Ortega (Japanese: オルティガ Ortiga) is the boss of Team Star's Fairy crew, the Ruchbah Squad. He specializes in Fairy-type Pokémon. He is the creator of the five different Starmobiles used by Team Star. He is also a second-year student at Naranja AcademyS/Uva AcademyV.

オルティガ Ortiga

Artwork from Scarlet
Age Unknown
Gender Male
Eye color Pink
Hair color Pink with brown highlights
Hometown Unknown
Region Paldea
Relatives Unnamed mother
Trainer class Team Star
Generation IX
Games Scarlet and Violet
Member of Team Star
Rank Boss
Boss of Ruchbah Squad's Base
Badge Fairy Badge
Specializes in Fairy-types

In the core series games

Although Ortega is short-tempered and prone to snide remarks, he deeply cares about Team Star. He is also a skilled engineer and mechanic, building the five Starmobiles by himself.[1]

Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.

Ortega comes from a life of wealth; his family owns a major apparel company in Paldea. Despite this, he was bullied at the academy, so he bonded with the other Team Star bosses, who were also bullied. The former director of the academy, Mr. Harrington, is his piano teacher.

When the player arrives at his base, Harrington tests them in an attempt to prevent them from entering the base. After defeating him, the player conducts a Star Raid on his base, forcing him out to confront the player himself.

Ortega awards the player with Team Star's Fairy Badge and TM079 (Dazzling Gleam) upon his defeat. After his defeat, Clavell, under his alias Clive, asks Ortega why he would join Team Star despite his upbringing. Ortega responds that he was being bullied and had heard about how the academy had reformed. Harrington then informed the group about the scandal that rocked the academy, shocking Ortega, demanding to know why Harrington had only talked about it now. Harrington in turn told him that he could not continue down his current path, though Ortega was reluctant to return to school without his friends.

Additionally, his defeat allows the player to craft the following TMs using the TM Machine:

# Move Type Cat.
071 Seed Bomb Grass Physical
072 Electro Ball Electric Special
073 Drain Punch Fighting Physical
077 Waterfall Water Physical
078 Dragon Claw Dragon Physical
079 Dazzling Gleam Fairy Special
093 Flash Cannon Steel Special
094 Dark Pulse Dark Special
095 Leech Life Bug Physical
099 Iron Head Steel Physical
101 Power Gem Rock Special
106 Drill Run Ground Physical
108 Crunch Dark Physical
111 Giga Drain Grass Special
112 Aura Sphere Fighting Special
115 Dragon Pulse Dragon Special
117 Hyper Voice Normal Special
118 Heat Wave Fire Special
121 Heavy Slam Steel Physical
131 Pollen Puff Bug Special

After Team Star's true boss was revealed to be Penny, Ortega and the other bosses watched the player defeat her, though he and the others were relieved to see her again. He later returned to the academy, though his lack of attendance caused him to struggle in remedial classes, prompting Giacomo and Eri to seek the player out to help. The player agreed to help them, and when they arrived in the classroom where they were studying, Ortega was shocked to see that they would help him in his studies, embarrassed to have a junior assist him in his studies. He was struggling to comprehend a paragraph that implied a hidden meaning. With the player's assistance, Ortega understood the underlying tones. Later, Penny arrived and offered to help, much to his chagrin before proclaiming that they did not understand him and that they were all the worst, prompting group to laugh.


Ortega keeps his Pokémon in Luxury Balls.

First battle




Concept art from Scarlet


Main article: Ortega/Quotes

In animation


Ortega in Biri-Biri

Ortega briefly appeared as a silhouette in the music video for Biri-Biri.

In the TCG

Ultra rare print of Ortega
Main article: Ortega (Obsidian Flames 190)

Ortega was introduced as a Supporter card in the Pokémon Trading Card Game during the English Scarlet & Violet Series (the Japanese Scarlet & Violet Era). It was first released in the Japanese Ruler of the Black Flame expansion and the English Obsidian Flames expansion, with artwork by Naoki Saito. An ultra rare version with artwork by the same illustrator was released in the same sets. It allows players to look at their opponent's hand, choose a card from there, and put it at the bottom of the opponent's deck. The opponent may then draw a card.


Language Name Origin
Japanese オルティガ Ortiga From ortiga (Spanish and Portuguese for nettle)
English, Brazilian Portuguese Ortega Similar to his Japanese name and possibly from the Ortega family (founder of Spanish multinational clothing company Inditex, running the Zara clothing chain)
German Otis Similar to his Japanese name
Spanish Gus From Urtica angustifolia (East Asian nettle)
French Ortiga From his Japanese name
Italian Ortiz Similar to his Japanese name
Korean 오르티가 Ortiga Transcription of his Japanese name
Chinese (Mandarin) 奧爾迪加 / 奥尔迪加 Ào'ěrdíjiā Transcription of his Japanese name
Chinese (Cantonese) 奧爾迪加 Ouyíhdihkgā
Indonesian Orto Similar to his Japanese name
Thai ออร์ติกา Otika Transcription of his Japanese name


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This game character article is part of Project CharacterDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each character found in the Pokémon games.