Stigma Memory Clip 1
Lucia is a woman of outstanding abilities and is never outdone by her male counterparts. She is truly a knight that is always on the move. She is very dedicated to her own reputation and would never let others tarnish it.
Stigma Memory Clip 2
In a battle to protect the temple, Lucia fought enemies in a garden without hurting a single flower. She earned the title "Champion of Flowers" with this feat.
Stigma Memory Clip 3
Lucia is never one to prescribe to the doctrine of using your tongue rather than your fists, as she is seldom thwarted by any doctrines at all. In her heart, she truly believes that it's better to just fight it out rather than sit about arguing. The male knights around Lucia always feel the indescribable sensation that Lucia sees them as potential opponents, although she herself is completely oblivious to this habit.
Stigma Memory Clip 4
As a child, while assisting her gardener parents with planting and growing flowers, she secretly take sheers with the intent of cutting her hair, only to be stopped before she could do so each time. Today Lucia has already rid herself of her obsession with cutting hair and has trained herself to have an offensive yet flexible body, which is perhaps also related to her long hair which is always flowing freely.
Stigma Memory Clip 5
Although she never inherited her parent's line of work, Lucia is especially gentle when it comes to flowers. Such gentleness has drawn the attention of many of the other ladies around her. Thus giving her “Champion of Flowers” nickname some new meanings over time.
Background Information
Region: France
Height: 171cm
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Weight: 53kg
Expertise: Fencing
Birthplace: France
Stigma Memory Clip 1
Lucia is a woman of outstanding abilities and is never outdone by her male counterparts. She is truly a knight that is always on the move. She is very dedicated to her own reputation and would never let others tarnish it.
Stigma Memory Clip 2
In a battle to protect the temple, Lucia fought enemies in a garden without hurting a single flower. She earned the title "Champion of Flowers" with this feat.
Stigma Memory Clip 3
Lucia is never one to prescribe to the doctrine of using your tongue rather than your fists, as she is seldom thwarted by any doctrines at all. In her heart, she truly believes that it's better to just fight it out rather than sit about arguing. The male knights around Lucia always feel the indescribable sensation that Lucia sees them as potential opponents, although she herself is completely oblivious to this habit.
Stigma Memory Clip 4
As a child, while assisting her gardener parents with planting and growing flowers, she secretly take sheers with the intent of cutting her hair, only to be stopped before she could do so each time. Today Lucia has already rid herself of her obsession with cutting hair and has trained herself to have an offensive yet flexible body, which is perhaps also related to her long hair which is always flowing freely.
Stigma Memory Clip 5
Although she never inherited her parent's line of work, Lucia is especially gentle when it comes to flowers. Such gentleness has drawn the attention of many of the other ladies around her. Thus giving her “Champion of Flowers” nickname some new meanings over time.
성흔 기억 파편.1
루시아는 기세 등등한 기사로서 그녀의 완력은 놀라울 정도로 세서 남성과 비교해도 쉽게 지지는 않는다. 또한, 그녀는 자신의 신분에 집착이 강해서 타인에 의해 더렵혀 지는 것을 용납하지 않는다.
성흔 기억 파편.2
예전에 성전을 보위하는 전투를 할 당시에, 꽃밭에서 단 하나의 꽃도 상처를 입히지 않고 적들을 격퇴했다. 그로서 루시아는 또 "성전의 꽃을 지키는 기사"라고도 불렸다.
성흔 기억 파편.3
점잖은 말로 설득하며 절대 주먹은 안 놀린다——이 이론은 절대 루시아에겐 해당되지 않는 말이다. 루시아는 이론상으로 설득시키기 어렵다. 그녀는 항상 구두상 논쟁을 할 빠엔 직접적으로 싸움을 하는걸 선호한다. 루시아 주위의 남성 기사들은 오다가다 말로 표현할 수 없는 시선을 느낀다.——그것 또한 루시아가 그들을 잠재적인 상대로 마음속에 내재하고 있지만 정작 루시아 본인은 이것에 대해 전혀 인지를 못하고있다.
성흔 기억 파편.4
어릴 적 플로리스트인 부모님을 도와서 꽃을 가꾼다는 핑계로, 가위로 자신의 머리카락을 짧게 자르려고 했지만 매번 제재당했다. 때문에 지금의 루시아는 짧은 머리에 대해 집착하지 않고. 긴 머리를 때문인지 그녀는 공격성이 뛰어나고 민첩한 솜씨를 가지게 되었다.
성흔 기억 파편.5
부모님의 직업을 물려받진 않았지만 꽃을 대할 땐 루시아는 매우 온순해진다. 이 태도는 많은 여성들의 관심을 받았다, 때문에 긴 시간이 지난 후에 루시아에겐 "꽃을 지키는 기사"는 더 의미가 더해졌다.
Barrette de Mémoire de Stigmate 1
Lucia est une femme dotée de capacités exceptionnelles et elle ne se fait jamais surpasser par ses homologues masculins. Elle est vraiment une chevaleresse toujours sur la route. Elle est très dévouée à sa réputation et ne laisse jamais personne la ternir.
Barrette de Mémoire de Stigmate 2
Dans une bataille pour protéger le temple, Lucia a combattu ses ennemis dans un jardin sans faire de mal à une seule fleur. Elle a gagné le titre de "Championne des Fleurs" avec cet exploit.
Barrette de Mémoire de Stigmate 3
Lucia n'a jamais été du genre à imposer la doctrine de l'utilisation des mots au lieu des poings, car elle est rarement contrariée par les doctrines. Dans son cœur, elle croit vraiment qu'il vaut mieux en découdre plutôt que de se quereller. Les chevaliers mâles qui entourent Lucia éprouvent toujours la sensation indescriptible que Lucia les voient comme des adversaires potentiels, même si elle ne se rend pas compte de cette habitude.
Barrette de Mémoire de Stigmate 4
Pendant son enfance, elle aidait ses parents jardiniers à planter et cultiver des fleurs mais avait l'habitude de prendre secrètement une paire de ciseaux pour se couper les cheveux. Ses parents l'arrêtaient de justesse à chaque fois. Maintenant, Lucia s'est déjà débarrassée de son obsession de se couper les cheveux et s'est entraînée pour avoir un corps à la fois offensif et flexible, ce qui est peut-être liée à ses cheveux longs qui flottent toujours librement.
Barrette de Mémoire de Stigmate 5
Même si elle n'avait jamais hérité le métier de ses parents, Lucia est très gentille avec les fleurs. Une telle gentillesse attisa l'attention de nombreuses demoiselles de son entourage. Cela donna donc à son surnom « Championne des fleurs » de nouvelles interprétations au fil du temps.
คลิปความทรงจำสติกมา 1
Lucia เป็นผู้หญิงที่มีความสามารถโดดเด่น และไม่เคยแพ้แม้ผู้ชายที่อยู่ในระดับเดียวกัน เธอเป็นอัศวินที่แท้จริงและยังพัฒนาอย่างต่อเนื่อง เธอเป็็นผู้หญิงที่ทุ่มเทในชื่อเสียงของเธอเอง และจะไม่ยอมให้ใครมาทำลายมันเด็ดขาด
คลิปความทรงจำสติกมา 2
ในการต่อสู้เพื่อปกป้องวิหาร Lucia ต่อสู้กับศัตรูในสวนโดยไม่ทำให้ดอกไม้เสียหายแม้แต่ดอกเดียว เธอจึงได้รับฉายาว่า "อัศวินพิทักษ์ดอกไม้"
คลิปความทรงจำสติกมา 3
Lucia ไม่เคยเป็นคนที่กำหนดลัทธิในการต้องใช้คำพูดมากกว่ากำลัง อย่างที่เธอไม่ค่อยได้ขัดขวางลัทธิใดๆเลย ในหัวใจของเธอ เชื่อว่าการต่อสู้กันเลยดีกว่าการมานั่งถกเถียงกันไปมา อัศวินชายรอบตัว Lucia มักจะรู้สึกกระอักกระอ่วนในการที่ Lucia มองพวกเขาเป็นศัตรูที่เหมาะสม แต่ถึงอย่างนั้นเธอเองก็ไม่ได้ใส่ใจในความรู้สึกเหล่านั้นเลย
คลิปความทรงจำสติกมา 4
ในครั้งที่ยังเยาว์วัย สมัยที่เธอช่วยพ่อแม่ปลูกต้นไม้ดอกไม้ เธอได้แอบเอากรรไกรตัดดอกไม้ไปพร้อมความมุ่งมั่นในการตัดผมของเธอ แต่ก็หยุดก่อนที่เธอจะลงมือทำอย่างนั้นทุกครั้ง ในวันนี้ Lucia ได้กำจัดความคิดนั้นของเธอ ที่หลงใหลในการตัดผม และได้ฝึกฝนตัวเองให้สามารถต่อสู้ได้และมีร่างกายที่ยืดหยุ่น ซึ่งอาจจะเกี่ยวข้องกับเส้นผมที่ยาวสยายและเคลื่อนไหวได้อย่างอิสระด้วย
คลิปความทรงจำสติกมา 5
ถึงแม้เธอจะไม่เคยสืบทอดเส้นทางอาชีพของครอบครัว Lucia ก็ยังมีความอ่อนโยนต่อดอกไม้เป็นพิเศษเสมอ ความอ่อนโยนนี้ได้ดึงดูดความสสนใจจากหญิงสาวรอบตัวเธอมากมาย ซึ่งทำให้ฉายา “ผู้พิชิตแห่งบุปผา” มีความหมายใหม่ในเวลาต่อมาด้วย
Mảnh Ký Ức Vết Thánh.1
Lucia có lực cổ tay kinh người, không hề thua kém đàn ông, là một kỵ sĩ hành sự lỗi lạc. Cô ta rất câu nệ về thân phận của mình, không cho phép người khác lăn nhục.
Mảnh Ký Ức Vết Thánh.2
Từng tác chiến để bảo vệ Thánh Điện, từ trong khóm hoa ung dung đánh bại địch, mà không làm hư hại bất kỳ đóa hoa nào, thế nên Lucia còn được xưng là "Kỵ sĩ hộ hoa của Thánh Điện".
Mảnh Ký Ức Vết Thánh.3
Có thể động khẩu tuyệt không động thủ——Lý luận này tuyệt đối không thích hợp cho Lucia, Lucia rất khó bị lý luận thuyết phục, trong lòng cô ta, tranh luận với người khác chi bằng trực tiếp đánh một trận. Những kỵ sĩ nam xung quanh Lucia cũng cảm nhận được một ánh mắt khó gọi tên——Đó là Lucia xem họ như kẻ địch, nhưng bản thân Lucia đối với chuyện này lại hoàn toàn không biết.
Mảnh Ký Ức Vết Thánh.4
Lúc nhỏ từng nhiều lần giúp ba mẹ trồng hoa, muốn len lén tự cắt tóc mình thành tóc ngắn, nhưng lần nào cũng bị ngăn cản. Lucia bây giờ sớm đã mất đi ý niệm đó, cô muốn luyện thành người có tính tấn công phong phú nhưng lại không mất đi sự linh hoạt, chắc có lẽ cũng liên quan đến mái tóc dài của cô.
Mảnh Ký Ức Vết Thánh.5
Tuy không kế thừa sự nghiệp của ba mẹ, nhưng khi đối mặt với hoa, Lucia vẫn cảm thấy rất ấm áp, sự ấm áp này cũng thu hút rất nhiều sự chú ý. Thế nên dần già, “Kỵ sĩ hộ hoa” lại có thêm một nghĩa.
Stigma-Erinnerung Clip 1
Lucia ist eine Frau mit erstaunlichen Fähigkeiten. Sie wurde noch nie von einem Mann bezwungen. Sie ist ein echter Ritter und immer unterwegs. Sie ist sehr auf ihren Ruf bedacht und würde es nie zulassen, dass ihn jemand ruiniert.
Stigma-Erinnerung Clip 2
Zum Schutz des Tempels besiegte Lucia in einem Garten Feinde, ohne auch nur eine einzige Blume zu stören. Mit dieser Tat verdiente sie sich den Titel "Champion der Blumen".
Stigma-Erinnerung Clip 3
Lucia hält sich selten an die Doktrin, Konflikte zunächst mit Worten zu klären. Sie glaubt, dass es besser ist, sich einen fairen Kampf zu liefern als ewig zu diskutieren. Die männlichen Ritter um Lucia haben immer das Gefühl, dass Lucia sie als mögliche Feinde betrachtet, obwohl sie sich dessen nie bewusst ist.
Stigma-Erinnerung Clip 4
Jedes Mal, wenn sie als Kind ihren Eltern im Garten half, stahl sie die Gartenschere in der Absicht, ihre Haare abzuschneiden. Sie wurde jedoch immer kurz davor aufgehalten. Heute hat Lucia diese Gewohnheit abgelegt und trainiert für einen starken aber gleichzeitig flexiblen Körper, was vielleicht auch mit ihrem langen wehenden Haar zusammenhängt.
Stigma-Erinnerung Clip 5
Auch wenn sie nie in die Fußstapfen ihrer Eltern trat, war Lucia immer besonders behutsam im Umgang mit Blumen. Diese Sanftheit hat ihr die Aufmerksamkeit vieler anderer Damen eingebracht. Dies gab ihrem Spitznamen "Meisterin der Blumen” mit der Zeit eine neue Bedeutung.
Stigma Memory Klip 1
Lucia adalah wanita dengan kemampuan luar biasa dan tidak pernah dapat dikalahkan oleh pria. Dia sungguh merupakan seorang kesatria yang selalu bergerak. Dia sangat berdedikasi menjaga reputasinya dan tidak akan membiarkan seorangpun menodainya
Stigma Memory Klip 2
Dalam pertempuran untuk mempertahankan kuil itu, Lucia bertarung mengalahkan musuh di taman tanpa melukai satu tangkai bunga pun. Setelah kejadian itu, dia dikenal sebagai "Champion of Flowers".
Stigma Memory Klip 3
Lucia tidak pernah menganggap bahwa menggunakan kata-kata itu lebih baik daripada tinju, dia juga memang seperti tidak terpengaruh oleh doktrin apapun. Dia hanya percaya dalam hatinya, bahwa lebih baik langsung bertarung daripada hanya duduk dan berdebat kusir. Para kesatria pria di sekitar Lucia selalu merasakan sensasi kalau Lucia adalah lawan, padahal Lucia sama sekali tidak sadar akan hal itu.
Stigma Memory Klip 4
Ketika masih anak-anak, saat membantu orang tuanya menanam dan memelihara bunga-bunga, dia sering diam-diam mengambil pisau untuk memotong rambutnya, tetapi selalu terhalang setiap kali hendak melakukannya. Hari ini, Lucia sudah tidak lagi terobsesi dengan rambut pendek dan dia telah melatih tubuhnya agar mudah menyerang dan fleksibel, mungkin terkait dengan rambut panjangnya yang melayang dengan bebas.
Stigma Memory Klip 5
Meskipun dia tidak pernah mewarisi profesi orang tuanya, Lucia tetap menunjukkan kelembutan terhadap bunga-bunga, kelembutan ini juga menarik perhatian banyak wanita. Oleh karena itu, seiring waktu, "Champion of Flowers" memiliki arti yang meluas.
Lucia's dorm chibi requires [Move In Missions] to be completed before the chibi can enter the Dorm . The missions are unlocked once any stigma piece is obtained. Additionally, activating the move in process makes all the dorm info available to read at no additional cost.
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Move In Missions
Collector (T) (1/1) Acquire Stigma - Lucia (T) .
Collector (M) (1/1) Acquire Stigma - Lucia (M) .
Collector (B) (1/1) Acquire Stigma - Lucia (B) .
Promotions (T) (1/3) Enhance Stigma Lucia (T) to Lv. 15.
Promotions (T) (2/3) Enhance Stigma Lucia (T) to Lv. 20.
Promotions (T) (3/3) Enhance Stigma Lucia (T) to Lv. 25.
Promotions (M) (1/3) Enhance Stigma Lucia (M) to Lv. 15.
Promotions (M) (2/3) Enhance Stigma Lucia (M) to Lv. 20.
Promotions (M) (3/3) Enhance Stigma Lucia (M) to Lv. 25.
Promotions (B) (1/3) Enhance Stigma Lucia (B) to Lv. 15.
Promotions (B) (2/3) Enhance Stigma Lucia (B) to Lv. 20.
Promotions (B) (3/3) Enhance Stigma Lucia (B) to Lv. 25.
Afternoon Tea (1/4) Give 3 Tasty Desserts as Presents.
Moving in Procedure Reward
20: 40:
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