Final Fantasy Wiki

Poison is a status in Final Fantasy X. Poison causes the victim to lose a certain percentage of their maximum HP each turn. Characters in the player's party will lose 25% of their HP, while the percentage varies for enemies. Poison can Overkill an enemy if it accumulates with preceding damage when an enemy takes no action.


Ability Abaddon Flame (Mix), Aqua Toxin (Mix), Bad Breath (Ronso Rage), Black Ice (Mix), Brimstone (Mix), Calamity Bomb (Mix), Chaos Grenade (Mix), Dark Rain (Mix), Electroshock (Mix), Hazardous Shell (Mix), Krysta (Mix), Status Reels (Slots), Thunderblast (Mix)
Item Poison Fang
Spell Bio (Blk Magic)
Support ability Poisonstrike, Poisontouch

Enemy abilities[]

Ability Description Enemy
Bad Breath Inflicts Poison, Slow, Darkness, Silence, Confusion, and Berserk to the party. Can be learned as a Ronso Rage. Great Malboro, Malboro
Bio Inflicts Poison to one target. Dark Element, Dark Flan, Nega Elemental
Biora Reduces HP by 75% and inflicts non-elemental damage and Poison to one target. Unused. Mortiorchis
Calamity Inflicts Poison, Full Break, Curse, Darkness, and Silence to one target. Dark Mindy, Left Arm, Right Arm
Contamination Inflicts non-elemental damage as well as Poison, Zombie, Confusion, Full Break, and Slow to one target. Ultima Buster
Curse Inflicts non-elemental magic damage as well as Curse, Poison, Darkness, Silence, and Sleep to one target. Yu Pagoda
Daigoro Inflicts non-elemental physical damage as well as Petrification and Poison to one target. Dark Yojimbo
Gnaw Inflicts non-elemental physical damage and Poison to one target. Splasher (when not single)
Goodnight Inflicts non-elemental magic damage as well as Berserk, Poison, Power Break, Armor Break, and Sleep to the party. Sleep Sprout
Hades Claws Inflicts non-elemental physical damage as well as Death and Poison to one target. Espada
Pharaoh's Curse Inflicts Curse, Darkness, Silence, and Poison to one target. Abaddon, Demonolith, Varuna
Poison Breath Inflicts non-elemental magic damage and Poison to the party. Evrae
Poison Claw Inflicts non-elemental physical damage and Poison to one target. Lord Ochu
Poison Dart Inflicts non-elemental physical damage and Poison to one target. Bite Bug, Killer Bee, Nebiros, Wasp
Poison Mist Inflicts non-elemental magic damage as well as Poison and Confusion to the party. Spirit
Poison Touch Reduces HP by 75% and inflicts Poison to one target. Ornitholestes
Pollen Inflicts Poison and Silence to the party. Exoray
Putrid Breath Inflicts non-elemental physical damage as well as Confusion, Poison, Slow, Darkness, and Silence to the party. Malboro Menace
Slime Inflicts non-elemental damage as well as Armor Break, Mental Break, Poison, Curse, Silence, Slow, and Delay (Strong) to one target. Neslug
Toxic Cloud Inflicts non-elemental magic damage as well as Confusion, Poison, and Curse to the party. Catastrophe
Ultra Spark Inflicts non-elemental damage as well as Poison, Curse, Power Break, and Slow to the party. Nemesis
Venom Inflicts non-elemental damage as well as Poison (as well as Slow in Sinspawn Gui's case) to one target. Sinspawn Genais, Sinspawn Geneaux, Sinspawn Gui
Venomous Stab Inflicts non-elemental physical damage as well as Poison to one target. Hornet


Support ability Poison Ward, Poisonproof, Ribbon


Mixes Final Elixir, Panacea, Super Elixir, Ultra Cure
Item Al Bhed Potion, Antidote, Remedy
Spell Esuna (Wht Magic)


Immune Barbatos, Behemoth King, Black Element, Blue Element, Cactuar, Dark Element, Dark Flan, Defender, Defender Z, Demonolith, Epaaj, Ghost, Gold Element, Great Malboro, Larva, Machea, Magic Urn, Malboro, Master Tonberry, Maze Larva, Mech Defender, Mech Guard, Mech Gunner, Mech Hunter, Mech Leader, Mech Scouter, Mimic (All), Piranha, Red Element, Sahagin (Baaj Temple), Sahagin Chief, Spirit, Splasher, Thorn, Tonberry, Varuna, White Element, Worker, Wraith, Xiphos, YAT-97, YAT-99, YKT-11, YKT-63, Yellow Element, All bosses except ???, Braska's Final Aeon, Chocobo Eater, Geosgaeno, Sanctuary Keeper, Seymour, Seymour Flux, Seymour Natus, Sinscale (All), Sinspawn Echuilles, Spherimorph, Tros, Yu Yevon
25% Anacondaur, Bashura, Chimera Brain, Coeurl, Grat, Grenade, Guado Guardian (Macalania), Mandragora, Ogre, Qactuar, Sandragora, Valaha, Warrior Monk (Both), Zu
40% Chocobo Eater, Seymour
50% Behemoth, Fallen Monk, Fallen Monk (Flamethrower), Seymour Natus
75% Adamantoise
90% Gemini (Both), Braska's Final Aeon, Sanctuary Keeper, Seymour Flux, Spherimorph
95% Geosgaeno
100% Ochu