For the type of special tile featured in the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series, see Dungeon tile.

A warp panel[a] is a form of warp tile featured in many of the core series games since Generation I. Once stepped on, the player is transported instantly to a connecting warp panel elsewhere. The connecting warp panel could be anywhere, generally within the building that the player is exploring. Warp panels last appeared in Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!.

Red stepping on a warp panel inside Silph Co. in Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen

In the games

In the core series

Generation I games

The warp panel is first and predominantly found in Silph Co.'s head office building in Saffron City in Kanto in the Generation I games. Inside there is a mass network of the tiles, which the player has to navigate through in order to complete the task. Warp panels are also found in the Saffron Gym. Warp panels in Generation I are indicated by a diamond.

In the Generation I games, using the move Dig or an Escape Rope while stepping on a warp panel will shorten the warping animation. While it usually takes about six seconds, the shorter animation is only four seconds long.

By ChickasaurusGL

Pokémon Gold, Silver, and Crystal

Unlike the preceding generation, warp panels are rare in Generation II. In Johto, one can be found in Team Rocket HQ, which, unlike standard warp panels, transports the player to a normal tile instead of another warp panel. In Johto, the regular variety is featured only in the Tin Tower, where they are used to navigate the upper floors of the building. Warp panels can also be found in Saffron Gym in Kanto. Most warp panels in the games are indicated by a diamond while the ones in Johto at the Tin Tower are indicated by pink squares with a white outline.

Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald

In Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald, there are two styles of warp panels. One style appears in the Team AquaSE or Team Magma HideoutR in Lilycove City in Hoenn, which serves the same role as warp panels in previous generations. These warp panels are indicated by a circle. They have an expanded role in Emerald, where these warp panels are used to traverse Mossdeep Gym's maze similar to that in Saffron Gym, and again to traverse a similar maze in the Trick House. These warp panels are indicated by an octagon.

Hoenn also introduced one-way warp panels, where the tile on the other end of the warp is a warp panel but does nothing if stepped on. The other style appears in the Mossdeep Gym and a similarly-designed maze in the Trick House. In Ruby and Sapphire, these warp panels only serve as a quick exit from the Gym from Tate and Liza's area, as well as a way to return to the start of the corresponding Trick House maze.

Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen

Like in Generation I, the warp panel is first and most prominently found in the Silph Co.'s building in Saffron City in Kanto in Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen. Inside there is a mass network of tiles, which the player has to navigate through in order to complete the task. In FireRed and LeafGreen, this task was made easier, as the floor number was displayed each time the player was transported. Warp panels are also found in Saffron Gym. The tiles in Silph Co. are indicated by a diamond, while the ones in Saffron Gym are indicated by green squares.

Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum

In Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum, warp panels can be found in the Galactic Veilstone Building in Sinnoh. Two-way warp panels are yellow and only go between areas on the same floor, while one-way warp panels are green and only go between areas on different floors. Warp panels in the Sinnoh games are indicated by a circle. A one-way warp panel also appears at the end of Hearthome Gym as a quick exit.

Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver

In HeartGold and SoulSilver, warp panels are used only once in Team Rocket HQ, and numerous times on the higher floors of the Bell Tower in Johto. In Kanto, they are found yet again at the Saffron Gym. Warp panels are indicated by green squares in the Saffron Gym or yellow ones at the Bell Tower. One-way warp panels also appear at the end of Blackthorn Gym and Saffron Gym as quick exits.

Pokémon Black, White, Black 2, and White 2

In Unova, warp panels are also rare. In Pokémon Black and White, they only appear in Big Stadium and Small Court and are colored blue. There's a one-way warp panel as well on DraydenB/Iris'sW platform in the Opelucid Gym.

Regular warp panels become more abundant in Pokémon Black 2 and White 2, appearing on the Plasma Frigate. All warp panels in Unova outside of Nimbasa City are indicated by green circles.

Pokémon X and Y

In Pokémon X and Y, warp panels can be found in the Anistar Gym, the Laverre Gym, and the Lysandre Labs in Kalos. The warp panels found at the last two locations are round and light green, except for the one-way warp panels, which are colored yellow. In the Anistar Gym, the warp panels are square-shaped and yellow, and work in both directions.

At the Lysandre Labs, after defeating Aliana, the player must choose one of the two warp panels she was guarding in order to proceed, with the one-way warp panel taking the player back to the beginning. At the Laverre Gym, the player can use a one-way warp panel to transport themselves from Valerie's room to the entrance.

Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire

In Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, warp panels once again appear in the Team Aqua HideoutAS and Team Magma HideoutOR near Lilycove City in Hoenn, having the same round and green appearance as the warp panels in Kalos. Besides normal two-way tiles, the player can also use a warp panel in the hideout's submarine room to return to a warp panel near the entrance, although this tile will not be not connected to the submarine room, instead transporting the player into a storage room. One white warp panel also appears in the Mossdeep Gym, working as a shortcut back to the entrance after Tate and Liza have been defeated.

During the Delta Episode, Professor Cozmo remarks that the plan to create a warp hole to transport the meteoroid threatening to strike the planet uses technology implemented within warp panels.[b]

Pokémon Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun, and Ultra Moon

In Pokémon Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun, and Ultra Moon, there is a pair of warp panels in the mansion on Aether Paradise in Alola. The warp panel is located in the center of the second room, and leads to Lusamine's research chamber, where she stores frozen Pokémon in tanks. It is also the location in which she uses Nebby to summon an Ultra Wormhole. After the player has battled Lusamine and left the area, these warp panels become unusable. In Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, this same warp panel reappears during Episode RR when the mansion is temporarily transformed into Team Rocket's Castle. The player is required to defeat the villainous team leaders in Team Rainbow Rocket in order to activate this warp panel and reach Giovanni at the center of the castle. Most of these leaders also have their own room with a one-way warp panel back to the castle's entrance room.

A set of one-way warp panels also appear at the Pokémon League. After an Elite Four member has been defeated, a multicolored warp panel behind them will light up and teleport the player to a tile outside of their respective chamber's door. Once all Elite Four members have been defeated, the warp panel in the middle of the hall will become active, transporting the player to the Champion's chamber.

Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!

In Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!, warp panels are once again in the Silph Co. head office building and Saffron Gym in Kanto, the latter of which has a one-way quick exit warp panel from Sabrina's location. Unlike in FireRed and LeafGreen, the game no longer displays when the player changes levels by warping or climbing stairs. As well as this, the exit doors to the Power Plant and Pokémon Mansion from Generation I, FireRed, and LeafGreen have been replaced with one-way warp panels to those locations' respective entrances. In all cases, these tiles are the same round shape.


This section is incomplete.
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Reason: Images from Generations IV to VII

In the spin-off games

Pokémon Masters EX

While warp panels never appear in Pokémon Masters EX, Valerie mentions that Trainers use warp panels to move around in her gym in one of her Pokémon Center conversations.

In animation

A warp tile in Pokémon the Series: The Beginning

Pokémon the Series

Pokémon the Series: The Beginning

Warp tiles make their only appearance in the animated series in Abra and the Psychic Showdown. Team Rocket used a warp panel to transport Ash and his friends, trapping them in an empty room with no exit.

Pokémon Evolutions

A warp panel appeared in a flashback in The Eclipse, being used by Lusamine to enter her Trophy Room at Aether Paradise.

In the manga

A round warp panel in Pokémon Adventures
A square warp panel in Pokémon Adventures

Pokémon Adventures

Diamond & Pearl arc

Warp panels first appeared in Chancing Upon Chingling, where Diamond found one by accident while infiltrating the Team Galactic HQ. He then proceeded to step onto multiple other warp panels in his effort to find the room where the imprisoned lake guardians were being kept.

Black 2 & White 2 arc

Multiple warp panels appeared inside the Plasma Frigate, first being seen in Flying Ship.

X & Y arc

A warp panel appeared in Gyarados Changes, where X accidentally stepped onto one in Team Flare's HQ, transporting him into the ultimate weapon's control room and in front of Lysandre.

Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon arc

The Trophy Room warp panel in Aether Paradise first appeared in Ray of Light!! Through the Crack in the Sky!, making several reappearances later in the arc.


  1. Officially referred to as "warp panels" in the core series games. Referred to as "warp tiles" in the Pokémon the Series: The Beginning episode Abra and the Psychic Showdown.
  2. Professor Cozmo: By creating a warp hole in the path of the incoming meteoroid, we hope to be able to transport it somewhere far away from here. As a matter of fact, this technology already exists and has been incorporated in some of our commonly used devices. I think you know what I mean. Those panels that spin you about and then out you come, warped to another spot. I imagine you’ve stepped on a few such?

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This game mechanic article is part of Project Games, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon games.