List of cross-generational references

This article contains fan speculation.
There is no solid evidence for or against some parts of this article.

The nine generations of Pokémon games, taking place in the same world, have had multiple references to each other. Not only do the games reference their same-generation counterparts (with the player's default name being the version played and the rival's being the counterpart version in the first two generations), but games released later in the series typically will feature references to events of past generations.

This does not include Pokémon. While Pokémon released in previous generations will always appear, they are not a reference to the generation itself.

List of references

Generation II

References to Generation I

Generation III

References to Generation I

References to Generation II

Generation IV

References to Generation I

The wallpaper

References to Generation II

References to Generation III

Generation V

References to Generation I

References to Generation II

References to Generation III

References to Generation IV

Generation VI

References to Generation I

References to Generation II

References to Generation III

References to Generation IV

References to Generation V

References to Generation VII

Generation VII

References to Generation I

References to Generation II

  • Heahea City was said to be formed by people who traveled from Kanto and Johto long, long ago and came together in the Alola region.
  • Malie City was also said to be formed by people from Johto settling in Alola.
  • Malie Garden also has a lake inside of it in the shape of a Gyarados, an allusion to the Lake of Rage in Johto.
  • A Sightseer in Malie City mentions that she is from Johto and finds it odd that people in Alola don't use Fly to travel, before giving the player the TM for the move.
  • Lana mentions having reeled in a Red Gyarados once. In the end, she was just trying to trick the player into believing her.
  • A poster within the Geothermal Power Plant on Blush Mountain mentions the Kanto Power Plant and how a Machine Part being stolen from there once put the entire plant out of operation, referencing the post-game events of the Johto games.
  • On Mount Lanakila, Professor Kukui mentions facing the Indigo League and how tough the battle with Lance was. Lance was the Champion of the Indigo League in the Generation II games and their remakes.
  • The player is able to obtain one Apricorn Ball each per game. These are the special Poké Balls that Kurt makes by hand in the Johto region. In Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, the player can also receive one of each Apricorn Ball from a Game Freak employee in Heahea City by showing him a Pokémon from a Virtual Console version of a Generation II game.
  • A Rage Candy Bar is given to the player in Pokémon Center Cafés when buying a drink for the first time on Tuesdays.
  • When Moomoo Milk is purchased at a Pokémon Center Café, the man running the café can sometimes mention the Goldenrod City Gym Leader Whitney, saying that her Miltank supposedly produces high quality Moomoo Milk.
  • In Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, Gladion travels to Kanto and Johto to train.
  • In Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, a Gentleman in the Akala Ferry Terminal in Heahea City mentions Kurt and the rare GS Ball, claiming that its name stands either for the "greatest smith's ball" or "Gold-Silver Ball".
  • In Detective Pikachu, Mewtwo is mentioned to possess the Berserk Gene, which was also a Generation II-exclusive item heavily related to Mewtwo. It is used to make a drug called "R", which temporarily boosts a Pokémon's power while also causing them to go berserk, referencing the Berserk Gene's effect of boosting a Pokémon's Attack upon consumption, while also confusing it.
  • After Giovanni has been defeated at the Viridian Gym and he's left to train alone, Blue takes charge of the Gym himself, just like he had done in Generation II. In addition, when he's challenged for a rematch during the post-game, he mentions how he's planning to remodel the Gym, which he's seen to have done in Generation II.
  • After being defeated in a rematch, Sabrina mentions how she won't be facing another challenger like the player for three years, referencing the three-year gap in-between the events of the Kanto and Johto games and her future battle against the Johto player character, whose arrival she claims to have foreseen three years in advance when met in Generation II.
  • After being defeated in a rematch, Koga mentions how he has plans to join the Elite Four, which he's accomplished by the time of the Johto games. From the second rematch onward, he will also mention his daughter before the battle.
  • From the second rematch onward, Blaine mentions that the Cinnabar Volcano is being active lately in his pre-battle dialogue. In addition, a news flyer at the Cinnabar Pokémon Center warns people of the possibility of a volcanic eruption. These are references to the eruption of the Cinnabar Volcano, which occurs before the events of Generation II and devastates most of Cinnabar Island.

References to Generation III

References to Generation IV

References to Generation V

References to Generation VI

  • Dexio and Sina, Professor Sycamore's assistants from Pokémon X and Y, appear in Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun, and Ultra Moon, telling the player about Zygarde and its Cells and giving the player a Zygarde Cube, which is stated to have been discovered by Professor Sycamore. When met in Heahea City, they mention being reminded of a group of five young Trainers, referring to the Kalos player character and their rivals. They later appear on Poni Island and inform the player about Mega Evolution, giving the player a Key Stone and an Alakazite. They also make an appearance at the Battle Tree.
  • When encountered for the first time on Route 8, Colress wonders out loud if the Z-Ring'sSM/Z-Power Ring'sUSUM power can surpass that of the Mega Ring.
  • A man on the first floor of the Dimensional Research Lab in Heahea City mentions having heard about "some rare Pokémon that can use rings to teleport itself through space", describing Hoopa.
  • A Collector on Route 11 says that there is a Pokémon in the Kalos region with bamboo leaves in its mouth, referring to Pancham and Pangoro.
  • A poster within the Geothermal Power Plant on Blush Mountain talks about the Kalos Power Plant. It mentions that it draws its energy from space with microwaves and send back to the planet's surface. The people in Kalos work with Porygon in space.
  • In Sun and Moon, Samson Oak mentions that the Rotom Pokédex was built with the help of a "young fellow" from Kalos. This is a reference to Clemont, a Kalosian Gym Leader known for his reputation as a genius inventor.
  • After becoming the Champion, Swimmer Girls Kylie and Ashlyn on Poni Breaker Coast will tell the player that they come from the Kalos region. They also talk about Trainer PR Videos and about being known in Kalos for their skills in HM-making.
  • A Lumiose Galette is given to the player in Pokémon Center Cafés when buying a drink for the first time on Mondays. A Shalour Sable can be received on Fridays under the same conditions.
  • In Hau'oli City, Ilima's mother gives the player a Lumiose Galette and explains that it's his favorite food from the Kalos region, where he went to study abroad.
  • There is a Sushi High Roller in Malie City. A Sightseer who is dining there says that he once visited the branch in Kalos.
  • During Acerola's trial at the Thrifty Megamart, a picture of Pikachu Pop Star can be seen amongst the many Pikachu pictures in Totem Mimikyu's room.
  • In Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, a Team Skull Grunt in Po Town says he's from the Kalos region.
  • The bottom floor of Resolution Cave has a practically identical layout to Zygarde's chamber in Kalos's Terminus Cave. In Sun and Moon, a Zygarde Cell is found in the center of the chamber, while in Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, a 50% Forme Zygarde is there instead, like it was in Terminus Cave in X and Y.
  • After becoming Champion, a mysterious man appears in Haina Desert, apparently suffering from amnesia. If the player shows him a SolrockSUS/LunatoneMUM, he will regain his memories and mention that he first encountered the Pokémon shown to him 30 years earlier, and that the "star pulses" it bestowed upon him have been passed down to "a group of wonderful men". This is likely a reference to the old guys and the O-Powers they give to the player in Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, as the same sound effect used when obtaining an O-Power is used when SolrockSUS/LunatoneMUM causes the man to regain his memories.
  • The woman selling fossils in Olivia's jewelry shop in Konikoni City mentions that Olivia brought the Jaw and Sail Fossils to Alola from the Kalos region.
  • In Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, a boy in the Akala Ferry Terminal in Heahea City mentions the factory in Kalos that makes Poké Balls.
  • Lysandre appears as a member of Team Rainbow Rocket, using either XerneasUS or YveltalUM to battle the player. He also mentions the ultimate weapon, forcing the player character to make a similar choice between two buttons as he did for the Kalos player character in X and Y.
  • When the player enters the S.S. Anne, Blue gives them a Shalour Sable.
  • One of the games at the Rocket Game Corner features a Pikachu fighting in a mask, a reference to Pikachu Libre. This could also be a reference to Pokkén Tournament, in which Pikachu Libre is a playable Pokémon.

Generation VIII

References to Generation I

References to Generation II

References to Generation III

References to Generation IV

References to Generation V

References to Generation VI

References to Generation VII

Generation IX

References to Generation I

References to Generation II

References to Generation III

  • For the Cascarrafa Gym's Gym Test, the player must buy Kofu rare Hoennian wakame seaweed at an auction at Porto Marinada to be used as a cooking ingredient.
  • The Bitter Melon Stir-Fry served at Medali's Treasure Eatery is described as a recreation of a recipe that the restaurant's head chef encountered in Hoenn.

References to Generation IV

References to Generation V

References to Generation VI

References to Generation VII

References to Generation VIII

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