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Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words: "With great power comes great responsibility."

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Neia Baraja is a supporting minor character in the Overlord series.



She has unstable very mental state as according to the Overlord series creator she can be easily manipulated even unintentionally.

She would see sacrifices for the greater good a neccarry evil after knowing what Ainz Ool Gown is.


She had a rough childhood as she had inherited her father’s fierce eyes made keeping friends difficult, when she complained the issue to her father she ended up being abused from her mother with beatings. She set up to become a Paladin of the Holy Kingdom like her mother, however no matter how much she trained she didn't improve one bit and felt like she possessed no special ability what so ever. She eventually become a squire and saw herself more useful to others when following orders exactly.

She eventually heard of the Sorcerer King Ainz Ooal Gown and the Sorcerer Kingdom.


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           Overlord Logo Heroes

Sorcerer Kingdom
Supreme Beings
Ainz Ooal Gown | Touch Me
Cocytus | Sebas Tian | Narberal Gamma | Yuri Alpha | Lupusregina Beta | CZ2128 Delta | Pestonya Shortcake Wanko | Nigredo

New World
Human Nations
Enri Emmot | Nfirea Bareare | Gazef Stronoff | Brita | Brain Unglaus | Climb | Zanac Valleon Igana Ryle Vaiself | Neia Baraja | Calca Bessarez | Remedios Custodio | Kelart Custodio
Zaryusu Shasha | Crusch Lulu | Shasuryu Shasha | Zenberu Gugu
Blue Roses
Evileye | Lakyus Alvein Dale Aindra | Gagaran | Tina and Tia | Rigrit Bers Caurau
Dragon Lords
Tsaindorcus Vaision | Draudillon Oriculus

Game Original Characters
Overlord: Mass for the Dead
Saint Clementine | The Protagonist | Kyuko | Slimeko | Shiramochi-ō | Sophie Noia
