- .38 Snub Nose
- .38 Special
- .44 Magnum Force
- .501 Magnum Enforcer
- .700 Magnum Impact
- 1863
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- 1941 Packard 180 LeBaron Sport Brougham
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- A.C. Peterson
- A. Frank Ruffo
- ABF Ltd. Construction Site
- A Grave Situation
- A Recipe For Revenge
- Aaron Halon
- Aaron Talon
- Aaron Wilton
- Abbandando Grosseria
- Abbot
- Abe Vigoda
- Academy Award
- Accursio Di Leo
- Active Electronics
- Adam Harrington
- After Hours
- Agent
- Agnes Adams
- Agostino Tramonti
- Agostino Trupia
- Aimee Miles
- Al Bellagio
- Al Capone
- Al Hats
- Al Lettieri
- Al Martino
- Al Neri
- Al Pacino
- Al Ruscio
- Albatross Grill Chef
- Albert Credi
- Albert S. Ruddy
- Albert Soffet
- Albert Volpe
- Alberto Cuneo
- Alberto Cuneo, Jr.
- Alberto Cuneo, Sr.
- Aldo Ray
- Aldo Trapani
- Alejandro Almeida
- Alex Rocco
- Alex Thomson
- Alexander Dominski
- Alexander Escobedo
- Alexander Noel
- Alexi Rossario
- Alfa Romeo 6C
- Alfio
- Alfonso La Ponto
- Alfred Gronevelt
- Alfred Ruffoli
- Alfred Russo
- Alfredo Arezzo
- Alioto crime family
- Alison Ewing
- Alison Pill
- Allan Barclay
- Allegra Abbandando
- Allen Vecchio
- Almeida Compound
- Almeida crime family
- Alphonse Barino
- Alphonse Evolloni
- Altobello Conspiracy
- Alvin Luna
- Alvin Puchi
- Alvin Uzzano
- Amanda Moody
- Ambassador
- Ambrose Payton
- Ambrosini Tower
- Ambush at Richie's Tavern
- American Mafia
- Amerigo Bonasera
- Amerigo Tot
- Anastasia Angelopoulos
- Andrea Maugeri
- Andreas Katsulas
- Andrew Hagen
- Andrew Jackson
- Andrew Moxham
- Andrew Pifko
- Andy Garcia
- Andy GarcÃa
- Angel de la Paz
- Angela Fontane
- Angela Laurent
- Angelina Arezzo
- Angelo
- Angelo's
- Angelo Garnelli's sister
- Angelo Granelli
- Angelo Granelli's sister
- Angelo Infanti
- Angelo Perroni
- Angelo Romero
- Angelo Romero (actor)
- Anihilator
- Anita Colombo
- Anita Laurenzi
- Anni Long
- Annie McGowan
- Anthony
- Anthony Bocatelli
- Anthony Coppola
- Anthony Corleone
- Anthony Espinoza
- Anthony Firenza
- Anthony Gounaris
- Anthony Guidera
- Anthony Molinari
- Anthony Oltrarno
- Anthony Squigliaro
- Anthony Stracci
- Anton Coppola
- Antonio Andolini
- Antonio Meucci
- Antonio Pasqualino
- Antonio Perenze
- Antonio Trapani
- Antonios LaHood
- Antony Mandonna
- Apollonia Vitelli
- Appliance King
- Archbishop
- Ardell Sheridan
- Arezzo Seafood
- Arezzo Seafood (Hell's Kitchen)
- Arezzo Seafood (Little Italy)
- Armand
- Arnold's Famous 47
- Arnold Rothstein
- Aron Gas Station
- Arsonist
- Artie Manzanero
- Arturo Lucci
- Arzana
- Arzana clan
- Assasination of Patrick O'Donnell
- Assasination of Scaleri brothers
- Assassin
- Assassination of Alejandro Almeida
- Assassination of Dissident Leaders
- Assassination of Fidel Castro
- Assassins Pistol
- Assault on Global storage
- Associate
- Astoria
- Astoria Construction Site
- Astra 400
- Athena Aquitane
- Atlantic City
- Atlantic City Massacre
- Attack on the Almeida Compound
- Attack on the Carmine Rosato's compound
- Attack on the Mangano Compound
- Attack on the Tony Rosato's Compound
- Attorney general
- Augustino Coppola
- Ausiello's Bar and Grill
- Austin D'Ugo
- Austin Sharp
- B.J. Harrison
- B. Fidanque
- Badja Djola
- Bagheria
- Baja Inc. Construction Site
- Baldo Campi
- Baltasar Barreto
- Baltasar Trelles
- Baltimore
- Banco de Cuba
- Baptism of Fire
- Barbara Geraci
- Barbara Sue Kimball
- Barbara Sukowa
- Baron Reisenberger
- Barone Giovanni Gagliardo Di Carpinello
- Barry Malkin
- Barry Miller
- Bartolo Neni
- Barzini's consigliere
- Barzini - Cuneo War
- Barzini Capo
- Barzini Compound
- Barzini Hub
- Barzini Maritime Hub
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