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Inconsistently Admirable Wiki

“ Snotlout, Snotlout! Oi, Oi, Oi! „
~ Snotlout's chant for himself
“ All right here it is: Quitting, as good as it feels and as little effort as it requires, never works. I've quit the Dragon Riders so many times, so I speak from experience. „
~ Snotlout motivating Minden to fight back against Krogan
“ Yeah, I've been thinking. Whatever greatness I end up doing, and trust me, it will be great, it's gotta be what I want to do. Not what my dad wants me to do. „
~ Snotlout letting go of his insecurities

Snotlout Jorgenson is a major protagonist in the How to Train Your Dragon films and one of the main protagonists of Dreamworks Dragons.

He was voiced by Jonah Hill in the films and by Zach Pearlman in the series.

His Good Ranking[]

What Makes Him Admirable?[]

In General[]

  • Despite the admirable standard, Snotlout stands out for his massive involvement in taking down Viggo and Krogan's forces such as crippling them from their supply of Dragon Root, providing the riders' entire supply of Nightmare gel which saved their lives several times and also partly inspired Hiccup to create Inferno, and creating the Dragon Armor for Toothless and Hookfang which allowed him and Hiccup to save the other riders and also led to the creation of Gronckle Iron Armor which would greatly benefit the riders throughout the war, not to mention he saved Hiccup's life on numerous occasions.

How to Train Your Dragon[]

  • After Hiccup demonstrated prowess in the Dragon Ring, he started to support and respect him.
  • He went with Hiccup to the Dragon Ring to befriend the dragons and go to save the Vikings who went to fight the Red Death and was the first to accept Hiccup's help in training Hookfang, in spite of being very scared and nervous.
  • He went with the other riders to fight the Red Death head on.
  • He jumped into the Red Death's back and used his hammer to hit her eyes and blind her giving a major advantage to the others and nearly falling to his death in the process.
  • He helps search for Hiccup when he was lost in the fire of the Red Death's explosion.


  • He helped Gobber set up a trap for the Boneknapper despite not believing him.
  • After the Dragons left for Rookery he tried to keep up the morale in Berk and motivate others like Astrid by drinking all her yaknog despite clearly disliking it.

Riders/Defenders of Berk[]

  • He helped Hiccup tame the out of control dragons in the academy.
  • He tries to defend Hookfang when he was unfairly accused of attacking the Great Hall.
  • He tries to take out Alvin the Treacherous singlehandedly and later goes to Outcast Island to save Hiccup and retrieve the Dragons.
  • He worked together with Toothless to save Hiccup after he was captured by Outcasts.
  • He and Astrid forced Alvin's Changewings out of Berk when they attacked.
  • He constantly trained with Hookfang to prepare during the Outcast Attacks.
  • When Hookfang was losing his flame he deseperately searched for a cure and refused to get a new dragon like his father said.
  • He risks his life to steal a piece of Fireworm fire-comb to save Hookfang even though it angers the Queen.
  • When he thought he was dying, he began training Gustav as a Dragon Rider.
  • When Hiccup was captured, he refused to leave him behind and when Gustav tried to leave he gave him a pep talk that motivated him enough to stay and help save Hiccup.
  • He saved the Screaming Death (despite the fact it had tried to kill him) and reunited him with his mother, something she still remembered several years later and saved his and Hiccup's lives when they needed to make armor out of Screaming Death Scales.
  • He accepts that he was being reckless and apologizes to Hiccup for his several flaws, finally taking responsibility for his previous actions.

Race to the Edge[]

  • He helped build decoys and set them on fire to distract the Snow Wraith so Hiccup could get his tooth, later freeing the others after accidentally causing a cave in.
  • He left with Hiccup and the other riders to explore beyond the archipielago.
  • He brought the Nightmare's gel which would allow Hiccup to free the riders and dragons from the Death Song, saving their lives.
  • He and the others defended the Night Terrors from the Changewings.
  • He helped the others defend the Dragon's Edge from a wild Rumblehorn and took care of Gobber when he went delusional.
  • He helped Fishlegs and Meatlug by trying to train them to be more aggresive and combat ready to defeat the Catastrophic Quaken, even going with him to Dark Deep.
  • He and the others supported Heather when she attacked Dagur's ship with him and Fishlegs acting as distractions.
  • Even though he was reluctant over healing Speedy and keeping it around, he eventually bonded with the dragon and fought side by side with him ti protect the other riders from the other Speed Stingers.
  • When Hookfang was "going wild", he released him knowing it was for the best and outright refused to replace him with another drago. He later helped Hookfang defeat the Titanwinf Nightmare to keep Girl Hookfang's offspring safe.
  • He and the others went to Changewing Island so they could read the lense, with Snotlout getting the acid on his head which Hiccup used on the dragon eye.
  • He and Hiccup distracted the hunters before their plan unfortunately failed.
  • He went with Hiccup to the Screaming Death's island so they could use their scales for armor.
  • He sowed the scales togethet to create armor for Toothless and Hookfang which would prove vital in saving the other riders and dragons and insipre future armors.
  • Upon losing the Jorgenson axe needed for the Union Ceremony he searched for it and used Smothering Smokebreaths to get it back from the Armorwing.
  • After realizing his mistake, he helped Hiccup and Astrid make a new armor for the Armorwing to use.
  • He tried to help the Twins get Barf and Belch back from their life debt to Hiccup.
  • He and the others moved the Snow Wraiths to another island so Viggo couldn't use them to unlock the Dragon Eye.
  • He helped rescue Johann from a band of wild dragons.
  • Upon returning to the Edge he helped drive off the hunters' attack.
  • When the Frozen Skrill escaped, he correctly deduced it would head to Berk looking for Hiccup and Toothless.
  • He helped build a new prision for the Skrill.
  • He and the Dragon Riders tried to keep Viggo from capturing the Flightmare.
  • He and Hookfang saved the Fireworm Queen and her eggs from the Cave Crasher's attack by burning off all it's goo.
  • He gave Hiccup back all the Nightmare Gel he spent while goofing around.
  • He helped Stoick translate Spitelout's map so they could locate him.
  • He tried to support his father's goals regaring the storehouse and tried to get the Singetails off the island.
  • He and Stoick convinced Spitelout to leave the Singetail's island to build a new storehouse.
  • He tried to get the Buffalord off the island so they could use it's saliva to heal Astrid.
  • When the Riders and Dragons were feeling overworked Snotlout suggested the group take a small vacation.
  • He saved Hookfang from the grimora leeches.
  • He and Hiccup tried to rescue an island of Dragons, however when Hiccup was trapped, Snotlout tried to save him before leaving to get the others.
  • He attacked Ryker's Dragon Fighting Ring to save Hiccup and release the Dragons.
  • He attempted to train Garf and later was able to calm the adult Death Song with his singing.
  • He, Heather, and Astrid tracked down Viggo's marble fortress which Fishlegs later destroyed with 2 Catastrophic Quakens.
  • He and Heather took reconisance flights twice to prepare for an attack on the Dragon Hunters.
  • After Dagur's presumed death he tried to boost morale and keep the Riders spirits up, believing he might have survived.
  • He infiltrated Viggo's auction with Gobber, posing as a powerful warlord in order to allow the other riders to sneak in and free the Dragons.
  • When the Twins were discovered he tried to distract Viggo and draw his attention.
  • He accompanied Hiccup to his meeting with Viggo and later went with him and the other riders to investigate the Defenders' island
  • He noticed the lava flow was unusually close to the Defenders' village and pointed it out to Mala and Hiccup, which would lead to them finding out Viggo had taken the Great Protector.
  • Even though it was accidental, he saved Mala from being shot by a Dragon Root Arrow.
  • He went with Hiccup, Astrid, and Fishlegs to get the Great Protector back and subsequently saved the Defenders' home.
  • After Hiccup is kidnapped, he works with the others to try to find him.
  • After recieving terrible advice from his father and being consumed by his own insecurities, he tried to take leadership of the Riders, and tried to hit all the points Hiccup told him on how to be a good leader, trying to gain trust and acceptance.
  • After realizing that Dragon Root only grows in the sun, he figures out the other riders are heading into a trap.
  • He saves Hiccup and Toothless' lives and takes leadership of the mission the right way, exposing the Hunters' hidden forces and destroying their arrows.
  • He saves Hiccup once again by getting in the way of a spear, getting hit and nearly killed in the process.
  • He figured out where the actual supply of Dragon Root came from and took the other riders there to burn it down.
  • He rejects his father's ideologies and decides to become a good viking and leader the way he wants to.
  • While taking the trials to become King of the Defenders of the Wing, he saves Fishlegs' life when he fell into the eel challenge by defeating 3 giant eels by himself and carrying his friend out.
  • He gathered food for the villagers of Berk when the trade routes where closed and went with the others to free the Submaripper.
  • He went with the Riders and Dagur to search for Viggo's gold so they could cripple his operation and get Berk's gold back.
  • When Toothless used him go fly down and get Astrid and Throk to safety, he manouvered him out of the way of the lava explosions.
  • He participated in Hiccup's final strike at Viggo's base before realizing Ryker had overthrown him.
  • He saved as many Berserkers as possible when the island was under attack by Ryker's Shellfire dragon.
  • He reinforced the Edge and everyone's huts (except his) in preparation for Ryker's final strike and later kept guard over Viggo.
  • He participates in the defense against Ryker's final attack.
  • After being left behind in Dark Deep by the twins, he was able to lure the Catastrophic Quakens back to the Edge to help stop the volcano.
  • Despite his dismisal of him, he genuinely tried to help Hiccup give Astrid a bethrothal gift.
  • After accidentally causing Hiccup's gift for Astrid to be stolen, he tried to get it back by chasing down the thieves.
  • When they were stuck in the Sandbuster's den, he used a pile of bones to build a temporary leg for Hiccup.
  • He refused to leave Hiccup behind in the den even though it may result in his and Amos' deaths, right before the others found them.
  • He saved Dagur and Gustav from being crushed to death by a boulder.
  • He and Gustav go through underground tunnels to rescue Dagur.
  • He created a diversion so Gustav could free Dagur and after Gustav was captured, he saved both of them.
  • He and Dagur took out Savage's men and then saved Heather from being killed by him
  • He freed Fishlegs from his Thor Bonecruaher persona.
  • He led the riders in defense against the Singetails' attack on the Edge when Hiccup and Astrid were away.
  • He participated in Stoick's attack on the Flyers to reclaim the Edge.
  • He and Hiccup tracked Garf down and saved him from the Slitherwings.
  • He went to the Northern Market to buy food for Tuffnut's Chicken where he spotted Heather and Johann.
  • After talking with Johann and realizing Heather was in danger he heads into the fight with the Flyers to help her.
  • He saved Heather from falling to her death and realizing they couldn't win he took everyone to safety so they could come up with a good strategy and rest up.
  • He used the Chicken Feed he bought to temporary blind Krogan and retrieve the Dragon Eye Lens from Krogan, though Johann caused them to lose it again.
    • This also resulted in the creation of popcorn.
  • He went with Dagur as backup with Fishlegs to retrive the Dragon Eye Lens Anssen had taken from Dagur in their youth.
  • He tried to motivate Minden and tried to stop her from handling the fire on her own instead of calling for help.
  • He was able to decipher Minden was lying about the lens on the Wingmaidens' island and tried to get her to tell Hiccup inmediately.
  • He motivated Minden when she quit and came up with a plan to take down the Flyers and free Hiccup by using the Razorwhip's calls.
  • Helped protect the Armorwing from the flyers and later carried it to safety with Fishlegs.
  • He and Hiccup coated all the captured singetails in Nightmare Gel, freeing them and allowing them to take on the hunters.
  • He led the Cavern Crasher away which let the riders create a new exit to take on the hunters and free the Deathsong and also kept it from eating the Singetail eggs.
  • He helped take out the hunters' ships while Hiccup, Astrid, Spitelout and Fishlegs searched for the titanwing Dramillion and tried to keep the twins and Gruffnut from going inside the ship.
  • He and his father handled all of Krogan's forces from the north in the final battle for the Berserker Bewilderbeast.

How to Train Your Dragon 2[]

  • He went with the other riders after Hiccup when he left to try to change Drago's mind.
  • He pulled Hiccup out of Eret's boat.
  • He and the others went back after Stoick and Gobber didn't come back with Hiccup, taking Eret so he could lead them to Drago.
  • After being freed by Eret, he and the others searched Drago's ship and freed their dragons.
  • He then escaped with the others and started taking out Drago's forces and freeing the dragons he'd captured.
  • He and the others had a funeral for Stoick using an abandoned ship after he was killed by a brainwashed Toothless under Drago's orders.
  • He returned to Berk with the baby dragons to fight against Drago.
  • He helped draw the attention of Drago's bewilderbeast away from Toothless so Hiccup could free him from it's control.

How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World[]

  • He helped rescue hundreds of dragons and safely relocate them to Berk.
  • He assisted in freeing a shipment of Dragons and helped Hiccup threathen a guard.
  • He joined Hiccup's stealth mission to capture Grimmel so that he could no longer track them.
  • He joined Hiccup's final strike against Grimmel and used a flight suit of his own to reach the ships with the other riders.
  • He, Fishlegs and the Twins took out the Warlords and their soldiers while also freeing as many dragons as possible.
  • He freed Hookfang and said a final goodbye to him as all the dragons left to the Hidden World.


  • He helped host a Snoggletog Feast to remember the dragons by assisting with the set up and rolling the script in a special box for the actors on stage during the pageant.
  • When a fire broke out, he and Fishlegs tried to put it out.

What Makes Him Inconsistent?[]

  • He is far more reckless than pretty much every other character in the entire franchise, and has endangered his own life and his friends' lives several times trying to prove himself as the best dragon rider out of pure arrogance.
  • He has several moments of being cowardice and leaving others behind to protect himself such as when he left Fishlegs to fight the Catastrophic Quaken on his own, leaving the island all together, trying to abandon the Edge on several occasions when it was in danger, or trying to leave Fishlegs behind when he was captured by wild dragons.
  • He is a massive jerk, especially towards Hiccup, as before he became a Rider he bullied him and though he has reformed from this he still acts incredibly antagonistic towards Hiccup every chance he gets to point out his flaws and laughs off the attempts and bounties against him.
    • In "Defiant One" when he and Hiccup were stuck on Outcast Island, he was intentionally provocative towards him and angrily berated him for little to no reason.
    • He also has a tendency of constantly doubting Hiccup's plans to the point where his recklessness and pride ruin the riders' strategy.
    • When he was the King of the Defenders of the Wing, Mala told him he could use one pardon to save Hiccup's life, which Snotlout teased Hiccup with by not using it until Astrid threathened him to do it.
    • Despite his good actions, he can still be far too needlesly disrespectful like when when the village was unhappy with Hiccup after Grimmel's attack and Snotlout carelessly asked who died and made him chief, disrespecting the late Stoick and causing the entire village to gasp at him while Gothi righteously hits him in the head.
    • He flirted with Valka throughout the third film, regardless of how uncomfortable it made Hiccup, even bragging to him about being the son she "never had" even though she never said so.
  • He is an anti-hero at times who only helps others for his own benefit as demonstrated when he only helped find Hamish II's treasure to get the glory that came with it.
    • When he was dragged down to the sandbuster's den, he tried to take all the gold in there for himself and even complained about how the corpses around ruined it for him.
  • He can be just as mischievous as the Twins, since he and they both enjoy causing havoc even when it presents adversities for the riders as shown when they used up the Edge's entire supply of Nightmare Gel to cause dangerous explosions which ended up causing damage to the base.
    • He also caused disturbances to the people of Berk several times such as nearly causing Gothi and her Terrible Terrors to fall off her house or causing mayhem when he was the official weapons tester.
  • He can be lethal and uncaring of others' lives, wether their allies or enemies, as shown when he left Viggo to burn to death in the stables and tried to pin it on Hiccup, when he threathened to drop Gustav down a cliff just because he was annoying him, when he tried to attack Astrid with a warhammer during Dragon Racing or outright telling Hiccup (twice as a matter of fact) to just kill the Twins when it was revealed that they had ownership of the island.
    • In "Cast Out", he foolishly disobeys orders and causes a malfunction in Gobber's catapult which nearly killed Astrid. While he subverts some other corrupting qualities that he showed in this episode, he never shows any remorse for this particular action.
  • He is responsible for turning Fishlegs into his Thor Bonecrusher persona both times, the first time out of just wanting to "change" Fishlegs to his own liking, and the second time going behind the riders' back to bring Thor back for himself. Both occasions led to a disastrous result, the first time Fishlegs nearly killed himself by going to fight a scauldron by himself and the secondtime resulting in Thor joining the bandits that kidnapped Alvin.
  • He was very disrespectful to the Wing Maidens when he woke up on their island after they saved him, treating them wrongly and flirting with them even though they were shown to be uncomfortable and Atali herself calls him out, saying his attitude towards women is unnaceptable. He has also shown a negative attitude towards the opposite gender on several occasions and made advances on Astrid, Ruffnut, and Heather even when they made it clear they didn't like him, or when they were umcomfortable with him.


  • He, Viggo Grimborn and Dagur the Deranged are currently the only characters from the How to Train Your Dragon franchise to be Inconsistently Admirable.
    • Among them, he's the only one to not be Inconsistently Heinous as well.
  • Had it been for the films alone, Snotlout wouldn't have qualified due to not doing nearly enough, but the series allow him to stand out as one fo the most admirable members of the Dragon riders.
  • He is the second version of Snotlout to qualify, after his book counterpart

External Links[]


           How to Train Your Dragon logo Inconsistently Admirable

Snotface Snotlout

Snotlout Jorgenson | Heather | Viggo Grimborn | Dagur the Deranged

See Also
DreamWorks Inconsistently Admirable | Netflix Inconsistently Admirable

           DreamWorks Logo Inconsistently Admirable

Animated Features
God | Tulio | Miguel | Fowler | Shrek | Skipper | Kowalski | Barry B. Benson | Snotlout Jorgenson | Humpty Alexander Dumpty | Burn | Captain Underpants | Mr. Snake

Live-Action Features
Count Olaf | Optimus Prime | Jetfire

Animated Television
Heather | Dagur the Deranged | Viggo Grimborn | Melvin Sneedly | Catra | Blue | Klaus Dumont

See Also
How to Train Your Dragon Inconsistently Admirable | Netflix Inconsistently Admirable | Universal Studios Inconsistently Admirable

           ParamountPicturesLogo Inconsistently Admirable

Animated Features
Leon | Beavis and Butt-Head | God | Kyle Broflovski | Eric Cartman | Kenny McCormick | Tulio | Miguel | Fowler | Shrek | SpongeBob SquarePants | Patrick Star | Sandy Cheeks | Skipper | Kowalski | Barry B. Benson | Snotlout Jorgenson | Humpty Alexander Dumpty

Live-Action Features
Willy Wonka | Indiana Jones | Tommy Jarvis | Gale Weathers | Dexter Reed | Count Olaf | Napoleon Dynamite | Chris Rock | Optimus Prime | Jetfire | Iron Man | Hulk | Samantha Carpenter | Knuckles the Echidna | Dr. Ivo Robotnik | Shadow the Hedgehog

See Also
DreamWorks Inconsistently Admirable | Marvel Cinematic Universe Inconsistently Admirable | Nickelodeon Inconsistently Admirable | Transformers Inconsistently Admirable

           20thCenturyStudiosLogo Inconsistently Admirable

Animated Features
Snowball | God | Tulio | Miguel | Fowler | Shrek | Manny | Crash and Eddie | Homer Simpson | Bart Simpson | Barry B. Benson | Turanga Leela | Snotlout Jorgenson | Humpty Alexander Dumpty | Burn | Granny | Nod | Ronin | Skipper | Kowalski | Captain Underpants | Lance Sterling | Nimona

Live-Action Features
The Man With No Name | Luke Skywalker | Dr. Samuel Loomis | John McClane | Kevin McCallister | Creighton Duke | Wes Craven | Anakin Skywalker | Mace Windu | Han Solo | Snowball | Jean Grey | Count Olaf | Napoleon Dynamite | Optimus Prime | Jetfire | Dr. Samuel Loomis | Laurie Strode | Alvin Seville | Wolverine | Neytiri | Magneto | Caesar | Deadpool | Wolverine

Animated Television
Homer Simpson | Bart Simpson | Hank Hill | Peter Griffin | Stewie Griffin | Brian Griffin | Glenn Quagmire | Joe Swanson | Turanga Leela | Bo-Katan Kryze | Father | Daughter | Heather | Dagur the Deranged | Viggo Grimborn | Stan Smith | Roger Smith

Live-Action Television
Anakin Skywalker | Luke Skywalker | Bo-Katan Kryze | Din Djarin | Din Grogu | Lucious Lyon

See Also
Blue Sky Inconsistently Admirable | Disney Inconsistently Admirable | Family Guy Inconsistently Admirable | Ice Age Inconsistently Admirable

           UniversalLogo Inconsistently Admirable

Animated Features
God | Tulio | Miguel | Fowler | Shrek | Skipper | Kowalski | Barry B. Benson | Roscuro | Snotlout Jorgenson | Felonious Gru | Kevin | Mel | Dr. Nefario | Humpty Alexander Dumpty | Burn | Dru Gru | Captain Underpants | Mr. Snake

Live-Action Features
Dr. Samuel Loomis | R.J. MacReady | Andy Barclay | Brian O'Conner | Dominic Toretto | Letty Ortiz | Johnny English | Count Olaf | Optimus Prime | Jetfire | Iron Man | Hulk | Luke Hobbs | Scott Pilgrim | Alex Hopper | Ted | John Bennett | Leo Barnes | Blue | Henry Wu | Max Newman | Deckard Shaw | Santa Claus | Abigail Lazar

Animated Television
Anakin Skywalker | Mace Windu | Luke Skywalker | Han Solo | Bo-Katan Kryze | Daughter | Father | Heather | Dagur the Deranged | Viggo Grimborn | Melvin Sneedly | Catra | Blue | Kenji Kon | Jacob Samra | Mufasa | Samantha | Sarabi

Woody Woodpecker

See Also
Despicable Me Inconsistently Admirable | DreamWorks Inconsistently Admirable | Illumination Inconsistently Admirable | Legendary Entertainment Inconsistently Admirable | Netflix Inconsistently Admirable | Jurassic Park Inconsistently Admirable | Fast & Furious Inconsistently Admirable | Jacob Samra's Hotel Inconsistently Admirable |

           20thCenturyStudiosLogo Inconsistently Admirable

Animated Features
Snowball | God | Tulio | Miguel | Fowler | Shrek | Manny | Crash and Eddie | Homer Simpson | Bart Simpson | Barry B. Benson | Turanga Leela | Snotlout Jorgenson | Humpty Alexander Dumpty | Burn | Granny | Nod | Ronin | Skipper | Kowalski | Captain Underpants | Lance Sterling | Nimona

Live-Action Features
The Man With No Name | Luke Skywalker | Dr. Samuel Loomis | John McClane | Kevin McCallister | Creighton Duke | Wes Craven | Anakin Skywalker | Mace Windu | Han Solo | Snowball | Jean Grey | Count Olaf | Napoleon Dynamite | Optimus Prime | Jetfire | Dr. Samuel Loomis | Laurie Strode | Alvin Seville | Wolverine | Neytiri | Magneto | Caesar | Deadpool | Wolverine

Animated Television
Homer Simpson | Bart Simpson | Hank Hill | Peter Griffin | Stewie Griffin | Brian Griffin | Glenn Quagmire | Joe Swanson | Turanga Leela | Bo-Katan Kryze | Father | Daughter | Heather | Dagur the Deranged | Viggo Grimborn | Stan Smith | Roger Smith

Live-Action Television
Anakin Skywalker | Luke Skywalker | Bo-Katan Kryze | Din Djarin | Din Grogu | Lucious Lyon

See Also
Blue Sky Inconsistently Admirable | Disney Inconsistently Admirable | Family Guy Inconsistently Admirable | Ice Age Inconsistently Admirable

           Cartoon Network Logo Inconsistently Admirable

TV Series
Tom and Jerry
Tom Cat | Jerry Mouse

Ed, Edd n Eddy
Eddy | Jonny 2x4 | Kevin | Rolf | Sarah

The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy
Grim | Billy | Mandy | Irwin Dracula

Codename: Kids Next Door
Kuki Sanban | Wallabee Beetles

Teen Titans (2003)

Johnny Test
Johnny Test

Ben 10
Kevin Levin | Azmuth

Powerpuff Girls Z

Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Anakin Skywalker | Mace Windu | Bo-Katan Kryze | Daughter | Father

Total Drama

The Garfield Show

Regular Show
Mordecai | Rigby | Muscle Man | Gary | Nikolai

The Amazing World of Gumball
Gumball Watterson | Darwin Watterson | Anais Watterson | Nicole Watterson | Carrie Krueger | Alan Keane | Rob

The High Fructose Adventures of Annoying Orange

Dragons: Riders/Defenders of Berk
Snotlout Jorgenson | Heather | Dagur the Deranged

Teen Titans Go!
Robin | Starfire | Cyborg | Beast Boy | Raven

Uncle Grandpa
Uncle Grandpa

Steven Universe
Steven Universe | Rose Quartz

Nexo Knights
Lance Richmond

We Bare Bears
Panda Bear | Ice Bear

The Powerpuff Girls (2016)
Blossom | Bubbles | Buttercup

Horrid Henry
Horrid Henry

Adult Swim
Aqua Teen Hunger Force

The Boondocks
Huey Freeman

Rick and Morty
Rick Sanchez | Morty Smith | Jerry Smith

Smiling Friends
Mr. Boss | Charlie Dompler | Allan Red

The Legend of Team Brunette

See Also
The Amazing World of Gumball Inconsistently Admirable | Final Space Inconsistently Admirable | The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy Inconsistently Admirable | Looney Tunes Inconsistently Admirable | Powerpuff Girls Inconsistently Admirable | Regular Show Inconsistently Admirable | Teen Titans Inconsistently Admirable | Warner Bros. Inconsistently Admirable

           Red-netflix-logo-text Inconsistently Admirable

Animated Features

Live-Action Features
Light Turner | Bee

Animated Television
Anakin Skywalker | Mace Windu | Luke Skywalker | Han Solo | Bo-Katan Kryze Daughter | Father | Snotlout Jorgenson | Heather | Dagur the Deranged | Viggo Grimborn | Melvin Sneedly | Avizandum | Akiyu | Catra | Blue | Trevor Belmont | Isaac | Alucard | Hector | Johnny Test | Zeus | Reagan Ridley | Klaus Dumont | Mugman | Tails Nine

Live-Action Television
Martin Brenner | Sam Owens | Mike Wheeler | Erica Sinclair | Clay Jensen | Zach Dempsey | Hazel | Dodge | Kinsey Locke | Morizono Aguni | Cho Sang-woo | Christopher Scarver | Wednesday Addams

See Also
Castlevania Inconsistently Admirable | DreamWorks Inconsistently Admirable | Stranger Things Inconsistently Admirable | Universal Studios Inconsistently Admirable
