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Kamen Rider Wiki
Icon-decadeThis article is about a transformation device/ally in Kamen Rider Decade.

Kiva-la (キバーラ, Kibāra) is a white-colored female Kivat originally from Kiva's World, where she is Kivat-Bat the 3rd's younger sister. She is also the key to Kamen Rider Kiva-la.


Kiva-la's personality is easily described as mysterious. At times she aids the protagonists, and genuinely enjoys spending time with them, while other times she secretly works against them.

Kiva-la is generally rather laid-back and mischievous, switching between spending time with Narutaki and spending time with Tsukasa Kadoya and his group. To add onto her mischievous nature, Kiva-la tends to be rather flirtatious at times. However, this does not mean that she is completely two faced, as there are many moments where she genuinely seems to enjoy spending time with certain individuals, especially with Yusuke Onodera and Eijiro Hikari.

Speaking of Yusuke, Kiva-la also appears to have a rather romantic, yet somewhat clingy, side. This is seen most clearly with Yusuke, who she appears to "flirt" with, even calling him "sexy" while looking at his photo and his poses in the mirror while in the World of Diend. She was also genuinely distraught when he initially decided to stay in the World of Agito and was overjoyed when he finally decided to once again join Tsukasa's group. In fact, her attachment to Yusuke is so strong that it almost appears to be genuine love for him, as she was quite happy when Yusuke spoiled her with massages and pats after being operated on in the World of Diend. Due to the fact that she did not know he was acting out of mental conditioning, Kiva-la thought that Yusuke was simply being extra kind to her. So, when he was brought back to normal and stopped spoiling her, Kiva-la was genuinely confused and distraught, to the point where she accuses Yusuke of seeing "another woman". However, the degree of attachment she feels for Yusuke is questionable, as not only was she unphased by his death, but she even took delight in reviving him as a berserk Ultimate Kuuga.


She is extremely tiny, small enough to be hidden in an adult's closed fist. She learns of Tsukasa from Narutaki and uses her power to bring Yusuke into her world, and then sends Tsukasa into another to do battle with Kaixa. She later ends up traveling with the Hikari Studio, though remaining in contact with Narutaki with only Natsumi aware of it. She seems to like Yusuke the most out of the traveling group as she is delighted when he returns to travel with them after they leave the World of Agito.

In the World of Hibiki, she assists Kamen Rider Ouja in summoning a Bakegani to be used on Decade as Gyuki was not getting the job done, placing her overall goals further into question.

In Kamen Rider × Kamen Rider W & Decade: Movie War 2010, Kiva-la is revealed to be the means for Natsumi to assume her Kamen Rider form: Kamen Rider Kiva-la. It can be assumed that she is now a full ally to the group after these events.

In Kamen Rider Decade: Final Stage, she shows the ability to reverse time, twice, in order to help Tsukasa preventing the rampage of Diend.

Video Game Appearances[]

Kamen Rider Battride War[]

Kiva-la appears as a navigator in the video game Kamen Rider Battride War.


KRDCD-Kiva-la Kivat

Kiva-la (Active)

KRDCD-Kiva-la (Transformation)

Kiva-la (Inactive)

KRDCD-Kiva-la Belt

Kiva-la (As Transformation Belt)

  • Wing Length: 11.5 cm (when the wings are expanded)
  • Weight: 230 g
  • Maximum Flight Speed: 70 km/h

Kamen Rider Kiva-la
KRDCD-Kiva-la (Original Version)

Kamen Rider Kiva-la (original version)

  • Height: 175 cm
  • Weight: 60 kg
  • Punching power: 3 t
  • Kicking power: 6 t
  • Maximum jump height: 70 m
  • Maximum running speed: 100 m per 7 seconds

In initial promotional material for Movie War 2010, Kamen Rider Kiva-la was originally stated to be the true form of Kiva-la, with a slightly different appearance from when Natsumi eventually transformed into Kiva-la.

In the Director's Cut version of the film, this form briefly appears in Natsumi's dream.

Appearances: Kamen Rider × Kamen Rider W & Decade: Movie War 2010 DC ver.

Behind the Scenes[]


Kiva-la is voiced by Miyuki Sawashiro (沢城 みゆき, Sawashiro Miyuki).


Two Kiva-la in World of Kabuto

Two Kiva-la


External Links[]


Icon-decade Kamen Rider Decade
Kamen Riders
Primary: Tsukasa Kadoya - Daiki Kaito - Natsumi Hikari
A.R. Kamen Riders: Wataru Kurenai - Yusuke Onodera - Wataru - Shinji Tatsumi - Kazuma Kendate - Takumi Ogami - Shouichi Ashikawa - Momotaros - Ryotaro Nogami - Sohji - Asumu - Kohtaro Minami (Black RX) - Kohtaro Minami (Black) - Kamen Rider X (A.R. World) - Daisuke Yamamoto - Kazuma Kenzaki - Joji Yuki - Yuriko Misaki
A.R. Evil Kamen Riders: Chinomanako - Mimihiko - Kuchihiko - Kamata - Otoya Kurenai - Hirohiko Sato - Kenji Sakata - Kazuyoshi Aoyagi - Tanaka
Other A.R. World Riders: Ren Haguro - Scissors - Zolda - Femme - Verde - Tiger - Imperer - Odin - Raia - Gai - Sakuya Hishigata - Mutsuki Kuroba - Takahiro Furuya - Kotaro Nogami - Arata - Ibuki - Zanki - Todoroki - Akira - Junichi Kaito - Haruka Miwa - Shin Magaki - X - Ixa - Saga
Prime Universe Kamen Riders: Shoichi Tsugami - Kotaro Nogami - Urataros - Kintaros - Ryutaros - Sieg - Philip - Shotaro Hidari
Drivers: (Neo) Decadriver - (Neo) Diendriver - Kiva-la
Transformation Gear: Rider Cards - K-Touch - Card Holder - Diend Belt
Weapons: Ride Booker - Final Form Rides - Decade Bazooka - Kiva-la Saber
Vehicles: Machine Decader - Machine Diender - Big MachineIcon-crosswiki
Hikari Studio
Natsumi Hikari - Kiva-la - Eijiro Hikari
Other Allies
Ai Yashiro - Kivat-bat the 3rd - Garulu - Basshaa - Dogga - Reiko Momoi - Ai - Mai - Mi - Yuri Tomoda - Toko Yashiro - Deneb - Teddy - Kohana - Naomi - Owner - Toki - Yu - Grandma - Mayu - Natsumi Hikari - Chinatsu - Hikoma KusakabeIcon-crosswiki - KurokoIcon-crosswiki - Kurando TaniIcon-crosswiki - ShinkengersIcon-crosswiki - Masahiko Okamura (A.R. World) - Ritsuko Okamura (A.R. World)
Dr. Shinigami - Jigoku Taishi - Apollogeist - Jyumenki Yum Cimil - Shadow Moon - Kingdark - General Jark - Bishum - Yuki - Shvarian - Televi Bae-Kun
Worlds of Black & Black RX: Scorpion Imagin - Seamoon Fangire - Mantis Fangire - Rhinoceros Mutant - Ox Orphnoch - Worm Orphnoch - Frilled Lizard Orphnoch - Brachypelma Worm Aurantium - Brachypelma Worm Viridis - Tarantes Worm Purpura
World of Decade: Siomaneking - Ganikoumoru - Doras - Garai - Me·Vagis·Ba - Xu·Mevio·Da - Me·Ginoga·De - Go·Gadol·Ba - Leiurus Acutia - Formica Regia - Formica Pedes - Sheerghosts - Raydragoons - Psycorogue - Butterfly Orphnoch - Giraffe Orphnoch - Longhorn Orphnoch - Slug Orphnoch - Wild Boar Orphnoch - Pelican Orphnoch - Stinkbug Orphnoch - Arch Orphnoch - Elephant Undead - Giraffa Undead - Darkroachi - Kappa - Bakeneko - Hitotsumi - Coleoptera Worm Aeneus - Coleoptera Worm Croceus - Coleoptera Worm Argentum - Geophilid Worm - Subst Worm - Cassis Worm Gladius - Albinoleo Imagin - Mole Imagin - Rat Fangire - Sungazer Fangire - Bat Fangire
World of Amazon: Go·Jalaji·Da - Propheta Cruentus - Camponotus Worm Maxilla - Bakeneko - Yobuko
Dai-Shocker Combatmen - Dai-Shocker Scientists - Destron Combatmen
Super Shocker
Narutaki - Wasp Woman - Neo Organism
Zanjioh - Jaguarman - Beaded Lizard Man - Hilchameleon - Xu·Goma·Gu - Go·Jalaji·Da - Volucris Falco - Solospider - Scorpion Orphnoch - Titan Undead - Kodama - Sectio Worm Acuere - Cobra Imagin - Gecko Imagin - Sungazer Fangire
Super Shocker Combatmen
World of Kuuga: Me·Garido·Gi - La·Doldo·Gu - Go·Babel·Da - Go·Bemiu·Gi - Me·Byran·Gi - Go·Jaaza·Gi - Me·Garima·Ba
World of Agito: Me·Vagis·Ba - Xu·Mevio·Da - Me·Ginoga·De
The Lords
Taurus Ballista
Formica Regia - Formica Pedes
Mirror Monsters
The Contract Monsters
World of Ryuki: Darkwing - Volcancer - Destwilder - Gigazelle - Abyssodon (Abysshammer - Abysslasher)
World of Negatives: Dragblacker
Wild Mirror Monsters
World of Ryuki: GuldThunder - Zebraskull Bronze - Megazelle - Negazelle - Omegazelle - Magazelle
World of Den-O: Gelnewt
World of Negatives: Raydragoons
Orphnochs / Lucky Clover
Momose - Shukawa - Genda - Shirogane
Butterfly Orphnoch
The Undead
World of Blade: Kamata - Hajime Shijo
Buffalo Undead - Elephant Undead - Capricorn Undead
World of Diend: Fourteen - Bossroach - Darkroachi
World of the Rider War: Deer Undead - Scarab Undead - Lizard Undead
魔化魍 Makamou
Gyuki - Bakegani
Kappa - Bakeneko - Ooari - Tengu - Ubume
Sou Otogiri
Coleoptera Worm Argentum - Geophilid Worm - Subst Worm
The Imagin
Alligator Imagin - New Mole Imagin
The Fangires
Beetle Fangire - Yuki
World of Kiva: Ryo Itoya - Swallowtail Fangire - Lion Fangire
World of the Rider War: Shark Fangire - Silkmoth Fangire - Horsefly Fangire - Warthog Fangire