Released Pokémon are Pokémon that have been caught by a Pokémon Trainer, but are sent back into the wild.

Misty saying farewell to her Togetic

In the core series

In the core series Pokémon games, Pokémon can be released using the Pokémon Storage System. However, a Pokémon cannot be released if it is the only Pokémon in the player's party. Once the Pokémon is released, it is removed from the player's possession and cannot be encountered again. Releasing a Pokémon is useful if a player needs to free up space in the Pokémon Storage System. Pokémon Eggs cannot be released within these games.

Starting in Generation VIII, if the Pokémon is holding an item when it is released the item is returned to the player’s bag.

Pokémon Yellow

In Pokémon Yellow, it's not possible to release the Pikachu received by the player at the beginning of the game, or any other Pikachu with the same original Trainer and original Trainer ID as the player. If the player tries to release it, Pikachu complains and the attempt fails, but this doesn't affect Pikachu's friendship. Pikachu may still be traded to another game and released there (including a separate Pokémon Yellow game with a different Trainer name and/or ID). If Pikachu is traded to another game, evolves into Raichu, and is traded back to its original game, it can be released normally in its original game.

Pikachu may be released normally like any other Pokémon in the Japanese Pokémon Stadium, the English Pokémon Stadium, or Pokémon Stadium 2, connected to Pokémon Yellow via Transfer Pak.

Generations III–IV

In Generation III and Generation IV, if the player attempts to release a Pokémon that is the only Pokémon in their party or PC that knows a certain HM move, it will immediately return. In Generation III, these moves are Surf and Dive. In Generation IV, they are Surf, Waterfall, and Rock Climb, as well as Fly in HeartGold and SoulSilver.

Generation V onward

Fusions of Pokémon (Black and White Kyurem, Dusk Mane and Dawn Wings Necrozma, and Ice Rider and Shadow Rider Calyrex) cannot be released unless separated.

Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu and Let's Go, Eevee!

In Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!, releasing Pokémon is also called transferring, like in Pokémon GO. A player can transfer up to 30 Pokémon at once to Professor Oak, who will award one stat-specific Candy (of varying sizes) for each Pokémon transferred, each Candy's stat corresponding to what that Pokémon may yield if caught in the wild. For every 50 Pokémon of a common species the player transfers, Professor Oak will award a Candy specific to that Pokémon's species. After every transfer, Professor Oak will tell the player the total number of Pokémon that have been sent over.

The player's partner Pokémon and any party Pokémon cannot be transferred. Transferring a Shiny, Legendary, or Mythical Pokémon (other than Meltan[1]) will first display the warning message "Are you really sure you want to send this Pokémon? You can't get it back!". Attempting to transfer a Pokémon marked as favorite will display a prompt asking the player if they want to unfavorite it first.

Pokémon Legends: Arceus

In Pokémon Legends: Arceus, the player can release their Pokémon from the pastures, and may release multiple at once. Released Pokémon sometimes leave behind Grit Dust, Grit Gravel, Grit Pebble, or Grit Rocks. If the player attempts to release a Legendary Pokémon, Mythical Pokémon, or Shiny Pokémon, a warning will appear, stating:

You'll be releasing a very rare specimen.
Are you sure you wish to proceed?

Until the story is finished, the player can't release Dialga or Palkia due to them being mandatory for the final battle.

In the side series

Pokémon Stadium series

Main article: PC (Stadium) → Pokémon

In the Japanese Pokémon Stadium, the English Pokémon Stadium, and Pokémon Stadium 2, there is an option to release Pokémon from the core series games connected via Transfer Pak. The first two Stadium games are only compatible with the Generation I games, while the third game is compatible with both Generation I and Generation II games. It is only possible to release Pokémon if the player has saved the core series game at a Pokémon Center. The player is able to release Pokémon from the party, the Boxes in the core series game, and from the Boxes in the Stadium game cartridge.

  • In the Japanese Pokémon Stadium, the player is able to go from the main menu to the "Organize" and then the "Pok��mon" screen, where the Release button is a waving hand symbol. When the player presses the Release button, the game displays a list with the party and the boxes. The player is required to select one of these places first, and then choose one or more Pokémon to release.
  • In the English Pokémon Stadium, the player is able to go from the main menu to the Pokémon Lab. There is a PC at the lab, with an option "Pokémon". The Pokémon screen includes the Release button, which is a waving hand symbol like in the previous game.
  • In Pokémon Stadium 2, the player is able to go from the main menu to the White City and then to the Pokémon Lab. Like in the previous game, there is a PC in the lab, with an option "Pokémon". Unlike in the previous games, this time the Release button is an emoji moving to the side.

In the English Pokémon Stadium, as well as Stadium 2, the player's party is displayed by default on the left side, while the first Box is also available by default on the right side. The player may press the Release button and choose any Pokémon from the party, or alternate between left and right sides by pressing L and R. Alternatively, the player may choose any of the available places (party and Boxes) by using the options "Choose left Box" and "Choose right Box" (English Stadium) or "Check the window contents" (Stadium 2) prior to releasing Pokémon.

In all three Stadium games, once the player attempts to release a Pokémon, the game asks for confirmation. If the player agrees, a "Bye!" sound is heard and the Pokémon is released. Once the player presses B to leave the list of Pokémon, there are three options: "Save and quit", "Quit without saving", and "Cancel". The player is able to undo the act of releasing Pokémon by quitting without saving. However, once the player has released Pokémon and saved, that act is irreversible.

In the Japanese Pokémon Stadium, it's not possible to release the last Pokémon in the party. The act of pressing Release and then selecting the party results in an error message if there's only one Pokémon there. However, in the English Pokémon Stadium and Pokémon Stadium 2, it is possible to release the whole party and then move Pokémon from the Boxes to the party, or alternatively just release all Pokémon from the party and the Boxes. In these last two games, if the party is empty, the act of releasing Pokémon can't be saved—the option "Save and quit" becomes unavailable.

Even though the Pikachu received in Pokémon Yellow is unable be released in its own game, it can be released normally like any other Pokémon in any of the three games of the Pokémon Stadium series. Similarly, Pokémon Eggs may be released in Pokémon Stadium 2 despite being unable to be released within any main series game.

In the spin-off games

Pokémon GO

In Pokémon GO, the player can choose to transfer a Pokémon to Professor Willow. Pokémon transferred to Professor Willow cannot be taken back, equivalent to releasing the Pokémon in the core series games. When a Pokémon is transferred to the professor, the player will receive a Candy for that Pokémon's species. Players who have reached Level 31 (Level 40 prior to June 1, 2022) or higher have a chance of receiving a Candy XL when a Pokémon is transferred.

Transferring a Pokémon to Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! or Let's Go, Eevee! or to Pokémon HOME has a similar effect to transferring to Willow, although 100 XP is also awarded in the former case.

The following Pokémon cannot be transferred to Professor Willow:

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series

In the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series, the player can remove Pokémon from their team by saying farewell to them. In Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team, this can be done by visiting them in their Friend Area. In Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and Darkness, and Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky, this can be done at the Chimecho Assembly. In Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity, this can be done at the Quagsire Assembly. In Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon, due to the removal of random recruitment, Pokémon cannot be removed once they have connected with the player's team.

In Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team and Explorers of Time, Darkness, and Sky, if Legendary or Mythical Pokémon are said farewell to from their Friend Area or Chimecho Assembly, they will reappear in dungeons again, unless they were recruited as a story event rather than by being defeated.

Pokémon Ranger series

In the Pokémon Ranger series, Pokémon are captured with the Capture Styler and are released automatically when they have performed a task such as aiding the player in battle or using their Field Move, and can be released from the menu. The player is also forced to release a Pokémon if the player captures a Pokémon and exceeds the limit of Pokémon in their possession.

Pokémon Rumble series

In the Pokémon Rumble series, the world consists of Toy Pokémon and they can be released via the menu for money.

Hey You, Pikachu!

In the end of the Hey You, Pikachu! storyline, Professor Oak encourages the player to release Pikachu back to Viridian Forest. Professor Oak tells the player that Pikachu is a wild Pokémon and would be happiest living with other wild Pokémon.

Once the player uses the PokéHelper to say "Goodbye!", there is a cutscene where Pikachu looks sad to leave at first, but then a group of other Pikachu welcome it back to the forest. Pikachu waves goodbye to the player and leaves.

Pokémon Sleep

In Pokémon Sleep, the player can choose to send a Pokémon to Professor Neroli. Pokémon sent to Professor Neroli cannot be taken back, equivalent to releasing the Pokémon in the core series games. When a Pokémon is sent to the Professor, the player will receive Candies for that Pokémon's species, the yield of which varies as follows.

  • Unevolved Pokémon: 5 candies
  • First evolution of baby Pokémon: 6 candies
  • First evolution of non-baby Pokémon: 7 candies
  • Second evolution Pokémon: 10 candies
  • Special Pokémon: 25 candies

In animation

The blue coloring indicating release in Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl
Grookey destroying its Poké Ball in Pokémon Journeys: The Series

Pokémon the Series

Throughout Pokémon the Series, a Trainer releases a Pokémon for several reasons. The Trainer may see it as weak, as Damian did with Charmander and Paul with Chimchar. The Pokémon may have to do something that requires it to leave (such as Ash and his Butterfree, as well as Ash and his Pidgeot). Another common reason is that the Pokémon does not listen, frustrating the Trainer, much like when Dawn caught Pachirisu. If a Trainer chooses to release their Pokémon, it will be indicated by the Pokémon in question emerging from its Poké Ball in a blue light rather than the usual white light (though this only began occurring in Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl). To guarantee release, some Trainers destroy the Poké Ball, as seen with Jessie and her Dustox. As shown in When a House is Not a Home!, Pokémon can even destroy their own Poké Balls.

In Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon, the Ultra Guardians' primary objective is to capture Ultra Beasts that find their way into Alola so they can safely be released and sent back where they came from via Ultra Wormholes.

List of known released Pokémon

Pokémon Episode released Notes
Ash's Charizard Damian's Charmander Prior to Charmander – The Stray Pokémon Caught by Ash
James's Gyarados James's Gyarados Pokémon Shipwreck
Butterfree Unnamed Trainers' Butterfree (multiple) Bye Bye Butterfree
Ash's Butterfree Ash's Butterfree
Ash's Pikachu Ash's Pikachu Pikachu's Goodbye Returns
List of Pokémon temporarily owned by the Team Rocket trio#Shellder Jessie's Shellder The Evolution Solution Evolves with Professor Westwood V's Slowpoke
Meowzie Meowzie Prior to Go West Young Meowth
Ash's Pidgeot Ash's Pidgeot Pallet Party Panic Re-caught in The Rainbow and the Pokémon Master!.
Bulbasaur The Mayor of Trovitopolis's giant Bulbasaur Prior to The Mystery Menace Adopted by Trovitopolis's Nurse Joy
Ash's Lapras Ash's Lapras Viva Las Lapras
Yanma Zachary Evans's Yanma Wings 'N' Things Re-caught
James's Victreebel The Magikarp salesman's Victreebel Here's Lookin' at You, Elekid
List of Pokémon temporarily owned by the Team Rocket trio#Victreebel James's second Victreebel
Ash's Larvitar Ash's Larvitar Mother of All Battles
Jessie's Arbok Jessie's Arbok A Poached Ego!
James's Weezing James's Weezing
Misty's Togetic Misty's Togetic A Togepi Mirage
Starly Paul's Starly (×3) When Pokémon Worlds Collide!
Stantler Paul's Stantler Different Strokes for Different Blokes
Pachirisu Dawn's Pachirisu Twice Smitten, Once Shy! Re-caught
Ash's Infernape Paul's Chimchar Glory Blaze! Caught by Ash in Smells Like Team Spirit!
Dustox Austin's Shiny Dustox Crossing Paths
Jessie's Dustox Jessie's Dustox
Aaron's Beautifly Aaron's Wurmple Prior to A Trainer and Child Reunion! Rejoins after evolving into a Beautifly
Ash's Pignite Shamus's Tepig Prior to The Battle Club and Tepig's Choice! Caught by Ash
Basculin Cilan's Basculin A Fishing Connoisseur in a Fishy Competition!
Croconaw Unnamed Trainer's Croconaw Prior to The Pirates of Decolore! Adopted by a local Officer Jenny
Azumarill Unnamed Trainer's Azumarill
Octillery Unnamed Trainer's Octillery
Ducklett Unnamed Trainer's Ducklett
James's Inkay James's Inkay Facing the Grand Design! Returns
Jessie's Wobbuffet Jessie's Wobbuffet A Fork in the Road! A Parting of the Ways! Returns
Ash's Goodra Ash's Goodra Beyond the Rainbow! Rejoins from Valuable Experience for All!
to Facing the Needs of the Many!
Ash's Greninja Ash's Greninja Facing the Needs of the Many!
Ash's Solgaleo Nebby The Professors' New Adventure!
James's Mareanie James's Mareanie Fighting Back the Tears! Returns
Thank You, Alola! The Journey Continues!
Ultra Beasts (anime)#Buzzwole Ultra Guardians' Buzzwole A Mission of Ultra Urgency! Caught by Ash
Ultra Beasts (anime)#Blacephalon Ultra Guardians' Blacephalon Twirling with a Bang! Caught by Lillie
Ultra Beasts (anime)#Xurkitree Ultra Guardians' Xurkitree Caught by Lana
Ultra Beasts (anime)#Stakataka Ultra Guardians' Stakataka The Long Vault Home! Caught by Ash
Ash's Naganadel Ash's Poipole Securing the Future! Rejoins in Exhibition Unmasked! after evolving into a
Naganadel until Dreams of the Sun and Moon!
Ultra Beasts (anime)#Pheromosa Ultra Guardians' Pheromosa Beauty is Only Crystal Deep! Caught by Ash
Jessie's Mimikyu Jessie's Mimikyu Thank You, Alola! The Journey Continues!
Mallow's Shaymin Mallow's Shaymin
Ash's Gengar An unnamed Trainer's Gengar Prior to Legend? Go! Friends? Go! Caught by Ash in A Chilling Curse!
Goh's Cinderace Goh's Raboot Goodbye, Friend! Returns
Goh's Grookey Team Rocket's Grookey When a House is Not a Home! Caught by Goh
Goh#Floette Goh's White Flower Floette Under Color of Darkness!
Leon's Eternatus Leon's Eternatus Partners in Time!
Pagogo Pagogo Prior to in The Pendant That Starts It All Part Two Caught by Liko in HZ075

In the manga

Various manga touch on the aspect of releasing Pokémon.

Pokémon Adventures

Pokémon Adventures chapters often culminate in the capture of a Legendary Pokémon, but these are almost always released afterwards, Diamond's Regigigas, nicknamed Reg, and Blake's Keldeo, nicknamed Kelden, being notable exceptions.

Pokémon released in Pokémon Adventures

Pokémon Chapter released Notes
Vee Team Rocket's Eevee Blame It on Eevee Caught by Red
Legendary birds (Adventures) Koga's Articuno The Winged Legends Caught by Green prior to The Last Battle VIII
Legendary birds (Adventures) Lt. Surge's Zapdos
Legendary birds (Adventures) Sabrina's Moltres
Seadra Yellow's Seadra Sea Sea Seadra
Chinchou Gold's multiple Chinchou Number One Donphan
Mewtwo (Adventures) Blaine's Mewtwo Heckled by Hitmontop Re-caught prior to Malamar Traps
Legendary beasts (Adventures) Misty's Suicune The Last Battle XII
Legendary beasts (Adventures) Lt. Surge's Raikou Caught by Anabel prior to Never Spritz a Knotty Sudowoodo
Legendary beasts (Adventures) Blaine's Entei
Tower duo (Adventures) Pryce's Lugia The Last Battle XIII
Tower duo (Adventures) Pryce's Ho-oh
Celebi (Adventures) Pryce's Celebi The Last Battle XIV Caught by Ruby prior to Creeping Past Cacnea
Celebi (Adventures) Ruby's Celebi It All Ends Now VIII
Deoxys (Adventures) Giovanni's Deoxys Distant Relation Deoxys
Jirachi (Adventures) Archie's Jirachi The Final Battle IX
Darkrai Sird's Darkrai Prior to The Final Dimensional Duel VII
Slowking Charon's Slowking The Final Dimensional Duel X
Heatran Charon's Heatran The Final Dimensional Duel XI
Reg Palmer's Regigigas All About Arceus IX Caught by Diamond in Double Trouble with Dialga and Palkia VI
Tula An unnamed Trainer's Galvantula Prior to Lights, Camera...Action Caught by Black prior to Letting Go
Gigi White's Tepig Gigi's Choice Caught by N
Costa Marshal's Tirtouga Prior to Growing Pains Caught by Black
N's Zorua N's Zorua Prior to True Friends Rejoins in The Final Battle
Darmanitan N's Darmanitan
Woobat N's two Woobat
Purrloin N's Purrloin
Gurdurr N's Gurdurr
Tympole N's Tympole
Pidove N's Pidove
Gigi N's Tepig
Archeops N's Archeops
Forces of nature (Adventures) Team Plasma's Tornadus The Final Battle
Forces of nature (Adventures) Team Plasma's Thundurus
Forces of nature (Adventures) Team Plasma's Landorus
Tao trio (Adventures) Zinzolin's Kyurem
Tao trio (Adventures) Black's Reshiram
Tao trio (Adventures) N's Zekrom
Xerxer Y's Xerneas Xerneas Gives
Yveltal Malva's Yveltal
Zygarde (Adventures) Lysandre's Zygarde
Ruby's Plusle Ruby's Plusle Prior to Metagross Investigates
Sapphire's Minun Sapphire's Minun

Team Plasma

Team Plasma's ultimate goal has been to convince Trainers to release their Pokémon. In Pokémon Black and White, it is revealed that their leader, Ghetsis, wanted to make himself the only Trainer to own Pokémon in Unova, making him the region's leader almost by default. N, Team Plasma's king, appears frequently to the player to battle them and convince them to release their Pokémon. Each time, he appears with a different team—using the Memory Link in Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 confirms that N released his Pokémon after battles with the player, and the player may encounter and catch them again.

Although there were apparently no other instances of anyone releasing their Pokémon in the games, several Trainers are seen releasing their Pokémon whenever Team Plasma holds a speech in Pokémon Adventures. Black himself owns a Pokémon (Galvantula) previously owned by another unseen person, and now uses on his team after he decided to keep him after Team Plasma's first seen speech and he agreed to be with him. White herself also released her company's Tepig, Gigi, although this was against her own will, as it was technically Gigi who left White after she learned about her battle capabilities.

In other languages


Language Title
Japanese 逃がす
Chinese Cantonese 放生
Mandarin 放生
French Relâcher
German Freilassen
Italian Libera
Korean 놓아준다
Spanish Liberar


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