Tower duo (Adventures)

Get it? Because the name is unknown. The subject of this article has no official name.
The name currently in use is a fan designator; see below for more information.

Lugia (Japanese: ルギア Lugia) and Ho-Oh (Japanese: ホウオウ Houou) are recurring Legendary Pokémon in the Pokémon Adventures manga who were once owned by the Masked Man.


ルギア Lugia

Debuts in The Beedrill All and End All
Caught in Lively Lugia (Part 3)
Caught at Whirl Islands
Gender Gender unknown
Ability Pressure
Released in The Last Battle XIII
Current location Unknown
This Pokémon is fully evolved.


Lugia's spirit form

Yellow arc

Lugia first appeared in The Beedrill All and End All in its spirit form above Cerise Island, where it was summoned by Lance. The Diving Pokémon was soon taken control of by Lance and it begun to gather energy from Cerise Island and the Kanto Gym Badges to eliminate mankind. Yellow quickly fought off the rest of Lance's Pokémon and had Pika attack Lugia with a Megavolt attack, freeing it from Lance's control and allowing it to turn its power of destruction into power of life. Using this power, Lugia invigorates Cerise Island and restored the industrial wasteland north of Cerulean City back to its former state. Afterwards, Lugia fled, heading west and disappeared from Cerise Island.

Gold, Silver & Crystal arc

One year later, Lugia appeared at Whirl Islands and begun to create a barrage of whirlpools around the islands, making it difficult for ships to get close. Prior to Really Remoraid, Lugia was attacked, causing it to go on a rampage to drive out the intruders. Lugia was later found by Yellow, Crystal, and Wilton, and it attacked the group's ship with a powerful Whirlpool. Lugia lifted all of the ships in the area with its Psychic powers, including the S.S. Aqua used by Lt. Surge, and fired a powerful Aeroblast at Gold, Silver, and Lt. Surge, destroying the crag they were standing on. Silver begun to battle the Diving Pokémon with his Murkrow while trying to figure out why Lugia was going berserk. Lugia continued to attack its surroundings, destroying the boats around the island. The three Pokédex holders soon learned that Lugia was using air to attack and decided to pull it into the water to limit its attacks to a close range fight. Gold soon launched an airborne attack on Lugia with his newly caught Tibo and Remoraid, striking Lugia with a combination water attack before it countered by slamming Gold and his Pokémon into the ocean. While the attack did little damage, it allowed Gold to put his cue stick into Lugia's mouth, keeping it from attacking with Aeroblast. Enraged, Lugia descended onto the Pokédex holders, attempting to crush the three with its wings. However, it was stopped by Exbo, Silver's Croconaw, and Megaree, who all evolve to keep its wings from crushing their Trainers. Gold and Crystal then attempted to capture Lugia, but it was captured by the Masked Man instead.

Lugia was later used by the Masked Man in Lugia and Ho-Oh on the Loose, Part 1, being used to rampage at the Indigo Plateau. Lugia and Ho-Oh attacked Gold and Crystal together, combining their fire and air attacks to create an instant explosion. Gold and Crystal attempted to separate the Tower duo, with Crystal using Natee to attack Lugia. Lugia and Ho-Oh cornered Gold, but were stopped by Natee's Future Sight. After stealing the instructions for creating the GS Ball from Kurt, the Masked Man extracted a Silver Wing from Lugia and a Rainbow Wing from Ho-Oh to be used in its creation.

In The Last Battle IV, Lugia was used alongside Ho-Oh to fight against Misty's Suicune, Lt. Surge's Raikou, and Blaine's Entei, with the Legendary beasts hoping to free Ho-Oh from the Masked Man's control. Despite being at a disadvantage in numbers, the Tower duo easily kept the trio at bay. After weakening the three beasts, the two birds fled with the Masked Man. Soon after, Lugia was lent to Will to guard the Ilex Forest.

In The Last Battle VII, Lugia was used alongside Ho-Oh to battle against Green's Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres in Ilex Forest. Green got onto Moltres's back, while she had Red command Articuno and Blue command Zapdos. The three birds fire off a combination attack against Ho-Oh, who counters with Sacred Fire. Before Ho-Oh could be overwhelmed by the legendary birds, Lugia dispersed them with its own attack. While the Kanto Pokédex holders were trying to think of a way to attack the Tower duo, a large group of Pokémon exited the Azalea Pokémon Center and begun grouping around Ho-Oh and Lugia, each sharing the thoughts of stopping evil with their Trainers. The combined efforts of the Pokémon allow Ho-Oh and Lugia to be freed from the Masked Man's control. After being released, Lugia flew away with Ho-Oh and has not been seen since.

HeartGold & SoulSilver arc

Lugia appears in a flashback in With a Little Help From Hitmonchan, where Crystal recalls her encounter with the Diving Pokémon.

Diamond & Pearl arc

In High-tailing It from Haunter, Lugia was briefly seen when the Advanced level Grunt was talking to Diamond about the past accomplishments of the Pokédex holders.

Personality and characteristics

Lugia is a powerful Pokémon, having the power to destroy all of mankind with the energy of Cerise Island and the Kanto Gym Badges. It was also able to battle against other Legendary Pokémon, holding its own against the legendary birds and the Legendary beasts. It is shown to care for all life, choosing to restore life instead of ending it. Lugia was also shown to be very defensive of its home, going on a rampage when its home was threatened.

Moves used

Using Aeroblast
Move First Used In
Whirlpool Really Remoraid
Psychic Sandslash Surprise
Aeroblast Lively Lugia (Part 1)
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.


ホウオウ Houou

Debuts in Oh, It's Ho-Oh!
Caught in Prior to Lugia and Ho-Oh on the Loose, Part 1
Caught at Tin Tower
Gender Gender unknown
Ability Pressure
Released in The Last Battle XIII
Current location Unknown
This Pokémon is fully evolved.


Red, Green & Blue arc

147 years prior to the events of the Red, Green & Blue arc, Ho-Oh revived three unnamed Pokémon that perished when the Brass Tower burned down. Ho-Oh used its powers to bring them back to life, causing the three to turn into their current forms.

Eventually, Ho-Oh was captured by the Masked Man and was used to help him prepare to capture Celebi. Six years prior to the start of the Red, Green & Blue chapter, Ho-Oh was used to kidnap Green, Silver, Carl, Sham, Will, and Karen as children based on their potential as Trainers. Sometime after this, Ho-Oh managed to escape from the Masked Man.

In Just a Spearow Carrier, Ho-Oh was seen in a flashback when Professor Oak explained Green's past.

Yellow arc

In Hitmonlee, Baby! (One More Time), Ho-Oh was seen in a flashback where Green explained to Bill that she thought the Kanto Elite Four were involved with her kidnapping as a child. It also appeared in The Legend, where it was briefly seen in a flashback when Green theorized with Silver over what bird took them away as children.

Gold, Silver & Crystal arc

Ho-oh and the Masked Man

In Ampharos Amore, Team Rocket attacked the Tin Tower, causing an earthquake which sunk it into the ground. This was done in hopes to lure the Rainbow Pokémon back to the tower. Ho-Oh became very angry, alerting others to its eventual return with a glowing statue of itself inside the Tin Tower. Despite Morty having the tower fixed within a month, Ho-Oh still planned to return there.

Ho-Oh first appeared in Oh, It's Ho-Oh!, where it battled against a Pokégear-controlled dummy sent to capture it by the Masked Man. Ho-Oh battled against the Masked Man's Delibird and was eventually captured.

Ho-Oh was later used by the Masked Man in Lugia and Ho-Oh on the Loose, Part 1, being used to rampage at the Indigo Plateau. Ho-Oh and Lugia attacked Gold and Crystal together, combining their fire and air attacks to create an instant explosion. Gold and Crystal attempted to separate the Tower duo, with Ho-Oh closing in on Gold, attacking his Sudobo with its beak. Sudobo retaliated with Flail, dealing massive damage to the Rainbow Pokémon. Ho-Oh and Lugia cornered Gold, but were stopped by Natee's Future Sight. After stealing the instructions for creating the GS Ball from Kurt, the Masked Man extracted a Silver Wing from Lugia and a Rainbow Wing from Ho-Oh to be used in its creation.

In The Last Battle IV, Lugia was used alongside Ho-Oh to fight against Misty's Suicune, Lt. Surge's Raikou, and Blaine's Entei, with the Legendary beasts hoping to free Ho-Oh from the Masked Man's control. Despite being at a disadvantage in numbers, the Tower duo easily kept the trio at bay. After weakening the three beasts, the two birds fled with the Masked Man. Soon after, Lugia was lent to Karen to guard the Ilex Forest.

In The Last Battle VII, Ho-Oh was used alongside Lugia to battle against Green's Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres in Ilex Forest. Green got onto Moltres's back, while she had Red command Articuno and Blue command Zapdos. The three birds fire off a combination attack against Ho-Oh, who counters with Sacred Fire. Before Ho-Oh could be overwhelmed by the legendary birds, Lugia dispersed them with its own attack. While the Kanto Pokédex holders were trying to think of a way to attack the Tower duo, a large group of Pokémon exited the Azalea Pokémon Center and begun grouping around Ho-Oh and Lugia, each sharing the thoughts of stopping evil with their Trainers. The combined efforts of the Pokémon allow Ho-Oh and Lugia to be freed from the Masked Man's control. After being released, Ho-Oh flew away with Lugia and has not been seen since.

HeartGold & SoulSilver arc

In Fortunately for Feraligatr, Ho-Oh was briefly seen in a flashback when Silver explained to Eusine how he was separated from his family as a child. It later appears in a flashback in With a Little Help From Hitmonchan, where Crystal recalls her encounter with the Rainbow Pokémon.

Diamond & Pearl arc

In High-tailing It from Haunter, Ho-Oh was briefly seen when the Advanced level Grunt was talking to Diamond about the past accomplishments of the Pokédex holders.

Personality and characteristics

Ho-Oh is a powerful Pokémon, able to stand its ground against other Legendary Pokémon, holding its own against the legendary birds and the Legendary beasts. Ho-Oh is also shown to care for other Pokémon, as it brought the Legendary beasts back to life. It is also defensive of things it cares about, becoming incredibly angry after the Tin Tower was damaged. Ho-Oh has a strong relationship with the Legendary beasts, as they remained loyal to the Rainbow Pokémon for over a hundred years and fought intensely to free it from the Masked Man's control.

Moves used

Using Sacred Fire
Move First Used In
Sacred Fire Lugia and Ho-Oh on the Loose, Part 1
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.

Related articles

For more information on these Pokémon's species, see Lugia and Ho-Oh.

This article is part of Project Manga, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each series of Pokémon manga.