessel, however, the Lumina Lantern offers the party access to its Light classes and Light-based skills on each Elemental Plot. It interacts with mirrors found throughout Qi'Diel to alter the flow of light and create lanes and warps for travel. In battle, the Lantern radiates a binding beam that attempts to link foes together and distribute the party's attacks across the linked foes.

Legend of Mana[]

In the world of Fa'Diel, Wisp is regarded as the Spirit of Light, who bathes the world in light and governs its sacredness.

Children of Mana[]

"Let the light guide you!"

Like her fellow spirits, Wisp can accompany the player character on their treks through Fa'Diel's myriad dungeons. Her attack and support spells, respectively, are as follows:

  • Holy Orb: The spirit summons an orb of light that whirls out clockwise
  • Healing Light: Restores an ally's HP

Heroes of Mana[]

Wisp dislikes Shade and is very judgmental of him, despite Shade's claims that he has never done anything to deserve her animosity. Her spells are Twinkle Rain (for Belgar), Healing Light (for Roget, Yurcheal and D'Kelli) and Holy Saber (for everyone else).

Dawn of Mana[]

In Dawn of Mana, Wisp is female and speaks with a French accent. She has a generally wise and self-assured demeanor. Her elemental power can blind enemies and has a particularly wide area of effect.

Friends of Mana[]


The will-o'-the-wisp is a legendary creature most prominent in Celtic folklore.

Lumina is based on the Latin lux and lumen, meaning "light".

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Wisp · Dryad · Jinn · Salamander · Shade · Luna · Gnome · Undine
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Trials of Mana Characters
Duran · Angela · Kevin · Charlotte · Hawkeye · Riesz
Tree of Mana
Mana Spirits
Mana Spirits
Undine · Gnome · Sylphid · Salamando · Shade · Lumina · Luna · Dryad
The Dragon Lord's Faction
Dragon Lord · Crimson Wizard · Darkshine Knight · True Queen Valda
The Masked Mage's Faction
Masked Mage · Goremand · Tainted Soul · King Gauser
The Dark Majesty's Faction
Dark Majesty · Belladonna · Malocchio · Flamekhan
Dangaard · Land Umber · Fiegmund · Mispolm · Xan Bie · Dolan · Lightgazer · Zable Fahr
Non-Player Characters
Non-Player Characters
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