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Heroes Wiki

The Earth Tribe are one of the four teams of Gransazers in Chouseishin Gransazer.


In the past, the Earth Tribe was one of the four groups of Gransazers which fought against the Bosquito using the Chouseishin built to combat them. They were wiped out when the Warp Monarch bombarded the planet, but descendants of theirs survived in the new generation of humanity that emerged.

The first Earth Gransazer to be awakened was Naoto Matsuzaka, followed by Ran Saotome and Go Kamiya. With all three members found, they joined together to awaken their Chouseishin, Guncaeser. Naoto was reluctant to work with the other two Earth Gransazers at first, due to his loner personality, but he eventually opened up with help from Ryoko Amemiya. Once the three Water Tribe Gransazers were discovered, the Earth Tribe joined with the other Gransazers to defend Earth from the Warp Monarch.


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GranSazer Logo
Flame Tribe: Tenma Kudo | Mika Shido | Ken Shido
Wind Tribe: Akira Dentsuin | Ryoko Amemiya | Jin Hakariya
Earth Tribe: Naoto Matsuzaka | Ran Saotome | Go Kamiya
Water Tribe: Makoto Sorimachi | Ai Uozumi | Tappei Mikami

Ichiro Horiguchi | Masaki Wakui | Freedo | Mayu

Ground-Self Defense Force
Atsushi Misonogi | Soichiro Okita | Shiori Kuga

Warp Monarch
Jado | Luka | Ruby | Will of Warp Monarch

Justi Logo
Shouta Date | Yuka Sanada | Shinya Hiraga

Mio Tendo | Reika Motomiya | Shiro Jinno | Nolun

Takuto Ando | Ad | Kane Lucano | Commander Shark | Remy Freede | Gordo | Ein and Zwein

Three Shoguns
Blaird | Aqual | Cyclead | Thundera
