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Aeolia Schenberg (イオリア・シュヘンベルグ Ioria Shuhenberugu?) is a character that appears in Mobile Suit Gundam 00. Aeolia is the founder of Celestial Being and creator of the GN Drives for the Gundams.



An academic born in 2051, known to have made significant contributions in the areas of physics and engineering; believed to be the founder of the private paramilitary organization Celestial Being, which pursues the complete eradication of armed conflict. Of the few manuscripts of his still in print as of the beginning of the 24th century, the most notable is a 2090 dissertation describing a potential solution to the global fuel crisis — the theoretical basis of the combined orbital elevator and photovoltaic energy system, the construction and defense of which he foresaw to employ humanoid machines not unlike mobile suits. As the level of technology available at the time of publication was insufficiently advanced to realize the project, his views received little public attention. During this time, he went into self exile along with a close friend of his, having developed the basic theory of the GN Particles and the GN Drive, as well as constructing the supercomputer Veda and having influence in construction of the orbital elevator. Despite this, Aeolia felt that humanity was in a never ending cycle of conflict that was based on the misuse of knowledge.[1]

What I hate are people who misuse their intelligence, the ones who get caught up in their own personal beliefs and prejudices and lose sight of the truth. It leads to misunderstandings, followed by discord and then by conflict. All I want is understanding between people.[…]Humans must learn to apply their intelligence correctly and evolve beyond their current state. People must change, otherwise even if humanity expands into space it will only create new conflicts.

—Aeolia Schenberg, A.D. 2091

Following 2101, he is said to have dedicated himself to the advancement of space colonization, and is thought to have eventually died off-planet.

Debut of Celestial Being[]

After the armed interventions performed by GN-001 Gundam Exia, GN-002 Gundam Dynames, GN-003 Gundam Kyrios and GN-005 Gundam Virtue, Celestial Being sent a pre-recorded message to the world notifying them of their existence. In the statement, Schenberg proclaimed[2],

I would like to address this statement to every single human being born and raised on Earth. We call ourselves simply Celestial Being. We are a private armed organization in possession of the mobile weapon Gundam. The main objective of Celestial Being's activities is to completely eliminate acts of war from this world. We do not act for our own benefit or for personal gain. We have chosen to intervene for the greatest goal of all to rid ourselves of the scourge of war. As of this moment I make this declaration to all humanity. Territory, religion, energy no matter what the reason or excuse if there is an evident act of war being carried out, we will commence intervention with our force. Any country, organization or corporation that promotes war will also be a legitimate target for our intervention. We simply call ourselves Celestial Being. We are an armed organization that was established to eliminate all acts of war from this world. I repeat...

—Aeolia Schenberg's Message to the World


Aeolia's body was discovered within the Moon, in cryogenic stasis at Veda's core terminal. He was intended to awaken when his dream of a world without conflict had been realized; Alejandro Corner shot him 8 times with a customized pistol and gloated his supposed-victory. As soon as Aeolia's life support system detected no life signs, Aeolia's system trap was activated to safeguard Celestial Being.[3]

The following is his last message to his killer:

If an evil individual has appeared here, then unfortunately the world I had hoped for has not arrived. Humans today are stupid, choosing war, driving the world further into ruin. However, I still have faith in mankind. I entrust my power and my ideals... The world..., humanity..., they must change...!

—Aeolia Schenberg - Final Message

After Aeolia's final message was delivered to his killer(s), the Trans-Am System was activated on all 5 solar furnaces (4 with Ptolemy group, 1 with Fereshte) and a second message was given to Celestial Being:

To those who use GN Drives: I don't know whether you will carry my will, however I entrust you my final hope to you, full utilization of your GN Drives. I hope that you will use them and fight your hardest for the sake of ending war and bringing about a new peace. Not for the sake of Celestial Being, but for the sake of your own wills, as those who have Gundams.


Schenberg apparently cut all ties to his family and went underground with Celestial Being. When his surviving family members of the Schenbergs were interviewed, they admitted they knew little about their ancestor; that didn't stop reporters and world government agents questioning them for possible leads to find him.[4]
Veda is the custodian to his legacy as well as his ideals. He designed Veda to monitor the world, recruit new talent, and take action to help reach his ideals closer to reality. He relied on Veda to continue his work as he rested within its terminal until the day his dream would be realized.


Notes & Trivia[]

  • Aeolia bears a great resemblance to Vladimir Lenin, a well-known figure in Russian history who helped bring about the rise of the Soviet Union during the Russian Revolution of 1918. Also like Lenin, Aeolia has his frozen body on display.
  • The name Schenberg may be a reference to the Brazilian electrical engineer and physicist Mário Schenberg.
  • In the English version Aeolia was voiced by Michael Kopsa who also voiced Char Aznable from the original Mobile Suit Gundam. Michael's role as Aeolia marks his first role in a Gundam series after the originals.


External Links[]

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