Aegislash Sea (Japanese: ギルガルド海域 Gillgard Sea) is a location in Pokémon Rumble Rush that was available during the Aegislash: Full Regalia event. This event ran from November 13 to 27, 2019.

Map of Aegislash Sea

Available Pokémon

Pokémon of primarily Steel, Ice, Fighting, Flying and Normal type can be found living in different habitats in Aegislash Sea.

Magnemite Magnemite Magneton Magneton Skarmory Skarmory Beldum Beldum Metang Metang Metagross Metagross
Riolu Riolu Sawk Sawk Karrablast Karrablast Escavalier Escavalier Klink Klink Klang Klang
Klinklang Klinklang Honedge Honedge Doublade Doublade Aegislash Aegislash
(Shield Forme)
Aegislash Aegislash
(Blade Forme)

Pikachu Pikachu Lapras Lapras Articuno Articuno Sneasel Sneasel Weavile Weavile Glaceon Glaceon
Vanillite Vanillite Vanillish Vanillish Vanilluxe Vanilluxe Cubchoo Cubchoo Beartic Beartic Cryogonal Cryogonal
Amaura Amaura Aurorus Aurorus Bergmite Bergmite Avalugg Avalugg

Mankey Mankey Primeape Primeape Machop Machop Machoke Machoke Machamp Machamp Meditite Meditite
Medicham Medicham Riolu Riolu Lucario Lucario Tepig Tepig Pignite Pignite Emboar Emboar
Throh Throh Sawk Sawk Mienfoo Mienfoo Mienshao Mienshao

Pidgey Pidgey Pidgeotto Pidgeotto Pidgeot Pidgeot Farfetch'd Farfetch'd Doduo Doduo Dodrio Dodrio
Hoothoot Hoothoot Noctowl Noctowl Chatot Chatot Ducklett Ducklett Swanna Swanna Rufflet Rufflet
Braviary Braviary Fletchling Fletchling Fletchinder Fletchinder Talonflame Talonflame

Rattata Rattata Raticate Raticate Jigglypuff Jigglypuff Wigglytuff Wigglytuff Porygon Porygon Igglybuff Igglybuff
Aipom Aipom Dunsparce Dunsparce Porygon2 Porygon2 Ambipom Ambipom Porygon-Z Porygon-Z Patrat Patrat
Watchog Watchog Bunnelby Bunnelby Diggersby Diggersby Furfrou Furfrou

Available Gears

Aegislash Sea featured the event-exclusive Gears: Blizzard Gear (Articuno), Blizzard Gear (Jynx), Iron Head Gear (Aegislash) and Iron Head Gear (Doublade). Ores of different type drop different Power and Summon Gear.

Chance Steel Ice Fighting Flying Normal
Power Gear
Guaranteed (1 Gear) Steel Move Plus Ice Move Plus Fighting Move Plus Flying Move Plus Normal Move Plus
0% / 47.02% / 49.964% Steel Move Plus Ice Move Plus Fighting Move Plus Flying Move Plus Normal Move Plus
15.028% / 4.211% / 3.534% Ice Move Plus, Fighting Move Plus, Flying Move Plus, Normal Move Plus Steel Move Plus, Fighting Move Plus, Flying Move Plus, Normal Move Plus Steel Move Plus, Ice Move Plus, Flying Move Plus, Normal Move Plus Steel Move Plus, Ice Move Plus, Fighting Move Plus, Normal Move Plus Steel Move Plus, Ice Move Plus, Fighting Move Plus, Flying Move Plus
2.2% / 1.993% / 1.98% All other Move Plus gears not listed above
3.768% / 3.414% / 3.391% Brawny
3.757% / 3.403% / 3.381% Snappy, Charge Boost
Summon Gear
9.579% Rock Blast Gear (Graveler), Signal Beam Gear (Venonat), Sludge Wave Gear (Grimer), Take Down Gear (Eevee), Drill Peck Gear (Spearow), Dynamic Punch Gear (Gurdurr), Whirlpool Gear (Wailmer), Dazzling Gleam Gear (Ribombee), Dragon Claw Gear (Hakamo-o), Aqua Tail Gear (Croconaw)
1.499% Blizzard Gear (Jynx), Iron Head Gear (Doublade)
0.6% Blizzard Gear (Articuno), Iron Head Gear (Aegislash)

List of Super Bosses

This section is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this section to add missing information and complete it.
Reason: final bosses

Aegislash Sea has a total of 30 Super Bosses. All Super Bosses had a time limit of 60 seconds.

Super Boss Target CP Unlock requirements Goals Pokémon unlocked
90 Catch 4 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area Clear the stage
Use a supereffective move and clear the stage
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Tepig Klang
125 Catch 5 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area Clear the stage
Use a supereffective move and clear the stage
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
175 Catch 7 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area Clear the stage
Use a supereffective move and clear the stage
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Mienshao Doublade
230 Catch 9 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area Clear the stage
Use a supereffective move and clear the stage
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Vanillish Honedge
330 Catch 11 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area Clear the stage
Use a supereffective move and clear the stage
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Pidgeotto Hoothoot Noctowl Rufflet
450 Catch 14 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area Clear the stage
Use a supereffective move and clear the stage
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Machoke Weavile
650 Catch 16 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area Clear the stage
Use a supereffective move and clear the stage
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
880 Catch 19 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area
Catch 1 or more Doublade in this area
Clear the stage
Use a supereffective move and clear the stage
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Pikachu Glaceon
1090 Catch 22 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area Clear the stage
Use a supereffective move and clear the stage
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Vanilluxe Escavalier
1280 Catch 25 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area Clear the stage
Use a supereffective move and clear the stage
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Rattata Raticate Wigglytuff Bunnelby
1310 Catch 28 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area Clear the stage
Use a supereffective move and clear the stage
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Porygon Lucario
1600 Catch 30 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area
Catch 1 or more Lucario in this area
Clear the stage
Use a supereffective move and clear the stage
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
End of basic research
1890 Catch 31 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area Use a supereffective move and clear the stage
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Pidgeot Diggersby
1920 Catch 32 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area Use a supereffective move and clear the stage
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Aipom Ambipom
1950 Catch 33 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area Use a supereffective move and clear the stage
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Pignite Emboar Beartic
(Blade Forme)
2050 Catch 34 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area
Catch 1 or more Emboar in this area
Use a supereffective move and clear the stage
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Doduo Aegislash
2390 Catch 35 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area Use a supereffective move and clear the stage
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Porygon2 Porygon-Z
2610 Catch 36 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area Use a supereffective move and clear the stage
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Clear with 10+ seconds left
2890 Catch 37 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area Use a supereffective move and clear the stage
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Braviary Talonflame
2920 Catch 38 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area
Catch 1 or more Aegislash (Blade Forme) in this area
Use a supereffective move and clear the stage
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Machamp Dodrio Articuno Klinklang
Mighty Super Bosses
3270 Catch 39 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Lucario
3580 Catch 40 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Emboar
4180 Catch 41 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Articuno
4360 Catch 42 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Medicham
4390 Catch 43 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Pidgeot
(Blade Forme)
5700 None Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Talonflame
6860 None Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Machamp
None None
None None
Highlighted rows indicate higher difficulty bosses marked by the icon.

In other languages

Language Title
French Mer Exagide
German Durengard-Seegebiet
Korean 킬가르도 해역 Kilgareudo Haeyeok
Spanish Mar de Aegislash

Rumble Rush

TutorialCharizard SeaDragonite SeaSnorlax Sea
Pinsir SeaZapdos SeaJirachi SeaGengar Sea
Celebi SeaCastform SeaGarchomp SeaEntei Sea
Mimikyu SeaAegislash SeaMewtwo SeaRowlet Sea
Lugia SeaBuzzwole SeaZygarde SeaButterfree Sea
Bulbasaur SeaRayquaza SeaArceus SeaGreninja Sea

This article is part of both Project Locations and Project Sidegames, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Locations and Sidegames, respectively.