Final Fantasy Wiki

Micro Missiles is a Blue Magic spell obtainable for Quistis in Final Fantasy VIII. Its success depends on the enemy being susceptible to Gravity and on the current Crisis Level, a hidden stat in the game. It is a middle game Blue Magic Limit Break, learned from a Missile available from Galbadian battle robots. Blue Magic is available randomly when Quistis is on low health or under Aura.

The enemy version of this ability is used by GIM52A, which halves a party member's health.


Micro Missiles is learned from the item Missile, which drops from BGH251F2 in Fishermans Horizon unless the player mugs the boss; the mug item is Adamantine, so mugging is usually preferable.

Other ways to get Missile is from GIM52A, the robot that also uses the attack. There is a set battle against one in D-District Prison, where the player will definitely get a Missile if they mug, but it is also a random encounter there and has a good chance of dropping Missiles. GIM52A is also fought wherever the G-Army forces are fought: Battle of the Gardens, Esthar City, and Lunatic Pandora. Missile can also sometimes be mugged from a high level Death Claw, easily encountered in Galbadia Garden during an event.

If the player misses all these chances, they can still fight Death Claws in the following Centra regions: Almaj Mountains, Lenown Plains, and Serengetti Plains.

Missile is one of the few items not available from cards.


Micro Missiles deals Gravity damage, meaning it reduces an enemy's HP by a percentage. How much HP the ability removes depends on the current Crisis Level:[1]

Crisis Lv 1: 50% HP
Crisis Lv 2: 75% HP
Crisis Lv 3: 87.5% HP
Crisis Lv 4: 93.75% HP

Micro Missiles does not work against enemies who are immune to Gravity damage, such as most bosses. Damage is halved if the target has Shell (Protect if used by GIM52A).


Micro Missiles deals fractional damage and is better than Demi and even Diablos most of the time, but many tough enemies are immune to Gravity damage. Micro Missiles is good against Tonberries, who are immune to Degenerator and the player needs to defeat a mass quantity of them for Tonberry King to appear. Micro Missiles would work against Diablos, but the player likely wants to fight him earlier than they can get a Missile. Micro Missiles is also good against the other enemies immune to Degenerator: Grat, Vysage, Lefty, and Righty.

As Micro Missiles works equally well regardless of Quistis's stats, she does not need powerful spell stocks or stat junction abilities, apart from perhaps HP-J, for it to work well.

Micro Missiles can be used to whittle down enemies' health without killing them to make Card succeed more often against them.


  1. (2010). "Final Fantasy VIII – Battle Mechanics FAQ". From GameFAQs. Archived from the original on June 19, 2023.