Final Fantasy Wiki
Final Fantasy Wiki

Here I will divide enemies in three ways. The first way is by sets, and how enemies are grouped in the game. The same enemy can appear in numerous sets. The second way is by individual enemy. These enemies will be organised by their own hexadecimal ID, and I will also include their four-letter battle model name. The third way is by formations, and these will be the different formations that can be fought in game assigned with numbers. This page is inter-linked with the User:JBed/FFVII/Field page as it will contain links to where formations can be fought.



This "List" is a list of enemies based on their IDs. I have no explanation for any missing IDs. Eventually I'll add images and give the model filenames.

000 aa êúô0(äñ)
001 ab êúô1()
002 ac êúô2(ñ)
003 ad êúô4(ëöù)
004 ae êúô5(áñô)
005 af êúô6(ñȃ)
006 ag êúô7(úñA)
007 ah êúô8(úñB)
008 ai êúô9(úñC)
009 aj Does not exist (pyramid)
00A ak Diamond Weapon
00B al Ruby Weapon
00C am Ruby's Tentacle
00D an Emerald Weapon
00E ao (Leg)
00F ap Eye (no viewable model)
010 aq MP
011 ar Guard Hound
012 as Mono Drive
013 at Grunt
014 au 1st Ray
015 av Sweeper
016 aw Guard Scorpion
017 ax Grashtrike
018 ay Rocket Launcher
019 az Whole Eater
01A ba Chuse Tank
01B bb Blugu
01C bc Hedgehog Pie
01D bd Smogger
01E be Special Combatant
01F bf Blood Taste
020 bg Proto Machinegun
021 bh Air Buster
022 bi Vice
023 bj Corneo's Lackey
024 bk Scotch
025 bl Aps
026 bm Sahagin
027 bn Ceasar
028 bo Eligor
029 bp Ghost
02A bq Cripshay
02B br Deenglow
02C bs Hell House
02D bt Hell House
02E bu Aero Combatant
02F bv Aero Combatant
030 bw Turks:Reno
031 bx Pyramid
032 by Warning Board
033 bz Machine Gun
034 ca Laser Cannon
035 cb Hammer Blaster
036 cc (Metal Base)
037 cd Sword Dance
038 ce SOLDIER:3rd
039 cf Mighty Grunt
03A cg Mighty Grunt
03B ch Moth Slasher
03C ci Grenade Combatant
03D cj Brain Pod
03E ck Vargid Police
03F cl Zenene
040 cm Sample:H0512
041 cn Sample:H0512-opt
042 co Hundred Gunner
043 cp Heli Gunner
044 cq Rufus
045 cr Dark Nation
046 cs (Chopper)
047 ct Motor Ball
048 cu Devil Ride
049 cv Custom Sweeper
04A cw Kalm Fang
04B cx Prowler
04C cy Elfadunk
04D cz Mu
04E da (Hole)
04F db Mandragora
050 dc Levrikon
051 dd Midgar Zolom
052 de Madouge
053 df Crawler
054 dg Ark Dragon
055 dh Castanets
056 di Zemzelett
057 dj Nerosuferoth
058 dk Hell Rider VR2
059 dl Formula
05A dm Capparwire
05B dn Bottomswell
05C do Waterpolo
05D dp Scrutin Eye
05E dq Marine
05F dr Jenova∙BIRTH
060 ds Grangalan
061 dt Grangalan Jr.
062 du Grangalan Jr. Jr.
063 dv Beachplug
064 dw Search Crown
065 dx Needle Kiss
066 dy Bloatfloat
067 dz Bagnadrana
068 ea Cokatolis
069 eb Bomb
06A ec Death Claw
06B ed 2-Faced
06C ee Bandit
06D ef Bullmotor
06E eg Land Worm
06F eh Dyne
070 ei Does not exist (bullmotor)
071 ej Spencer
072 ek Joker
073 el Flapbeat
074 em Harpy
075 en Grand Horn
076 eo Gagighandi
077 ep Touch Me
078 eq Crown Lance
079 er Flower Prong
07A es Flower Prong
07B et Flower Prong
07C eu Slaps
07D ev Kimara Bug
07E ew Heavy Tank
07F ex Turks:Reno
080 ey Turks:Rude
081 ez Skeeskee
082 fa Griffin
083 fb Golem
084 fc Bagrisk
085 fd Desert Sahagin
086 fe Gi Spector
087 ff Sneaky Step
088 fg Heg
089 fh Stinger
08A fi Soul Fire
08B fj Gi Nattak
08C fk Nibel Wolf
08D fl Velcher Task
08E fm Bahba Velamyu
08F fn Valron
090 fo Battery Cap
091 fp Mirage
092 fq Dorky Face
093 fr Jersey
094 fs Black Bat
095 ft Ghirofelgo
096 fu (Chain)
097 fv Ying
098 fw Yang
099 fx (Ying/Yang)
09A fy Lost Number
09B fz Lost Number
09C ga Lost Number
09D gb Dragon
09E gc Sonic Speed
09F gd Twin Brain
0A0 ge Zuu
0A1 gf Kyuvilduns
0A2 gg Screamer
0A3 gh Materia Keeper
0A4 gi Palmer
0A5 gj (Bronco)
0A6 gk (Truck)
0A7 gl Thunderbird
0A8 gm Razor Weed
0A9 gn Edgehead
0AA go Bizarre Bug
0AB gp Tail Vault
0AC gq Adamantaimai
0AD gr Attack Squad
0AE gs Foulander
0AF gt Garuda
0B0 gu Jayjujayme
0B1 gv Rapps
0B2 gw Gorkii
0B3 gx Shake
0B4 gy Chekhov
0B5 gz Staniv
0B6 ha Godo [author note: 6/7]
0B7 hb Does not exist (broken toxic frog)
0B8 hc Does not exist (toxic frog)
0B9 hd Under Lizard
0BA he Kelzmelzer
0BB hf Dual Horn
0BC hg Tonadu
0BD hh Toxic Frog
0BE hi Jemnezmy
0BF hj Doorbull
0C0 hk Ancient Dragon
0C1 hl Red Dragon
0C2 hm 8 eye
0C3 hn Demons Gate
0C4 ho Jenova∙LIFE
0C5 hp Vlakorados
0C6 hq Trickplay
0C7 hr (Hole)
0C8 hs Boundfat
0C9 ht Malldancer
0CA hu Grimguard
0CB hv Hungry
0CC hw Acrophies
0CD hx Ice Golem
0CE hy Shred
0CF hz Lessaloploth
0D0 ia Frozen Nail
0D1 ib Jumping
0D2 ic Snow
0D3 id Bandersnatch
0D4 ie Magnade
0D5 if (Shield)
0D6 ig (Shield also)
0D7 ih Malboro
0D8 ii Blue Dragon
0D9 ij Icicle
0DA ik Headbomber
0DB il Stilva
0DC im Zolokalter
0DD in Evilhead
0DE io Cuahl
0DF ip Gigas
0E0 iq Grenade
0E1 ir Gremlin
0E2 is Ironite
0E3 it Sculpture
0E4 iu Schizo(Right)
0E5 iv Schizo(Left)
0E6 iw Wind Wing
0E7 ix Dragon Rider
0E8 iy Killbin
0E9 iz Tonberry
0EA ja Jenova∙DEATH
0EB jb Roulette Cannon
0EC jc (Pedestal)
0ED jd SOLDIER:2nd
0EE je Death Machine
0EF jf Slalom
0F0 jg Scissors
0F1 jh Scissors(Upper)
0F2 ji Scissors(Lower)
0F3 jj Guard System
0F4 jk Quick Machine Gun
0F5 jl Rocket Launcher
0F6 jm Ghost Ship
0F7 jn Corvette
0F8 jo Diver Nest
0F9 jp Submarine Crew
0FA jq Captain
0FB jr Underwater MP
0FC js Senior Grunt
0FD jt Hard Attacker
0FE ju Guardian
0FF jv Guardian(Right)
100 jw Guardian(Left)
101 jx Gun Carrier
102 jy Carry Armor
103 jz Right Arm
104 ka Left Arm
105 kb Rilfsak
106 kc Diablo
107 kd Epiolnis
108 ke Ho-chu
109 kf Gas Ducter
10A kg Wolfmeister
10B kh Eagle Gun
10C ki Serpent
10D kj Poodler
10E kk Bad Rap
10F kl Unknown
110 km Unknown 3
111 kn Unknown 2
112 ko Turks:Reno
113 kp Turks:Rude
114 kq Hippogriff
115 kr Head Hunter
116 ks Spiral
117 kt Crysales
118 ku Sea Worm
119 kv Does not exist (rude)
11A kw CMD.Grand Horn
11B kx CMD.Grand Horn
11C ky CMD.Grand Horn
11D kz Behemoth
11E la Cromwell
11F lb Manhole
120 lc (Lid)
121 ld Crazy Saw
122 le Shadow Maker
123 lf Grosspanzer∙Big
124 lg Grosspanzer∙Small
125 lh Grosspanzer∙Mobile
126 li Gargoyle
127 lj Gargoyle
128 lk Turks:Elena
129 ll Turks:Reno
12A lm Turks:Rude
12B ln Proud Clod
12C lo Jamar Armor
12D lp SOLDIER:1st
12E lq XCannon
12F lr (Not named) [unique model, blue sphere]
130 ls Maximum Kimaira
131 lt Hojo
132 lu Helletic Hojo
133 lv Right Arm
134 lw Left Arm
135 lx Lifeform-Hojo N
136 ly Magic Pot
137 lz Christopher
138 ma Gighee
139 mb King Behemoth
13A mc Allemagne
13B md Dragon Zombie
13C me Armored Golem
13D mf Master Tonberry
13E mg Pollensalta
13F mh Mover
140 mi Iron Man
141 mj Parasite
142 mk Dark Dragon
143 ml Death Dealer
144 mm Jenova∙SYNTHESIS
145 mn Bizarro∙Sephiroth
146 mo Bizarro∙Sephiroth
147 mp Bizarro∙Sephiroth
148 mq Bizarro∙Sephiroth
149 mr Bizarro∙Sephiroth
14A ms Bizarro∙Sephiroth
14B mt Safer∙Sephiroth‎
14C mu Sephiroth
14D mv Ultimate Weapon
14E mw Ultimate Weapon
14F mx Ultimate Weapon
150 my Ultimate Weapon
151 mz Cactuer
152 na Goblin
153 nb Chocobo
154 nc Chocobo
155 nd Chocobo
156 ne Chocobo
157 nf Chocobo
158 ng Chocobo
159 nh Does not exist (chocobo)
15A ni Does not exist (chocobo)
15B nj Chocobo
15C nk Chocobo
15D nl Chocobo
15E nm Chocobo
15F nn Does not exist (chocobo)
160 no Does not exist (chocobo)
161 np Mystery Ninja
162 nq Mystery Ninja
163 nr Mystery Ninja
164 ns Mystery Ninja
165 nt Mystery Ninja
166 nu Mystery Ninja
167 nv Does not exist (corneo's lackey)
168 nw Does not exist (corneo's lackey)
169 nx Does not exist (corneo's lackey)
16A ny Bad Rap Sample
16B nz Poodler Sample
16C oa Cactuar
16D ob Does not exist (troop palette-swap)
16E oc Does not exist (ditto 16D)
16F od Does not exist (ditto 16D)
170 oe Does not exist (ditto 16D)
171 of Does not exist (ditto 16D)
