Teams are a group of heroics linked in a common purpose. Normally, a team is smaller than an organization, but exceptions exist. This is for articles about groups only.
- Only add at least 5 heroics to this category. Individual heroes do not count. If the teams are permanently disbanded or have been formed once, they should never be added to this category and thus do not count. In addition, fewer than 5 members should fall under Partners in Justice instead.
- Although teams are groups, this category is incompatible with Pure Good due to lack of moral agency, even if all individual team members meet the criteria.
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All items (825)
- A.R.G.U.S. (Arrowverse)
- Ace Operatives
- Adventurers (Warcraft)
- Aela's Companions
- Aerialbots
- Akumaizer 3
- Aliens (ufology)
- Allied Mobs
- Allied Shinobi Forces
- Ally and Jess
- Aloha Pretty Cure
- Alpha Tango
- Alpha Twins
- Alpha-1 Team
- Alternate Ben Tennysons
- Amaterasu (Masou Gakuen HxH)
- Amigos (Happy Feet)
- Amos
- Ancient Heroes
- Andy's Toys
- Angel Investigations
- Animal Mechanicals
- April, May and June
- Arabian Family (Doki Doki Panic)
- Aragane Twins
- Arcaders
- Arcee Triplets
- Archidon (Stick War)
- Arctic Freedom Fighters
- Ascendants (Marvel)
- Ash's Friends
- Asia Alliance
- Ater & Arbus
- Aurora Crew
- Autobots (Transformers)
- Avatars
- B-Fighters
- B.P.R.D.
- B4
- Babylon Rogues
- Band of the Hawk
- Bannerman Road Gang
- Bat-Family (Arkhamverse)
- Bat-Family (DC)
- Battle Team
- Battletoads
- Baywatch Investigators
- Bebop Crew
- Bee (WordWorld)
- Ben's Team
- Ben's Team (Dimension 23)
- Bert and Sheila
- Bette and Dot Tattler
- Big Hero 6 (Disney)
- Big Hero 6 (Marvel)
- Biker Mice
- Bill and Scooter (The Terrible Thunderlizards)
- Birds of Prey (DC)
- Bismarck Team
- Bizarro League (LEGO: DC Comics Super Heroes)
- Björn & Jerome
- Black Bull
- Black Eagles
- Bladebreakers
- Blue Lantern Corps
- Blue Lions
- Blue Mermaids
- Blue SWAT
- BoBoiBoy's Gang
- Bofurin
- Bolverk Squad
- Bomber Girls Pretty Cure
- Bonnie's Toys
- Boukengers
- Brigada Cola
- Brothers of Destruction
- Brown-Tubbs Family
- Bruce, Anchor, and Chum
- Bucky, Spike and Quillo
- Bug (WordWorld)
- Bureau of Time Travel
- Burners
- Buzzie, Flaps, Ziggy and Dizzy
- C.H.E.R.U.B
- C.O.W.-Boys
- Cadre K
- Caesar's Council of Apes
- Calypso Crew
- Carny and Slick
- Castle Crashers
- Cat Pack
- Cats (Sleepwalkers)
- CB Bears
- Champions (2016)
- Champions of Hyrule
- Changelings
- Changemen
- Chaotix
- Charlie's Angels
- Chicks (Home on the Range)
- Children (Nanny McPhee Returns)
- China (Command & Conquer: Generals)
- China (Cyberpunk)
- China (Ghost in the Shell)
- Chop Socky Chooks
- Choujins
- ChuChus
- Circus Bugs
- Circus Troupe
- Class 1-A
- Class 3-E
- Class 78
- Class VII
- Cletus, Collin and Keenie
- Clone Force 99
- Companions (Doctor Who)
- Companions (Elder Scrolls)
- Computron
- Cooper Gang
- Cougar cubs
- Covens Against the Throne
- Creature Commandos
- Crewmates
- Crystal Temps
- Cutie Mark Crusaders
- Cyber Gang
- Cytro (Cytro-Verse)
- D.E.O. (Arrowverse)
- Danger 5
- Danger Force
- Danger Rangers
- Darius' Team Members
- Daughters of the Dragon
- Dawnguard
- DC Super Hero Girls (G1)
- DC Super Hero Girls (G2)
- Dead End
- Death P.A.C.T.
- Demon Peace Party
- Demon Slayer Corps
- Denzimen
- Desktop Icons
- Dethklok (Metalocalypse)
- Diamond Cutters
- DigiDestined
- Dinnovators
- Dino Rangers
- Dinobots (G1)
- Dinobots (Transformers Original Films)
- Division 13
- Doom Patrol
- Dora Milaje
- Doraemons
- Doug TV buddies
- Dragons (Feng Shui)
- Dream Friends
- Dream Warriors
- Dumps
- Dynasty
- Earth Tribe
- Easy Company (DC Animated Universe)
- Edenian Resistance
- Edenians
- Eight Generals
- Eight Immortals (Marvel)
- Eitri and Brokk
- Elder Gods (Greek mythology)
- Elder Gods (Mortal Kombat)
- Electroclan
- Elemental Creatures
- Elemental Masters
- Elfa Strike Squad
- Elite Penguin Force
- Emmett, Paden, Jake, and Mal
- Endie, Skellington and Spider
- Eto Rangers
- Eustiana von Astraea