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An exquisitely-made monocle. Ancient anecdotes say that one might be able to see the future through it.

Fell Dragon's Monocle is an Artifact in the set Nymph's Dream.


The heroes of different stories will naturally find different (expedient) holy swords, and they must also face different nemeses.
But it is oft-said that heroes who live too long, live to become the evil dragon. And when many stories cross paths, perhaps one side's hero is another side's dragon.
The tale that finally emerges will trend toward narratives that are easier to grasp — which is why heroes are heroes, and not evil dragons.
That is why, for all their strength and schemes, the evil dragons will ultimately be defeated by the heroes wielding their holy swords.

And before the dragon falls into the chasm that dissolves all things, he will think of the times he once spent with the hero. And at last, he will say:
"Yes, hatred shall not fill me. I know that you have not seen the sights I have, and that is why you wish to stop me."
"The star-beasts shall drink the amniotic fluid of the world dry. A hundred years from then, all life on its surface shall be wiped away."
"I will surely return to save all souls. Ten years, even a hundred years may pass, but I shall be reborn as a new universe."

But the hero, victorious over the dragon, will also lose the thing most precious to him during the hunt.
He will never again believe in anything that the sum of human knowledge cannot completely grasp and understand,
And to the end of his days, he shall conceive of a kingdom powered by machines and energies not derived from the elements.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishFell Dragon's Monocle
È'lóng de Dānpiànjìng
Evil Dragon's Monocle
È'lóng de Dānpiànjìng
Akuryuu no Katamegane
Wicked Dragon's Monocle
Korean악룡의 단안경
Angnyong-ui Danan'gyeong
Wicked Dragon's Monocle
SpanishMonóculo del Dragón ProtervoWicked Dragon's Monocle
FrenchMonocle de dragon démoniaqueDemonic Dragon's Monocle
RussianМонокль свирепого дракона
Monokl' svirepogo drakona
Ferocious Dragon's Monocle
ThaiFell Dragon's Monocle
VietnameseKính Mắt Của Ác Long
GermanMonokel des bösen DrachenMonocle of the Evil Dragon
IndonesianFell Dragon's Monocle
PortugueseMonóculo do Dragão Maligno
TurkishUğursuz Ejderin GözlüğüSinister Dragon's Glasses
ItalianMonocolo del drago cadutoFell Dragon's Monocle

Change History[]

