Arsonists are your firepower guys, together with the demolitions expert , that will help you to burn certain places and objects up.

Arsonist's icon
Arsonists are capable of the following:
- Burning hedges
- Burning bars
- Setting the fuel supply of a racket or compound on fire
Known Arsonists[]

Roy Giordano.
New York[]
- Jimmy Lira - Corleone mall (also all other skills)
- Tommy Cipolla - Corleone mall (also Medic)
- Roy Giordano - Corleone mall
- Harvey Datini - Richie's Tavern
- Clifford Vacchereccia - Corman Drive-In Theater
- Franklin Fogliano - Basso Oil Fill & Go
- Leon Castellani - Astoria Construction Site
- Harold Campi - Basso Oil Refinery
- Ray Fogliano - Opposite Corman Drive-In Theater, near Joey Katz (also Demolitions Expert)