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High School DxD Wiki
By this Holy King Sword Collbrande, be it Fenrir's blood or dimensional space, all will be cut!

–Arthur Pedragon while fighting Fenrir's child, Volume 7, Life.4

Arthur Pendragon is a member of the Vali Team that was previously affiliated with the Khaos Brigade, now a part of Team DxD. He is a descendant of King Arthur, as well as a descendant of the witch Morgan le Fay, and is the older brother of Le Fay Pendragon.

He was one of the two best swordsmen of the Khaos Brigade alongside Siegfried of the Hero Faction and is known as The Strongest Holy Sword User.


Arthur is a bespectacled young man with blond hair with a strand of hair across his face, who is usually dressed in a business suit.


Arthur is a calm, dignified and polite gentleman who always speaks in a very courteous and soft spoken manner. He appears to be obsessed with finding an opponent suitable for his Holy King Sword, Caliburn. In combat, he is merciless and calculating as he cut down enemies in a cold and efficient manner. He is also a caring and a loving person as he cares deeply for his little sister Le Fay, comrades, and allies. He is honourable and fair, as he pays his debt to Issei for taking care of Le Fay. Fenrir claims he can't help but notice the "nothingness" inside him.


Arthur comes from the noble House of the Pendragon which consists of the descendants of King Arthur. He left the house after taking the Holy King Sword with him becoming an outcast and joining the Khaos Brigade in an attempt to seek strong foes. Arthur was originally part of the Hero Faction where he was Siegfried's rival before leaving the Hero Faction to join the Vali Team.

It was revealed in the short story Maid of the House of Pendragon that one of the reasons he left the House was to protect his lover: Elaine Westcott.[1]

Powers & Abilities

Natural-born Holy Sword Wielder: Arthur is a natural-born Holy Sword wielder and is able to wield the strongest Holy Sword.

Immense Combat Skills: Despite being a human, Arthur is a top-notch fighter with tremendous skills capable of defeating legendary beings; assisting his teammates in fight against one of Fenrir's sons and toying with him the entire time. During the Demonic Beast Riot and the Vali Team's attack on Hades' palace, he slayed numerous Grim Reapers, a notable feat as even Low-Ranked ones are stronger than average Middle-Class Devils. Arthur and his teammates held their own against Aži Dahāka, an immensely powerful Evil Dragon. Vali even considers him one of the five candidates for the strongest human.

  • Master Swordsman: Arthur has immense skills and talent in swordsmanship, having even surpassed his father Uther the previous wielder of Caliburn. Both Uther and Vasco himself acknowledged Arthur has a rare talent as a swordsman. He was one of the Khaos Brigade's strongest swordsmen alongside Siegfried as he could helped fight and kill one of Fenrir's sons, then later several Grim Reapers. As a testament to his skills, he fought Vasco Strada one of the strongest Exorcists of the Church, to a standstill without either using their true strength, but still superior to Kiba, Xenovia, and Irina. In their rematch, he fought Vasco before and after returning to his prime, but soon lost. Vasco and Uther stated though talented, he's too immature, vain, and inflexible, after receiving advice from his father, Arthur became more flexible, letting him fight against Sun Wukong and the first Zhu Bajie. In True Vol 4, he defeated brainwashed Sacred Gear users, deflect and destroyed Meredith's holy nails, then defeated the Evil God, Aka Manah using Caliburn.

Immense Speed: Arthur is shown to be extremely fast in battle, being able to move as fast as Vasco Strada during their duel.

Magic: Arthur has some skills in magic. In Volume 15, Arthur can use magic to store away Caliburn in another dimension and summon it back when he needed it. In his fight against the First Generation Zhu Bajie, he avoided his flames using a magic circle as a scaffold.

Flight: Arthur can use magic to fly, having used it to remain afloat during his duel with Vasco.


Caliburn (コールブランドカリバーン, Karibān): Arthur's main weapon. The ultimate Holy Sword and the Sword in the Stone. The Caliburn can generate an extremely massive amount of Holy aura that surpasses even that of Excalibur and Durandal and is capable of ripping through space. Arthur can also use Caliburn to teleport himself or others to any location and can open small spatial portals to teleport its blade to strike enemies from any direction unexpectedly. He has mastered the Strongest Holy Sword, to be among the Strongest Humans.

Excalibur Ruler (支配の聖剣エクスカリバー・ルーラー, Ekusukaribā Rūrā) (Formerly): Arthur previously wielded the strongest of the seven Excalibur fragments, Excalibur Ruler, before abandoning the sword and allowing Le Fay to give the Excalibur Ruler to Irina in Volume 11 after Fenrir no longer needed to be controlled by it.


  • Arthur is a dedicated tea lover as he is alright with eating any food as long as he can drink first-class black tea along with it, even carrying around a teapot with him to brew tea during mealtimes.[2]
  • After Le Fay decided to take the entrance exam for Kuoh Academy, Arthur inspected the school together with Issei. He also bought the academy's uniform for his sister.[1]
  • Arthur's name has a meaning of "King" which would be referring to the fact he is descended from one.
  • The surname Pendragon is composed of Welsh pen, "head, chief, top" and ddraig, "dragon; warrior" so the full meaning can be "Head dragon/warrior", "Chief dragon/warrior", or "Top dragon/warrior".
  • Fenrir's description of the "nothingness" inside Arthur could be a reference to the aptly named concept in the "Book of Void/Nothingness" of Musashi Miyamoto's "Book of Five Rings", described as the vital concept and core of the legendary swordsman's own martial arts.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Light Novel DX.5, Life.2 Maid of the House of Pendragon
  2. Light Novel Volume 15, Episode Azazel.1


High School DxD
Team D×D
Issei Hyoudou's Peerage Issei HyoudouIngvild LeviathanAsia ArgentoXenovia QuartaRavel PhenexRossweisseBennia Orcus
Rias Gremory's Peerage Rias GremoryAkeno HimejimaIssei HyoudouYuuto KibaKoneko ToujouGasper VladiLoup Garou
Sona Sitri's Peerage Sona SitriTsubaki ShinraGenshirou SajiTsubasa YuraTomoe MeguriMomo HanakaiReya Kusaka
Xenovia Quarta's Peerage Xenovia QuartaRuruko Nimura
Vali Team Vali LuciferBikouKurokaFenrirArthur PendragonLe Fay PendragonGogmagog
Sairaorg Bael's Peerage Sairaorg BaelKuisha AbaddonCoriana AndrealphusMisteeta SabnockLiban CrocellBeluga FurcasGandoma BalamLadora BunéRegulus
Hero Faction Cao CaoGeorgJeanneHeraclesConnlaPerseusMarsilio
Slash/Dog Team Tobio IkuseLavinia ReniNatsume MinagawaKouki SamejimaShigune Nanadaru
Brave Saints Dulio GesualdoGriselda QuartaIrina Shidou
Seekvaira Agares' Peerage Seekvaira AgaresAlivianBafeel Furcas
Journey to the West Team Sun WukongZhu BajieSha Wujing
Dragons DdraigAlbionFafnirVritraYu-Long
Four Great Satans Sirzechs LuciferSerafall LeviathanAjuka BeelzebubFalbium Asmodeus
72 Pillars Riser PhenexLord PhenexZeoticus GremorySairaorg BaelMagdaran BaelMisla BaelSeekvaira AgaresMisteeta SabnockCoriana AndrealphusLiban CrocellLady PhenexDiodora AstarothVenelana GremoryZephyrdor Glasya-LabolasDiehauser BelialLadora BunéMillicas GremoryBeluga FurcasGandoma BalamRuval PhenexZekram BaelNaud GamiginLilitifa VeparGragg ForneusEneely VassagoIolava AmonCleria BelialSectaas BarbatosVeves FurfurBafeel FurcasLatia AstarothIryuka Glasya-LabolasAvi Amon
Extra Demons Grayfia LucifugeEuclid LucifugeKuisha AbaddonBedeze AbaddonMephisto PhelesRoygun Belphegor
Reincarnated Devils EnkuViserRegulusTanninSouji OkitaSurtr SecondMacGregor MathersBeowulfIsabelaIle and NelKarlamineMiraSirisXuelanYubellunaBülentMarionRudiger Rosenkreutz
Satan Clans LuciferLilithBeelzebubLeviathanAsmodeusRizevim Livan LuciferBidleid Bashalun BeelzebubTsufaame Tereaku LeviathanDamaidosu Zereikel AsmodeusRazevan LuciferVali LuciferIngvild LeviathanShalba BeelzebubKaterea LeviathanCreuserey Asmodeus
New Devils BalberithVerrineGressilSonneillon
Other Devils Lirenkus
Fallen Angels
Grigori AzazelShemhazaiBaraqielKokabielArmarosSaharielTamielBenemune
Raynare's Group RaynareDohnaseekKalawarnaMittelt
Four Great Seraphs MichaelGabrielUrielRaphael
Ten Seraphs Metatron
Brave Saints Dulio GesualdoGriselda QuartaIrina ShidouDiethelm WaldseemüllerKiyotora ShinraNero RaimondiMirana ShatarovaRyuu HeikanJessica LagerkvistCaesar VilliersLint Sellzen
Gods and Buddhas
Christianity God God of the Bible
Norse Gods OdinVidarLokiThorFreyrHelBaldurGnaFullaHlin
Greek Gods ZeusPoseidonHadesApollonArtemisErebusNyxTartarusChronosHypnosOneirosEros
Hindu Gods IndraShivaBrahmaVishnuPrahladaVirochanaMahabaliVarunaGaneshaHanuman
Celtic Gods BalorLugh
Persian Gods Angra MainyuAka Manah
E×E Gods Chimune ChipaotiRegalzeva
True Dragon Great Red
Dragon God OphisLilith
Two Heavenly Dragons DdraigAlbion
Five Great Dragon Kings Yu-LongTiamatVritraMidgardsormrFafnir
Evil Dragons GrendelCrom CruachAži DahākaLadonYamata no OrochiApophisNiðhöggrAnselmusCyrilGregoriosSimeonAži Dahāka IIFake DdraigFake Albion
Other Dragons RasseiSamaelIssei HyoudouTanninBova TanninBlizzard DragonSprite DragonEarth DragonSpectre Dragons
Kuoh Academy Students Zekka MiyamotoLilebette D'Artagnan LunaireAika KiryuuYukihiko HoderiKiyome AbeMatsudaMotohamaMurayamaKataseHaseTadami KamoTadami KamoKyuji EnnoMai KazamatsuriRyuuji TsuchidaMai KazamatsuriMasato Mizuhashi
Five Principal Clans Suzaku HimejimaShuri HimejimaSuou HimejimaAkeno HimejimaTobio IkuseOuryuu NakiriNakagami NakiriMomiji NakiriGenbu DoumonSeiryuu Kushihashi
Cross Times Kiss Mitsuya KanzakiShizuka Kirino
Magicians Shooting StarMeredith OrdintonMil-tanElaine WestcottWalburga
Exorcists Vasco StradaEwald CristaldiTouji ShidouMasaomi YaegakiTeodoro LegrenziSiegfried
Other Humans Gorou HyoudouMiki HyoudouUther PendragonMagnus RoseLeonardoBelzardElshaValper GalileiFreed Sellzen
Other Characters
Youkais YasakaKunouNurarihyonMagariSha WujingZhu BajieFujimaiSalamander Tomita
Vampires Elmenhilde KarnsteinValerie TepesMarius TepesLord VladiMillarca Vordenburg
Grim Reapers PlutoBenniaOrcusPluto IIThanatosZeno
Valkyries GöndulRossweisseBrynhildrSchwertleiteHelmwigeOrtlindeGrimgerdeSchwertleite
Evies RugatimuHaz IlyusBebevu SuGvardora
Other Species Ryuuteimaru666 (Trihexa)TyphonSurtr