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“Put a little love into my lonely soul...”
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Tim Rockins
Tim Rockins (formerly Tim Watkins) is a DJ, designer, and musician based in London. He was the chief web designer of the Gorillaz website, amongst other things - he was a member of Jamie Hewlett's production company, Zombie Flesh Eaters.
Role in Gorillaz[]
Tim was a key member of the web team behind Gorillaz.com. He was amongst the first people hired - at the recommendation of his brother Matt Watkins - to work with Gorillaz, specifically to program the then-in-development Gorillaz website. He'd help vectorize Jamie's drawings for the website, alongside general back end programming. He would also take part in various other Gorillaz needs throughout his time with ZFE, notably being the man featured in the White Light visualizer, alongside the lead of art direction and designer for the art of Doncamatic and The Singles Collection.
Tim was a member of Zombie Flesh Eaters, which has also worked on a variety of projects away from Gorillaz. He was also a member of Beat13, a loose art collective based in the Birmingham area, founded by his brother. Starting in 2016, him and his partner Jess Morris are most known for founding the luxury fashion brand Rockins, a line of exquisite clothing based around Rock n Roll.