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Pig Baby, later Pig Toddler, is a denizen of the Pig Baby Car.


Pig Baby is a giant fat piglet, wearing a diaper, a blue trimmed bonnet and holds a blue and white rattle in one hand.

As Pig Toddler, he wears blue dungarees, a striped shirt and a striped propeller hat. He is also capable of standing upright and moving more easily at this age, while formerly he was stuck sitting in a high chair.


A glutton through-and-through, he is also naturally immature due to his age, constantly crying when hungry or when things don't go his way. As his mother figure, Cow Creamer regularly has to calm him down.

He has demonstrated incredible strength whenever he is upset, being able to crash through brick walls with ease and sending a shockwave when banging his fist on his table.

His manner of speech is quite simple and often refers to himself in the third person.


Book Four - Duet[]

"The Pig Baby Car"[]

When he is first introduced, Pig Baby asks Ryan Akagi and Min-Gi Park if they have treats for him. Unable to give him anything, he starts to cry. After Cow Creamer appears to comfort him and tells the two to make it up to him, Pig Baby laughs gleefully. This doesn't last as he is reminded that all of his butter is gone.

Ryan and Min-Gi make him a chiffon cake, but he dislikes it and throws a fit. After a few more unsuccessful attempts, Ryan and Min-Gi successfully make and feed him brownies. He demands that they make more, but the two decline as he is now happy. Cow Creamer tells them they have to keep feeding him until he dies, and they will become "the next Pig Baby". As he laughs at their expense, he opens his mouth to reveal the exit to the car. Once Kez's Lorraine disguise is removed, he starts to cry over her melting his butter. This keeps his mouth open long enough for all three to escape.

"The Mega Maze Car" / "The Castle Car"[]

Pig Baby later reappears with the rest of Kez's enemies in the Mega Maze Car, now as Pig Toddler thanks to the Parka Denizens using their Eon-oscillator on him so they could ride on his shoulders. During the chase, Cow Creamer is accidentally devolved by the Parka Denizens, causing him to cry once more. He also eats Judge Morpho, mistaking him to be made of butter.

"The Train to Nowhere"[]

When night falls, he, Nigel and the Parka Denizens wait outside around a campfire while working to turn Cow Creamer back to normal. After Min-Gi finally gets his exit, Morgan snaps and lets down her drawbridge to Pig Toddler and the others. He runs through the castle and crashes his head through the wall to Ryan's room, letting everyone else in, but after Kez finally apologizes for the damage she caused, Pig Toddler also apologizes for trying to eat her. Judge Morpho escapes from his mouth, not accepting Kez's apology, but Ryan swats him up the chimney. Pig Toddler and the other denizens then leave the castle together, now on better terms with Kez.


  • During the Book 3 AMA, Owen Dennis hinted at Pig Baby by saying "Which vacay spot has the restaurant where one rock loves the brownies" and "Should they stay at the cabin with all the pictures of baby pigs on the walls,".[1]



v • e Characters
Main Characters

Tulip Olsen • One/One-One • Atticus • Jesse Cosay • Lake/Mirror Tulip • Alan Dracula • Grace Monroe • Hazel • Tuba • Ryan Akagi • Min-Gi Park • Kez


The Cat • Amelia Hughes/The Conductor • Steward • Ghoms • Mirror Police (Agent Sieve • Special Agent Mace) • Marcel • The Apex (Simon Laurent) • Bug Cowboys (Caterpillar Sheriff/Judge Morpho • Beetle Bailiff • Grasshopper • Mantis) • Pig Baby/Pig Toddler • Docent • Morgan

Minor Characters

Andy Olsen • Megan Olsen • Mikayla • Mirror People (Mirror Atticus • Mirror One • Mirror Medics) • Giant • Greige • Khaki Bottoms • Nancy • Randall • Pencil People • Tiny Wizards • Mildred the Tyrannosaur • Turtle People (Aloysius) • Alrick Timmens • Ben Greene • Nathan Cosay • Terrance • Sashay • Porters • Lucy • Chandelier • Octopus People • Cubey Denizens (Driveway) • Origami Birds • Parka Denizens • Judge Morpho • Cow Creamer • Nigel • Paco • Brando • Spiceman • Beehive • Morgan
