The Lake of the Sunne (Japanese: 日輪 Lake of the Sun) is a location on Ula'ula Island in Alola, located east of Ula'ula Meadow. It can normally only be accessed in Pokémon Moon and Ultra Moon, but can be accessed in Pokémon Sun and Ultra Sun after traveling through the Ultra Wormhole in the Altar of the Sunne.

Lake of the Sunne 日輪
Lake of the Sun
"Wild Missingno. appeared!"
Map description: A place that seems to have some connection to the Alola's Legendary Pokémon. The lake forms a perfect circle.
Location: Ula'ula Island
Region: Alola
Generations: VII

Location of Lake of the Sunne in Alola.
Pokémon world locations

In Pokémon Sun and Ultra Sun, the player can obtain Cosmog by going to the Lake of the Sunne with Solgaleo in their party.


A path to the northeast of Ula'ula Meadow will lead to the entrance. There will be a stone bridge on the lake straight ahead with two decorative towers on the sides that have what appear to be compass roses in the middle. The bridge leads to a massive shrine where the player enters. It leads to a room with crumbling walls and sunlight seeping through and a stairwell downward. The player enters to a long hall with water running down the walls and many doors, some being blocked by piles of rubble. At the end of the hall are two small stairways that lead to the outside where there is a bit of greenery, such as trees, bushes, and grass, and a path down the middle to lead to a stairwell with more compass rose towers. Up the stairs is another but smaller stairway with pedestals with the Sunne symbol on them on either side. Up those stairs is a large, circular platform with a tiny bit of stairs leading to a spot in the middle. On it will be a darker gray rhombus with a blueish-gray Sunne symbol in the middle. All of the outdoor areas are foggy.

According to Hapu, in Pokémon Moon and Ultra Moon, the Sun Flute used to reside here.


Item Location Games
TM Psychic VI TM03 (Psyshock) Entrance, back-right corner  S  M  US  UM 
Lunalium Z Lunalium Z Altar, from Cosmog after obtaining it  US 


The Cosmog found here are coded never to appear as Shiny in both Sun and Ultra Sun.

Pokémon Sun and Moon

  Pokémon     Allies     Games     Location     Levels     Rate  
Special Pokémon
Cosmog Cosmog
Gift Gift
5 One
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.

Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon

  Pokémon     Allies     Games     Location     Levels     Rate  
Special Pokémon
Cosmog Cosmog
Gift Gift
5 One
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.


Game Exterior Entrance Corridor Altar
Ultra Sun
Ultra Moon


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Please feel free to edit this article to add missing information and complete it.
Reason: what about Ultra Sun?

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 日輪湖 Yahtlèuhn Wùh
Mandarin 日輪湖 / 日轮湖 Rìlún Hú
French Lac du Halo Solaire
German Sonnenkreis-See
Italian Lago Solare
Korean 일륜의 호수 Illyun-ui Hosu
Spanish Lago Corosol

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This article is part of Project Locations, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on every location in the Pokémon world.