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Axis Zeon (or simply Axis) were remnant members of the Principality of Zeon who retreated to the giant asteroid base Axis, after the end of the One Year War. Axis Zeon is also known as the first Neo Zeon movement.



Co-developed by the Principality and the Lunar Industrial Federation in UC 0072 as a waypoint for the Jupiter Energy Fleet, the Axis base was built under strict secrecy. Like A Baoa Qu and Solomon, it was built atop an asteroid, allowing it to serve as a mobile base. Unlike the other two bases, which were sent to the Earth Sphere, Axis remained hidden in the asteroid belt throughout the One Year War.

At the end of the war, when the Principality became the Republic of Zeon and formally stepped down its offensive, nearly half of the remaining Zeon forces disobeyed orders and fled the Earth Sphere. These Zeon loyalists, including Zabi family loyalists, regrouped at the Axis base, where they could rebuild and reorganize in secrecy. Even the great Char Aznable made Axis his new home.

The primary goal of the Axis renegades was the restoration of the Zabi family. Their leader, Maharaja Karn, a former member of Degwin Sodo Zabi's inner circle, declared the infant Mineva Zabi the heir to the Principality. He set himself up as regent, organizing the forces until she should be old enough to rule herself.

Over the next two years, the Zeon forces focused their energy on converting Axis, originally a resource mine, into a military fortress. In order to accommodate the 30,000 refugees, the Moussa block of living quarters was constructed. The new facilities were comparable to the round colonies near Earth, allowing permanent residency. Despite the limited resources available at their isolated location, MS development continued unabated.

In May of UC 0081, Mineva's mother died, and in 0083, following the completion of Moussa, Maharaja Karn also passed away. The absence of leaders within the confined space threatened the community's stability. It was at this time that Char Aznable, whose opinion was much respected on Axis, proposed making Maharaja's 16-year-old daughter Haman Karn the new regent. The Axis executive council approved the nomination, and a new leader took command.

Even though Haman had an older sister who had been Dozle Zabi's lover, the younger Karn was chosen to rule because of her natural leadership ability. Charismatic and a brilliant politician, Haman swiftly took control of the situation. She rallied the people under her cause, proposing that Axis return to Earth and forcefully reestablish the Zabi family and conquer the Earth Sphere. This promise of returning home as the new leadership gave hope to the people who had been forced to live isolated lives in the tight confines of Axis.

The notion that 30,000 ragtag soldiers could hope to conquer the Earth Sphere was clearly impossible, but the promise inspired the people to rebuild at an astonishing rate. Under Haman's guidance, morale and productivity were up. As the months progressed, the pipe dream looked more and more feasible.

Operation Stardust[]

Shortly after taking command, Haman learned about the Delaz Fleet's revolt. Upholding her father's solemn promise made two years earlier to fight together, she sent the Axis Advance Fleet to assist with Operation Stardust. Technically neutral, the Axis fleet primarily provided support services to the Delaz fleet. Another motive in assisting the Delaz fleet was Haman's desire to pacify the other Zeon factions that had arisen in Axis. The Gihren, Dozle and Kycilia factions all had separate agendas, and all of them questioned Haman's loyalty to the Zabi name. By assisting Delaz, a supporter of Gihren, Haman earned back the trust of the dissidents, further strengthening her cause. While the Axis Advance Fleet did not participate directly in the conflict, it did rescue Zeon soldiers and equipment from the Delaz Fleet in the aftermath of their battles.[1]

Char Aznable, however, began to distance himself from Haman. He recognized that her talk of conquering the Earth Sphere wasn't just political rhetoric, but that she had every intention of carrying out those plans. Char, in actuality Cascal Rem Deikun, son of Zeon founder Zeon Zum Deikun, never wanted to see the old Zabi family regime restored to power, as it was their greed and corruption that had lead to the distortion of the Zeon cause, leading to him to resign as Haman's assistant and withdraw from the political arena. Instead, Char wanted to created a new autonomous spacenoid government, based on Zeon Zum Deikun's original philosophies, a "Perfect Zeon Future." He believed in humanity's continued evolution into Newtypes, and this would never happen as long as man embraced the drive for conquest. Haman's plans were nothing more than a throwback to Zabi imperialism, only with the names changed. With Haman riding a wave of popular support, it would be dangerous for Char to voice his beliefs publicly, so he secretly began finding allies within Axis to join his cause.


Notes & Trivia[]



  1. Stardust Rebellion 10, p61
Universal Century Nations and Factions
Earth Federation
Criminal Police Organization | Earth Federation Forces | Federation Survey Service
Earth Federation Forces Subdivisions
08th Mobile Suit Team | 13th Autonomous Corps | 23rd Independent Fleet | Aggressor Squadron | Black Dog Squad | Circe Unit | ECOAS | Grave | Londo Bell | Man Hunting Attachment | Moore Brotherhood | Phantom Sweep Corps | Slave Wraith | Task Force Alpha | Tianem Fleet | Titans | White Dingo Team
Principality of Zeon
Autonomous Republic of Munzo | Black Tri-Stars | Chimera Corps | Cyclops Team | Eagle Corps | Griffon Corps | Hunter Corps | Invisible Knights | Kycilia Agency | Living Dead Division | Marchosias Team | Midnight Fenrir Corps | Republic of Zeon | Rommel Corps | Simbu Base Corps | Tombstone Project | Zeon Remnants - Delaz Fleet - Kimberlite Forces | Red Wolf Squadron | Midnighters Squadron | Salamanders Squadron
Neo Zeon Movements
Axis Zeon - 3-D Team - Glemy Faction | Newborn Neo Zeon | Jupiter Phantom | Mars Zeon/Oldsmobile Army | ReZeon | Sleeves
Anti-Earth Federation Movements
Anti Earth Union Group - Gundam Team | African Liberation Front | The Blue Team | Karaba | Mafty - Mafty's 1st Army
South Seas Alliance | Crossbone Vanguard | Cosmo Babylonia | Jupiter Empire | Jupiter Energy Fleet | Riah Republic | Zanscare Empire/BESPA | Congress of Settlement Nations | Settlement Freedom League | Illuminati | Metatron/Zi Zeon | Saint Gotthard Colony
Non-Governmental Organizations
Anaheim Electronics | Buch Concern | Colony Public Corporation | Hervic Company | League Militaire | Luio & Co. | SNRI | Flanagan Institute | Minovsky Physics Society | MIP | New Desides | Newtype Research Institute | Vist Foundation | Zimmad | Zeonic | List of Universal Century companies