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“Prince Marth, I presume? The name's Beck. I fought in the battle at Castle Deil. After my shameful defeat there, see, I took refuge in this village. And when I heard your army was marchin' this way, I readied my ballista, hopin' for another taste of battle.”
—Beck in Shadow Dragon

Beck is a character in Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light and its remake, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon. He was omitted in the original Mystery of the Emblem, and later returned in their respective remakes.

Beck is found in Chapter 13 of either game and is of the Ballistician class. He returns in Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem as a Horseman.



Beck was a member of the Archanean army who took part during their battle against the Macedonian's forces occupying Castle Deil. After his shameful defeat, he took refuge in a village by Fort Menedy, located between the borders of Grust and Altea.

Shadow Dragon[]

Beck appears before Marth when he enters the village in between the battle against Grust's Wooden Cavalry, a mighty artillery of Ballisticians who strike their enemies from a far with devastating weapons. When he heard the Altean army were marching towards Fort Menedy, he readied his Ballista and hoped to take on to the battlefield once more, and remains in Marth's army till the game concludes.

After the war, Beck becomes famous for subjugating a group of rebels who have never seen a Ballista and immediately surrender to him.

New Mystery of the Emblem[]

Beck returns in the remake of Book 2. It is revealed that he has been wandering ever since after the War of Shadows and ended up in the Frozen Land. His Ballista is also no longer with him, which he used to help him travel to places; as his new class implies, he now uses a horse of advanced age named "Bonnie" (Japanese: ボニー Bonī). When meeting Marth again, the two are surprised to see each other, especially in a dangerous area. Marth tells him that another war has started and requests Beck for his aid once more. Beck doubts about his usefulness since he no longer has his Ballista, but will lend his aid if the Prince desires it.

In the game's ending, Beck tells Jake that he decided to go back to wandering again and vanishes after the war. He also hopes that the two should meet up again in Anna's shop some day. He never stayed for too long at places he traveled to.


Owing to the minor role he plays, Beck's personality is not well-developed like the majority of the cast appearing in Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light and Mystery of the Emblem. Based on the interaction he engages in, however, several aspects of his personality can still be gleaned. Beck can be considered as prideful and enjoying the taste of battle, as well as being easily ashamed when battle has been lost, as shown in his recruitment with Marth in Shadow Dragon. He went to the point of deserting the Archanean army and took refuge in a village between Grust and Altea's borders. When Marth's army was marching towards his location, he quickly readied his ballista packed with Thunderbolts and immediately asked that the prince enlist him into his ranks when confronted, knowing how effective his Thunderbolts can be. When he lost his ballista after the War of Shadows, he seemed to have lost most of his pride in battle, believing that since he can no longer strike enemies from a far, he cannot provide much use. He can also be described as a dopey character, as shown when he addresses Marth as "princey" rather than being formal.

Beck also prefers not to speak formally, as he claims it makes a person sound cold and distant as shown when he engages in his first conversation with Kris. However, he can be quite hypocritical since he ends up addressing Kris formally shortly after this claim, though, this could be due to his dopiness character. His dopiness also leads him to be cunning and lying to others when supporting with Kris. He often uses it to deceive people by acting that his horse is starving in order to get them into donating food to it, when in reality, Beck does it for his own selfish desires when he has no money during his travels. His act can easily be discovered if he continues just as much.

Despite having no development in Shadow Dragon, Beck also has been shown to develop a friendship with Jake, quite possibly due to him being the other Ballistician in the army. In the ending of New Mystery of the Emblem, the two share a short conversation together with Jake asking what Beck will do now that the war's over, in which Beck quickly responds in returning being a wandering individual. Beck also seems to know about Anna's secret shop, hinting that Jake probably told him some time during the events, as he stated the two should meet up again some day.


Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light[]

Base Stats[]

Starting Class
WeaponStarting Items

Growth Rates[]

HP Str Skl Spd Lck Wlv Def Res
10% 20% 40% 50% 30% 70% 0% 0%

Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon[]


In Chapter 13, visit the only village on the map and Beck will join your army.

Base Stats[]

Starting Class
WeaponStarting Items

Growth Rates[]

HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
60% 25% 0% 30% 40% 35% 25% 0%

Support Relationships[]


  • None

Supported by


Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.

Beck has great base stats for his class, and decent growth rates. His Thunderbolt weapon makes Beck immediately useful for taking out Grigas, and the other ballistician enemies in Chapter 13. Beck also works well with the other ballistician, Jake, and transformed Xane.

Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem[]

Base Stats[]

Starting Class
WeaponStarting Items
Sword - C
Bow - B
Silver Bow
Levin Sword

Growth Rates[]

HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
80% 50% 5% 55% 65% 30% 35% 0%

Support Relationships[]


  • None

Supported by


Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.

Beck has pretty decent growth rates, and will end with pretty decent stats in the end. His strength and skill seem a little low, but they are still workable, and can still do damage to the opponent. His defenses are pretty similar to Castor's, whereas his speed is rather similar to Warren's. Beck may lack in a couple of stats, but he can still be a useful unit.


“After comin'... so far... nngh!”
—Beck's death quote in Shadow Dragon


Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light[]

Travels to remote regions to mop up remnants of Dolhr's forces.

Shadow Dragon[]

Born Shooter
Beck became famous for subjugating a group of borderland rebels who- having never seen a ballista- panicked and promptly surrendered.

New Mystery of the Emblem[]

Born Wanderer
Beck vanished after the war. Perhaps he was always destined to wander, for he never stopped long at any one place.

Choose Your Legends Placement History[]

Round Placement Character Version Votes

CYL1 647
Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light/Shadow Dragon
New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL2 703
Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light/Shadow Dragon
New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL3 saw the transition to different counting mechanisms involving versions of characters and ties, so change measured between CYL2 and CYL3 shouldn't be taken at face value.
CYL3 520
(From highest)
Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light/Shadow Dragon/New Mystery of the Emblem
(From combined)
CYL4 533
Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light/Shadow Dragon/New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL5 469
Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light/Shadow Dragon/New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL6 487
Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light/Shadow Dragon/New Mystery of the Emblem
CYL7 416
Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light/Shadow Dragon/New Mystery of the Emblem

CYL8 417
Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light/Shadow Dragon/New Mystery of the Emblem


  • Beck's TCG artwork and Shadow Dragon portrait appear to be based on Jake's original portrait, hinting that the two had their appearances swapped at some point.
  • Beck's recruitment stated that he fought and was shamefully defeated at Castle Deil, which was the same place where Princess Maria was held captive before she was rescued by Marth.
  • Beck's horse in New Mystery of the Emblem is notably the first to have a proper name. This was muddled by fan translation efforts, which simply called her "Pony"; the fan translators either failed to recognize that the horse had an actual name, or deliberately sought to make a pop-culture reference in Everyone's Conditions and did so at the expense of the horse's name.

